Haematologia, 17 - 1984. ISSN 0017-6559
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1984 / 1. szám Dierich, M. P. - Schulz, T.: Physiological and pathological effects of activated complement Pippard, M. J. - Weatherall, D. J.: Iron absroption in non-transfused iron loading anaemias: prediction of risk for iron loading, and response ot iron chelation treatment in ## thalassaemia intermedia and congenital sideroblastic anaemias Hershko, C. - Grady, R. W. - Link, G.: Development and evaluation of the improved iron chelating agents EHPG, HBED and their dimethyl esters Wickramashinge, S. N. - Hughes, M.: Globin chain precipitation, deranged iron metabolism and dyserythropoiesis is some thalassaemia syndromes Walsh, P. N.: Activation of coagulation factors on the surface of platelets Tuszynski, G. P. - Walsh, P. N.: Factor V: a platelet cytoskeletal associated protein Abilgaard, U.: Biological action and clinical significance of antithrombin III Sas, G.: Hereditary antithrombin III deficiency: biochemical aspects Nagy, I.: Antithrombin III deficiency: clinical aspects Eriksen, H. O. - Molke-Jensen, F. - Clemmensen, I.: Plasma fibronection concentration in patients admitted to intensive care unit Clemmensen, I.: Significance of plasma fibronectin Pavlov, A. D. - Pashukov, E. N.: Effect of erythropoietin on acetylation and phosphorylation of bone marrow histones Massaro, P. - Radaelli, F. - Colombi, M. - Bregani, P. - Pogliani, F.: Unusual bone marrow hyperplasia in a case of thalassemia intermedia Malý J. - Tichý, M. - Bláha, M. - Široký, O. - Vaňásek, J. - Jebavý, L. - Hrnčíř, Z.: A case of "acute" Waldenström macroglobulinaemia Abstracts Book Review ICSH announcement 1984 / 2. szám Fisher, J. W. - Nelson, P. K. - Belegu, M. - Hagiwara, M. - Beckman, Barbara: Prostanoid activation of erythropoiesis Radtke, W. - Scheuermann, E. - Desser, H.: Polyamine induced suppression of erythropoiesis in uremia Pavlović-Kentera, V. - Suśić, D. - Biljanović-Paunović, L. - Milenković, P.: Prostaglandin synthesis inhibitors in erythropoiesis Walsh, P. N. - Tuszynski, G. P. - Greengard, Judith S. - Griffin, J. H.: The possible role of platelets in bypassing the contact phase of blood coagulation Bunn, H. F.: Post-translational modifications of hemoglobin Brock, J. H.: The role of transferrin in lymphocyte transformation Sablayrolles, M. - Sajcman, H. - Castaigne, J. P. - Labie, D.: In vitro study of ticlopidine as a model of antisickling action of platelet antiaggregant Frisch, B. - Bartl, R. - Burkhardt, R. - Jäger, K.: Histologic criteria for classification and differential diagnosis of chronic myeloproliferative disorders Bartl, R. - Frisch, B. - Hoffmann-Fezer, G. - Burkhardt, R.: Lymphoproliferative disorders in the bone marrow: Histologic criteria for classification and staging Pizzolo, G. - Chilosi, M. - Fiore-Donati, L. - Janossy, G.: Immunohistological analysis of bone marrow involvement in lymphoproliferative disorders. The use of cryostat sections from trephine biopsies Jacobasch, G. - Holzhütter, H.: Molecular and cellular regulation of pyruvate kinase in red bloods cells Polasek, J.: Release of multivascular bodies from platelets as observedin SEM Gallango, Maria L. - Ramírez, M. - Suinaga, R.: Two cases of alpha heavy chain disease in Venezuelans Ottó, Sz.: Immunofixation electrophoresis: An immunochemical method for testing protein anomalies Open Forum: Identification of blood group HLA antigens from blood spots and tissues Lincoln, P. J. - Dodd, Barbara, E.: Experience in the detection of red cell antigens and HLA antigens in bloodstains Myhre, B. A.: The change in criminalistic methods for bloodstain analysis in California André, A. - Hoste, B. - Kamenev, L.: Importance of the choice of the means in the study of bloodstains Pereira, Margaret: ABO and Lewis typing of semen, saliva and other body fluids Lontai-Santora, S. - Gyódi, E. - Hollán, S. R.: Identification of human lymphocyte antigens (HLA) in a semen stain Obituary Abstracts 1984 / 3. szám Lambertenghi-Deliliers, G. - Soligo, D. - Colajori, E. - Polli, E.: Spleen alterations in hairy cell leukemia: A scanning electron microscopic study Valbonesi, M. - Montani, F. - Mosconi, L. - Florio, G. - Vecchi, C.: Plasmapheresis and cytotoxic drugs for mixed cryoglobulinemia Balducci, L. - Hardy, C. - Dreiling, B. - Tavassoli, M. - Steinberg, M. H.: Pure red blood cell aplasia associated with paraproteinemia: in vitro studies of erythropoiesis Trautsch, Ch. - Reiman, B. - Gerber, G. - Klatt, D. - Ladhoff, A. - Maretzki, D.: Release of microvesicles from erythrocytes during storage in saline-adenine-glucose media Heilman, E. - Ridderskamp, P. - Weber, M. - Maurer, H. R.: Micromethod for colony growth of erythroid and granulocytic cell colonies in glass capillaries Merkiel, K. - Prokopowicz, J.: Neutrophil acid phosphatase activity in patients with gastric or rectum carcinoma durign surgical treatment Kornecki, E. - Tuszynski, G. P. - Niewiarowski, S.: Identification of human platelet membrane fibrinogen receptors by immunochemical techniques Tzoneva, M. - Mavrudieva, M. - Toncheva, D. - Lalchev, S.: Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency and Rh factor Pippard, M. J. - Weatherall, D. J.: Iron Absorption in non-transfused in iron loading anaemias: prediction of risk for iron loading, and response to iron chelation treatment in ## thalassaemia intermedia and congenital sideroblastic anaemias Announcement Obituary 1984 / 4. szám Lombarts, A. J. P. F. - Jagdewsing, J. K. - Bot, Alice G. M. - Leijnse, B.: Sterile, Medium Scale Age Fractionation of Human Red Blood Cells Berrebi, A. - Talmor, M. - Kluger, Y. - Shtalrid, M. - Vorst, J.: Rosetting Index (E Rosettes/Mouse Rosettes): A Simple Diagnostic and Prognostic Value in CLL Ulvik, R. J.: Stability of Serum Ferritin in Healthy Subjects Szmitkowski, M. - Prokopowicz, J. - Siwicka, A.: Inhibition of Granulocyte-Macrophage (GM) Colony Formation by Sera of Patients with Neoplasma of Digestive Tract in the Surgical Treatment Pajor, A. - Gróf, J. - Menyhárt, J.: Possible Origin of Amniotic Fluid Constituents Influencing Fibrinolytic Activity Moszczynski, P. - Lisiewicz, J.: Occupational Exposure to Benzene, Toluene and Xylene and the T Lymphocyte Functions Klener, P.: Today's Treatment of Non-Hodgkin's Lymphomas Wahlin, A. - Holm, J. - Nyström, L.: Improved Survival in Mulitple Myeloma with Combination Chemotherapy and Plasmapheresis Dergunova, L. V.: Heterogeneity of B-Thalassemia in Azerbaidzhan Contents of Volume 17 Author Index Subject Index
Item Type: | Journal |
Publisher: | Akadémiai Kiadó |
Additional Information: | Haematologia : international quarterly of haematology, Vol. 17. (1984) |
Subjects: | R Medicine / orvostudomány > RZ Other systems of medicine / orvostudomány egyéb területei |
Depositing User: | Kötegelt Import |
Date Deposited: | 02 Nov 2016 07:32 |
Last Modified: | 21 Dec 2016 12:40 |
URI: | https://real-j.mtak.hu/id/eprint/8405 |
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