Acta Antiqua, 49 - 2009. ISSN 0044-5975 RESTRICTED / NEM LETÖLTHETŐ
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2009 / 1. sz. 1 ADAMIK BÉLA: Bonae Memoriae József Herman : "Du latinépigraphique au latin provincial" Symposium zur Sprachwissenschaft der lateinischen Inschriften ADAMIK BÉLA: József Herman : Von der Late Latin Database bis zur Computerized Historical Linguistic Database of Latin Inscriptions of the Imperial Age? BARTA ANDREA: Curse tablet from Aquincum FEHÉR BENCE: Concentrated occurrences of generally known phenomena FODOR KRISZTINA: Changes of the latin language in aquitaine as reflected by the inscriptions GALDI, GIOVANBATTISTA: Beobachtungen zum griechisch-lateinischen Sprachverhältnis an der Schwarzmeerküste KISS SÁNDOR: Tendancesévolutives du latin tardif dans la Britannia romaine (d'apres les inscriptions) KROPP, AMINA: defixionum Tabellae auf der Grundlage einer elektronischen Datenbank ÖTVÖS ZSUZSANNA: The Latin of the inscriptions in Narbonensis : Some phonetic characteristics 2009 / 2. sz. 119 CSER ANDRÁS: The history of perfective reduplication and stem-initial patterns in Latin DROZDEK, ADAM: Democritus, Chrysippus, and the cone problem HORVÁTH LÁSZLÓ: Neue historische Daten bei Hypereides GÄRTNER, THOMAS: Überlegungen zur Bedeutung der Makrostrukturellen Buchgliederungsform Antiker Romane Thomas GÄrtner KISS DÁNIEL: How did propertius 4. 8 begin? VISY ZSOLT: Bemerkungen zur Dislokation von Auxiliartruppen in Dacia KOKOSZKIEWICZ, KONRAD: Catullus 29. 20 : Hunc Galliae timet et Britanniae KOKOSZKIEWICZ, KONRAD: Varro De lingua Latina 5. 52 : Horum deorum arae MARÓTH MIKLÓS: Analogy in the Stoic philosophy ROŠKOVÁ, DANIELA: Private life of Romans on Roman Latin epitaphs ŠKOVIERA, DANIEL: Der Ungarische Kontext der Vita divi Pauli Eremitae von Valentinus Ecchius KORDOŠ, JOZEF: Traditional Topoi in the historical epic Tyrnavia nascens (Stephanus Csiba, Tyrnaviae 1706) SIPEKI, NICOL: Purity as a virtue of the Latin language in Syntaxis ornata (1754) JURÍKOVÁ, ERIKA: Matthias Bel and Trnava. An analysis of Latin written sources? ŠOTKOVSKÁ, KATARÍNA: The reception of the ancient literary tradition in works of the Universitas Tyrnaviensis TAKÁCS LÁSZLÓ: The book composition of Persius SIMON ZSOLT: Critica 2009 / 3. sz. 289 MARÓTH MIKLÓS: Introduction 295 BÁCSKAY ANDRÁS: Magical elements of mesopotamian medical texts FEHÉR BENCE: The legend of the cursive script ITTZÉS MÁTÉ: Labials delayed? On the relative chronology of some Early Greek sound changes ZERGI NÓRA: MOLY ADORJÁNI ZSOLT: SYGGNHS OPhThALMOS. Zu Pind. P. 5. 15-19 BERKES LAJOS: Griechen und Trojaner bei Dares Phrygius WHITEHEAD, DAVID: Spiteful heaven : Residual belief in divine phthonos in post-fifth-century Greece? MARÓTH MIKLÓS: Methods of conviction in Rhetoric part I RASHED, MARWAN: Chrysippe et la Division A l'infini ( D. L. VII 150-151) RHODES, P. J.: Thucydidean chronology NEMES JÚLIA: PEDH and GNOMONES in Xenophon EDWARDS, MIKE: Further thoughts on the text of Isaios 2009 / 4. sz. 405 LÁDA CSABA A.: A new Greek petition from Hellenistic Egypt? PANTEGHINI, SEBASTIANO: A proposito di hyp. II LGRQA Soph. Ph. Dain : Aristofane di bisanzio e la cosiddetta rubrica della MYThOGOPA HARRAUER, CHRISTINE: Die Lupercalia im kontext der Februar-Feste LIGETI DÁVID ÁDÁM: Elements of the tradition of Alexander the Great in Livy's second pentas KOPECZKY RITA: Hannibals Schwein (LIV. XXI 45. 8) HEGYI GYÖRGY W.: Horatius, Lucilius, and Brutus Hor. SERM. I 7 TAR IBOLYA: Horaz und das Goldene Zeitalter (Horaz, carm. I 3) ITTZÉS DÁNIEL: Paean ad Apollinem? (Hor. carm. I 21) PRESEKA, DIOTIMA: Hac Ego Saturnum Memini Tellure Receptum. Janus and Saturn in ovid's Fasti (1.229-254) NAGYILLÉS JÁNOS: Cornelia auf Naxos GLOVICZKI ZOLTÁN: Monumentum taciteum the RGDA and the Annales I 1-10 TÓTH IVÁN: Notes on Arrian's preface to the Anabasis HORVÁTH LÁSZLÓ: The vicissitudinous history of the Athenogenes-papyrus and its edition
Item Type: | Journal |
Publisher: | Akadémiai Kiadó |
Additional Information: | ACTA ANTIQUA TOMUS 49 (AZ MTA KLASSZIKA-FILOLÓGIAI KÖZLEMÉNYEI, 2009) Archived article-by-article in REAL too |
Subjects: | P Language and Literature / nyelvészet és irodalom > PA Classical philology / klasszika-filológia |
Depositing User: | Kötegelt Import |
Date Deposited: | 31 May 2014 05:31 |
Last Modified: | 30 Oct 2023 08:33 |
URI: | |
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