Acta Physica, 1972

Acta Physica, 32 - 1972.


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1972 / 1-4. szám I. Kovács: Centrifugal Distorsions and Multiplet Structure R. Gáspár - G. Erdős-Gyarmati: Relativistic Corrections to the Universal Potential T. Siklós - V. L. Aksienov: The Stability of Linear Chains Hans-Jürgen Treder: Das Lemma von Weyl Transport- und Kopplungsvorschrift J. McConnell: Weight Diagrams for the General Linear Group in Five Dimensions D. I. Blokhintsev: Stochastic Spaces J. G. Wilson: Current Problems of High Energy Cosmic Ray Primaries F. Bopp: Representation of Bosons by Fermions G. D. Rochester - A. W. Woltendale: Cosmic Rays at Manchester and Durham T. Mátrai: Recherches sur une réinterprétation causale de la mécanique ondulatoire raccordée avec la pointdynamique K. L. Nagy: State Vectors with Vanishing Norm and the Probability Interpretation L. Pál - J. C. Picoch - T. Tarnóczi - G. Zimmer: The Magnetic Field Dependence of the Antiferromagnetic-Ferromagnetic Transition Temperature in FeRh Dubna-Serpukhov-Budapest Collaboration: Further Measurement on the KL-KS Regeneration Amplitude on Hydrogen at High Energies M. Jánossy - V. V. Itagi - L. Csillag: On the Excitation Mechanism and Operation Parameters of the 4416 A He-Cd Laser A. Patkós: A Simple Extension of the Analogue Model to the Case of Scalar Currents K. Kántor - L. Ozsgyáni - M. Pipo - J. Rónaky: Measurement of the Relative Deflection of Two Torsion Balances in the 10-9 rad Sensitivity Range M. Huszár: Symmetries of Wigner Coefficients and Thomae-Whipple Functions L. Keszthelyi - I. Demeter: Angular Correlation in 187Re K. Szegő - K. Tóth: A Singularity Problem of Regge Pole Theory P. Hasenfratz: Construction of the Effective Lagrangian of Pionic Processes for Arbitrary SU (2) x SU (2) Breaking Z. Perjés: SU (1,1) Spin Coefficients F. Szabó - L. Frankl - J. Valkó - L. Turi: The Physics of the Core of the Polytechnical University's Training Reactor Julia Nyiri: Symmetries in the Classical Three-Body Problem A. J. Somogyi: Variations of Cosmic Ray Intensity in Consequence of the Corotation Effect L. Csillag - M. Jánossy - Zs. Náray: Low Light Intensity Investigations on the Photo-Electric Effect I. Kirschner - T. Porjesz - J. Bánkuti - P. Zentai: Anisotropy and Hot Electron Effects on Semiconducting Si Samples in the Temperature Range 1-300 Kelvin A. Ádám - L. Cser - Zs. Kajcsos - G. Zimmer: Study of the First-Order Antiferromagnetic-Ferromagnetic Transition in FeRh by Positron Annihilation Method S. L. Mandelstam: New Results of X-ray Flare Studies J. Bergou - Gy. Farkas - Z. Gy. Horváth: The Probability Distribution of Optical Field Emission Counts G. Marx: Checking Microscopic Causality and Reversibility in K-Meson Decay D. Ivanenko: A New Attempt at a Unified Field Theory

Item Type: Journal
Publisher: Akadémiai Kiadó
Additional Information: Acta Physica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, Tomus 32. (1972)
Subjects: Q Science / természettudomány > QC Physics / fizika
Depositing User: Kötegelt Import
Date Deposited: 26 Oct 2016 06:22
Last Modified: 20 Dec 2016 22:08

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