Acta Mathematica, 1987

Acta Mathematica, 50 - 1987. ISSN 0236-5294


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1987 / 1-2. szám Grytczuk, A.: On some classes of arithmetical functions on a semigroup GK Evans, M. J.: High order smoothness Schwinn, H.: Strong summability and convergence of subsequences of orthogonal series Fawzy, Th.: Notes on lacunary interpolation with splines. III : (0, 2)-Interpolation with quintic G-splines Malkowsky, E.: Klassen von Matrizenabbildungen in FK-Räumen Tomič, M.: Nailučšee približenie uglom i približenie uglom iz singulârnyh integralov funkcij fLp(Rn),2 Saxena, R. B. - Tripathi, H. C.: (0, 2, 3) and (0, 1, 3) interpolation through splines Kaarli, K.: On Jacobson type radicals of near-rings Pandey, P. N.: Non-existence of certain types of NP-Finsler spaces Singh, S.: Abelian groups like modules Császár Á.: Proximities, screens, merotopies, uniformities. II Garay B. M.: Metrization and Liapunov functions. V Erdős P. - Sárközy A.: On divisibility properties of integers of the forma+á Kovács K.: On the characterization of additive functions on residue classes Kérchy L.: On the residual parts of completely non-unitary contractions Brindza B. - Gaál I.: Inhomogeneous norm form equations in two dominating variables over function fields Bihari I.: A second order nonlinear differential inequality Ditzian, Z. - Lubinsky, D. S. - Nevai, P. - Totik V.: Polynomial approximation with exponential weights 1987 / 3-4. szám Száz Á.: Basic tools and mild continuities in relator spaces Fudali, S.: Fixing system and homothetic covering Bagchi, B.: Recurrence in topological dynamics and the Riemann hypothesis Goodaire, E. G. - Parmenter, M. M.: Semi-simplicity of alternative loop rings Veldsman, S.: Properties of ring elements that determine supernilpotent and special radicals Antonyan, S. A. - Vries, J. De: Tychonov's theorem for G-spaces

Item Type: Journal
Publisher: Akadémiai Kiadó
Additional Information: Acta Mathematica Hungarica, Volume 50. (1987)
Subjects: Q Science / természettudomány > QA Mathematics / matematika
Depositing User: Kötegelt Import
Date Deposited: 30 Aug 2016 10:19
Last Modified: 16 Dec 2016 20:34

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