Haematologia, 1974

Haematologia, 8 - 1974.


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1974 / 1-4. szám Rusznyák, I.: An appreciation Short biography of Susan R. Hollán Selected publications of Susan R. Hollán Leukaemia Bernard, J.: Les trés longues rémissions complétes des leucémies aiguës Garson, O. M. - de Gruchy, G. C.: Chromosome changes in the blastic transformation stage of chronic granulocytic leukaemia Fey, F. - Niezabitowski, A. - Graffi, A.: Virus-Zell-Wechselbeziehungen in der viralen Leukämogenese Deutsch, E. - Höcker, P. - Pittermann, E. - Stacher, A. - Rainer, H. - Moser, K.: Neue biochemische Befunde bei Leukämie Theml, H. - Begemann, H. - Issels, R. - Kaboth, W. - Schick, P. - Czempiel, H. - Winnewisser, M.: Beeinflussung der T-Zellaktivität bei chronischer Lymphadenose durch verschiedene Therapieformen Haemoglobing Genetics and Structure Huehns, E. R.: Genetic control of haemoglobin alpha-chain synthesis de la Torre, E. - Hernandez, P. - Martinez, G. - Svarch, E. - Colombo, B.: Beta-thalassaemia in Cuba Vodrážka, Z. - Hrkal, Z.: Conformation of human globin. The significance of haem for the structure of the haemoglobin molecule Labie, D. - Wajcman, H.: Functional disorders of some haemoglobings mutated in the haem pocket Cohen-Solal, M. - Blouquit, Y. - Rosa, J.: Use of the sequenator for the study of abnormal haemoglobins. Application to haemoglobins Saint Louis (B28 (B10) Leu - Gln) and Lyon (B17-18 (A14-15) Lys - Val deleted) Erythrocyte function, metabolism, genetics and pathology Amiconi, G. - Currell, D. L. - Zolla, L. - Ioppolo, C. - Maffei, G. - Antonini, E.: Physiological activity of fresh and preserved erythrocytes Srivastava, S. K. - Beutler, E.: Formation and cleavage of mixed disulfide of hemoglobin-glutathione in intact erythrocytes Rapoport, S. - Müller, M. - Siems, W. - Grieger, M.: Protective effect of formate on GSH concentration and Heinz body formation: A preliminary model study Arnold, H. - Blume, K. G. - Löhr, G. W.: Genetic abnormalities in glutathione metabolism as a cause of drug-induced haemolytic anaemia Szász, I. - Sarkadi, B. - Gárdos, G: Erythrocyte parameters during induced Ca2+-dependent rapid K+-efflux: Optimum conditions for kinetic analysis Bernát, I. - Cornides, I.: Life span of homogeneous red cell population formed after thermal injury Permanent intravasal haemolysis (PIH-Syndrome) in hypoplastic conditions of haemopoiesis Barta, I.: Anaemias associated with schizocytosis Iron Deficiency Finch, C. A. - Smith, N. J. - Cook, J. D. - Labbe, R. F. - Lipschitz, D. A.: Laboratory parameters in the diagnosis of iron deficiency Immunology ABO, Rh and HL-A system Mourant, A. E.: Blood groups and diseases Wiener, A. S. - Socha, W. W. - Moor-Jankowski, J.: Homologues of the human A-B-0 blood groups in apes and monkeys Hors, J. - Dausset, J. - Gerbal, A. - Salmon, Ch. - Ropartz, C. - Lanset, S.: HL-A phenotype and anti-Rh0(D) immunization van Rood, J. J.: The HL-A system. Genetics, (patho)physiology and clinical relevance Soulier, J. P. - Prou-Wartelle, O. - Muller, J. Y.: Paternity research using the HL-A system Engelfriet, C. P. - van Loghem, J. J.: HL-A in connection with blood transfusion Ivašková, E. - Macurová, H. - Bavorová, H. - Micková, M. - Iványi, P.: Cross reactions of mouse anti-H-2 sera with human HL-A antigens Woodrow, J. C.: Effectiveness of Rh prophylaxis Simonovits, I. - Bajtai, G. - Kellner, R. - Kerényi, M. - Rucz, L. - Szilvás, R. - Takács, S.: Immunization of Rh0(D)-negative secundigravidae whose first pregnancy was terminated by induced abortion Humoral and cellular immune response Stanworth, D. R.: The role of the antibody in immunological cell triggering processes Cahill, R. - Hay, J. B. - Frost, H. - Trnka, Z.: Changes in lymphocyte circulation after administration of antigen Greenwalt, T. J. - Steane, E. A. - McConnel, C. R.: The usefulness of Scatchard plots in the analysis of antigen-antibody interactions at the surface of the red cell membrane Braunsteiner, H. - Schmalzl, F. - Rindler-Ludwig, R.: Die Funktion der neutrophilen Granulozyten und der Monozyten in Rahmen der zellulären Abwehr Fekete, B. - Szegedi, Gy. - Gergely, P. - Szabó, G. - Petrányi, Gy.: Technical problems of spontaneous rosette formation. A suggestion for standardization of the method Petrányi, Gy. G.: Functional properties of T and B lymphocytes in cell-mediated immunity Hrubiško, M. - Šteruská, M.: Lymphocyte transformation induced by autologous platelets in thrombocytopenic patients Haemotherapy Tovey, G. H.: Preventing the incompatible blood transfusion Hässig, A.: The clinical use of plasma fractions Subject and tasks of transfusiology as a scientific subject and its place among other medical sciences Hepatitis B associated antigen Moore, B. P. L.: Prevalence of HG Ag and HB Ab in the Canadian blood-donor population Miescher, P. A. - Portmann, B. - Farquet, J.-J.: Pathophysiological implications of the hepatitis associated antigen (HAA) Hořejši, J. - Höglund, S. - Kořínek, J. - Kseliková, M. - Malaska, Z. - Novák, J.: Preparation of specific immunoglobulin for the prevention of hepatitis B Haemostasis and blood coagulation Roskam, J.: Some general remarks about research in spontaneous arrest of bleeding Owren, P. A.: Standardization of thromboplastin reagents and control plasmas Pálos, L. Á.: The progressive antithrombin (antigrhombin-III, heparin-cofactor) Haemo-lymphocytopoiesis Astaldi, G. - Yalçin, B.: Haemo-lymphocytopoiesis. A review Kelemen, E. - Puskás, E. - Kiss, Cs. - Petrányi, Gy. jr.: Haemopoietic precursor cells in early human embryos: Light microscopic pictures Myelo- and lymphoproliferative diseases Stefanović, S. - Radotić, M. - Dukić, M. - Ristić, M. - Banićević, B. - Jančić, M. S. - Maslovarić, S.: Treatment of polycythaemia vera with reinfusion of autologous blood plasma obtianed by phlebotomy Rudowski, W. - Klawe, Z. - Woźniewska, M. - Ziemski, J. M.: Major surgery in patients with polycythaemia vera Rechowicz, K. - Pawelski, S.: Thrombocytokinetic studies with 75Se-selenomethionine in thrombocythaemias Storti, E. - Casirola, G. - Marini, G. - Ippoliti, G. - Ascari, E. - Ferrari, E.: Hodgkin's disease of the spleen: Some clinical aspects and problems Stojčevski, T.: Haemolytic anaemia in malignant lymphoreticuloendothelial diseases Varia Ruhenstroth-Bauer, G.: Der Einfluss von kombinierten elektrischen und magnetischen Feldern auf biologische Zellen und andere Partikel Dintenfass, L. - Forbes, C. D.: GOT, GPT and LDH levels and blood viscosity factors after recent myocardial infarction. Effect of ABO blood groups Discombe, G.: Some obvious problems of a developing country Arnaud, R.: Don de Sang - don Sacré New Iterms Acknowledgement to Reviewers Author Index Subjet Index

Item Type: Journal
Publisher: Akadémiai Kiadó
Additional Information: Haematologia : international quarterly of haematology, Vol. 8. (1974)
Subjects: R Medicine / orvostudomány > RZ Other systems of medicine / orvostudomány egyéb területei
Depositing User: Kötegelt Import
Date Deposited: 02 Nov 2016 07:29
Last Modified: 21 Dec 2016 11:02

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