Acta Physica, 1992

Acta Physica, 72 - 1992. ISSN 0231-4428


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1992 / 2-4. szám General Physics R. E. Nettleton - E. S. Freidkin: Corrections for Grad and Markovian approximations in statistical derivation of nonequilibrium thermodynamics Elementary Particles and Fields Z. Rácz: Examples of uniconventional dimensional analysis T. Harko: Oppenheimer-Volkoff equation in D space-time dimensions Nuclear Physics E. M. Galinsky - R. B. Begzhanov: Thermal-field Dyson mapping for hot odd nuclei Optics and Electrodynamics H. El-Kashef - G. E. Hassan: New piezo-mirror translator for frequency stabilization of laser oscillators P. Varga - G. Kiss - Vera Schiller: Wide angle interference of coherently scattered light S. Kristyan - J. Suamosi: Quaternionic treatment of the electromagnetic wave equation Fluids, Plasmas and Electric Discharges A. Ogulu - M. A. Alabraba: Magnetic effect on low Reynolds number flow in a heated tube of slowly varying section Condensed Matter A. H. Awad: The correction term in a dislocation containing lattice A. Singh - R. P. S. Rathore - R. M. Agrawal: Phonons and elastic constants for Scandium, Zirconium and Magnesium K. P. Ghatak: Influence of cross-field configuration on the Einstein relation in quantum wires of tetragonal semiconductors R. Mejdani - A. Gashi - M. Ifti: A lattice gas model for enzyme kinetics with next-nearest neighbour interactions P. C. Agarwal - K. A. Azez - C. M. Kachhava: Dielectric screenings and elastic and thermodynamic properties of metallic glasses M. K. Mishra - Pawan Srivastava - Vikas Mishra: Lattice dynamical study of some fcc metals centered around a new scheme Y. Thomas: Dilatation et fusion des métaux S. Y. Yousif - A. N. Imtani: Shell model calculations for alkali halide molecules Astrophysics A. P. Trofimenko - V. Sz. Gurin: Nejtrinnoe izlucsenie malimi csernimi dirami C. Wolf: Can cosmic strings and an axial magnetic field coexist in a stationary Godel Universe Interdisciplinary E. V. Krishnan: Travelling wave solutions of density dependent diffusion equations Book Review Corrigenda

Item Type: Journal
Publisher: Akadémiai Kiadó
Additional Information: Acta Physica Hungarica : a journal of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Volume 72. (1992)
Subjects: Q Science / természettudomány > QC Physics / fizika
Depositing User: Kötegelt Import
Date Deposited: 25 Oct 2016 13:46
Last Modified: 20 Dec 2016 21:38

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