Problems of Control and Information Theory, 1991

Problems of Control and Information Theory, 20 - 1991. ISSN 0370-2529


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1991 / 1. szám Vaněček A.: Strongly nonlinear and other control systems Kurzhanski, A. B. - Pschenichnyi B. H. - Pokotilo V. G.: Optimal inputs for guaranteed identification Taras'ev A. M.: The function of an optimal guaranteed result of control problems with a vector criterion Chernyak A. I. - Sztrik J.: Asymptotic behaviour of a complex renewable standby system with fast repair Krasovskii A. A.: Optimization and stochastic dynamics in the state space Korovin, S. K. - Nikitina M. G. and Nikitin S. V.: Infinite-dimensional systems: Approximate controllability and observability. Part I 1991 / 2. szám Kramosil, I.: Definition and recognition of classical sets by the rough ones Korovin, S. K. - Nikitina M. G. and Nikitin S. V.: Infinite-dimensional systems: Design of Sakawa controllers. Part II Hulkó G.: Lumped input and distributed output systems at the control of distributed parameter systems Chentsov, A. G.: On the construction of solution to nonregular problems of optimal control Lemos J. M.: Long-range adaptive control of ARMAX plants with accessible disturbances Haroutunian E. A. - Maroutian R. Sh.: (E, Delta)-achievable rates for multiple descriptions of random varying source 1991 / 3. szám Studniarski, M.: The discrete maximum principle as a sufficient optimality condition Malanowski, K.: Stability and sensitivity analysis of discrete optimal control problems Papageorgiou, S.: Relaxability and well-posedness for infinite dimensional optimal control problems Nguyen Van Su: Null-controllability of infinite-dimensional discrete-time system with restrained control Gabasov, R. - Kirillova, F. M.: Optimization of dynamical systems with identification of input perturbations 1991 / 4. szám Papageorgiou, N. S.: On the optimal control and relaxation of finite dimensional systems driven by maximal monotone differential inclusions Ferrante, M.: On finite dimensional filtering in discrete time Martos, B.: Viable control trajectories in linear systems Korbicz, J. - Podladchikov, V. - Bidyuk, P.: Suboptimal control algorithm for discrete systems Mikleš, J. - Mészáros, A.: A decoupling pole-placement controller for a class of multivariable systems 1991 / 5. szám Smagina, Ye. M.: A method of designing of observable output ensuring given zeros location Shiryayev, V. I.: Minimax filtering in real time of multistage systems Ishii, H. - Menaldi, J-L. - Zaremba, L.: Viscosity solutions of the Bellman equation on an attainable set Rosinová, D.: On decentralized stabilization of large-scale linear discrete systems Timofeev, A. V.: Non-asymptotic solution of confidence estimation parameter task of a non-linear regression by means of sequential analysis Emelyanv, S. V. - Zhivoglyadov, P. V. - Korovin. S. K.: Analysis of admissible perturbations and stabilization of uncertain discrete-time plants 1991 / 6. szám Veselý, V. - Barč, V. - Hindi, K. S.: A decentralized control scheme for continuous-time systems through partial aggregation Faragó, A. - Linder, T. - Lugosi, G.: Nearest neighbor search and classification on O(1) time En-hui Yang: Universal almost sure data compression for abstract alphabets and arbitrary fidelity criterions Gabasov, R. - Kirillova, F. M. - Gaishun, P. V. - Prischepova, S. V.: Synthesis of optimal controls on nonexact measurements of output signals Otáhal, A.: Parameter estimation for nearest neighbour Gaussian random fields in the plane Carbonez, A. - Györfi, L. - van der Meulen, E. C.: Nonparametric entropy estimation based on randomly censored data Morvai, G.: Empirical log-optimal portfolio selection Lugosi, G.: Pattern classification from distorted sample Linder, T.: On asymptotically optimal companding quantization

Item Type: Journal
Publisher: Akadémiai Kiadó
Additional Information: Problems of Control and Information Theory, Vol. 20. (Budapest, 1991)
Subjects: Q Science / természettudomány > QA Mathematics / matematika > QA75 Electronic computers. Computer science / számítástechnika
T Technology / alkalmazott, műszaki tudományok > TK Electrical engineering. Electronics Nuclear engineering / elektrotechnika, elektronika, atomtechnika
Depositing User: Kötegelt Import
Date Deposited: 11 Oct 2016 06:53
Last Modified: 04 Jan 2017 16:42

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