Acta Mathematica, 1993

Acta Mathematica, 61 - 1993. ISSN 0236-5294


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1993 / 1-2. szám Yoneda, K.: Uniqueness theorems for Walsh series under a strong condition Di Concilio, A. - Naimpally, S. A.: Uniform continuity in sequentially uniform spaces Albert, G. E. - Wade, W. R.: Haar systems for compact geometries Ishii, H.: Transition layer phenomena of the solutions of boundary value problems for differential equations with discontinuity Sato, R.: An ergodic maximal equality for nonsingular flows and applications Feigelstock, S.: On fissible modules Balázs, Katherine - Kilgore, T.: Interpolation and simultaneous mean convergence of derivatives Ashraf, M. - Quadri, M. A.: Some conditions for the commutativity of rings Criscuolo, Giuliana - Mastroianni, G.: Estimates of the Shepard interpolatory procedure Przemski, M.: A decomposition of continuity and -continuity Joó I.: On the control of a net of strings Lengvárszky Zs.: Independent subsets in modular lattices of breadth two Komjáth P. - Shelah, S.: A consistent edge partition theorem for infinite graphs Karsai J.: On the asymptotic behaviour of the solutions of a second order linear differential equation with small damping Joó M.: On additive functions Gát G.: Investigations of certain operators with respect to the Vilenkin system Bognár M.: On pseudomanifolds with boundary. II Losonczi L.: Measurable solutions of functional equations of sum form 1993 / 3-4. szám Argyros, I. K.: Some methods for finding error bounds for Newton-like methods under mild differentiability conditions Dikranjan, D. - Giuli, E.: Epis in categories of convergence spaces Kannappan, P. L. - Sahoo, P. K.: Sum form equations of multiplicative type Chen, H. L. - Chui, C. K.: On a generalized Euler spline and its applications to the study of convergence in cardinal interpolation and solutions of certain extremal problems Sánchez Ruiz, L. M.: On some topological vector spaces related to the general open mapping theorem Wolke, D.: Some applications to zero density theorems for L-functions Sommer, M. - Strauss, H.: Order of strong uniqueness in best L-approximation by spline spaces Kasana, H. S.: On approximation of unbounded functions by linear combinations of modified Szász-Mirakian operators Colzani, L.: Expansions in Legendre polynomials and Lagrange interpolation Joó I.: On the control of a circular membrane. I Horváth M.: Uniform estimations of the Green function for the singular Schrödinger operator Indlekofer, K.-H. - Kátai I.: On the distribution of translates of additive functions Szabados J.: On the order of magnitude of fundamental polynomials of hermite interpolation Buczolich, Z. - Evans, M. J. - Humke, P. D.: Approximate high order smoothness

Item Type: Journal
Publisher: Akadémiai Kiadó
Additional Information: Acta Mathematica Hungarica, Volume 61. (1993)
Subjects: Q Science / természettudomány > QA Mathematics / matematika
Depositing User: Kötegelt Import
Date Deposited: 30 Aug 2016 10:17
Last Modified: 16 Dec 2016 20:48

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