Acta Mathematica, 1992

Acta Mathematica, 59 - 1992. ISSN 0236-5294


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1992 / 1-2. szám Szabó Gy.: F-Orthogonally additive mappings. II Erdős L.: On some problems of P. Turán concerning power sums of complex numbers Joó I.: On the control of a rectangular membrane Kovács Katalin: On total additive solution of some equations Győrvári J. - Mihálykó Cs.: The numerical solution of nonlinear differential equations by spline functions Ky, N. X.: On approximation of functions by polynomials with weight Ésik Z.: Varieties of automata and transformation semigroups Berman, D. L.: ekstremal’nye zadači teorii polinomialunih operatorov Borwein, D.: Tauberian theorems concerning power series with non-negative coefficients Bojanic, R. - Cheng, F.: Rate of convergence of Hermite-Fejér polynomials for functions with derivatives of bounded variation Gajda Z.: Note on decomposition of bounded functions into the sum of periodic terms Ramadan, M.: Influence of normality on maximal subgroups of Sylow subgroups of a finite group Sakai, R.: Certain unbounded Hermite-Fejér interpolatory polynomial operators Tateoka, J.: The modulus of continuity and the best approximation over the dyadic group Kunzi, H. P.: Complete quasi-pseudo-metric spaces Masterson, J.: A nonstandard result about path continuity Munoz Rivera, J. E.: Remarks on the optimal control problem for a strongly non linear hyperbolic system Mohamed, A. S.: Numerical solution by spline method for an elastic problem Molnár E.: Polyhedron complexes with simply transitive group actions and their realizations Konstruktion des regulären Siebzehnecks mit Lineal und Streckenüberträger Bognár M.: On pseudomanifolds with boundary. I Joó I.: A remark on the vibration of a circular membrane in different points 1992 / 3-4. szám Đao, N. T.: Endomorphism rings of Abelian groups as isomorphic restrictions of full endomorphism rings. II Malkowsky, E.: On the extension of two theorems by maddox to generalized sets of cesaro summable sequences Luu, D. Q.: Convergence and lattice properties of a class of martingale-like sequences Suen, C.-Y.: The numerical radius of a completely bounded map Okutoyi, J. I.: A note on generalized köthe-toeplitz duals Tarafdar, E.: On the existence of nash equilibrium point for a game between infinitely many players with noncompact strategy sets Avgerinos, E. - Flytzanis, E. - Papageorgiou, N. S.: On U(·)-invariance for finite and infinite dimensional control systems Birkenmeier, G. F.: Decompositions of Baer-like rings Berman, D. L.: Neobhodimye i dostatočnye usloviâ shodimosti rasširennyh interpolâcionnyh processov vysšego porâdka v metrike Lp Nieto, J. J.: Positive solutions of nonlinear problems at resonance Angelov, V. G.: Uniform asymptotic stability and contractive semigroups of mappings in uniform spaces Kamal, A. A. M.: Idempotents in polynomial rings Joó I.: On the optimal control of circular membranes Sebestyén Z. - Stochel, J. - Paez, J.: Restrictions of normal operators Buczolich, Z.: A v-integrable function which is not lebesgue integrable on any portion of the unit square Gal, S. G. - Szabados J.: On monotone and doubly monotone polynomial approximation Kovács Katalin: Complex-valued multiplicative functions with monotonicity properties Kovács Z. - Tamássy L.: Yano-ledger connection and induced connection on vector bundles Vértesi P. - Xu, Y.: Weighted L p convergence of hermite interpolation of higher order Ruzsa I. Z.: On the number of sums and differences Petz, D.: Characterization of the relative entropy of states of matrix algebras

Item Type: Journal
Publisher: Akadémiai Kiadó
Additional Information: Acta Mathematica Hungarica, Volume 59. (1992)
Subjects: Q Science / természettudomány > QA Mathematics / matematika
Depositing User: Kötegelt Import
Date Deposited: 30 Aug 2016 10:16
Last Modified: 16 Dec 2016 20:47

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