Acta Mathematica, 1983

Acta Mathematica, 42 - 1983. ISSN 0001-5954


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1983 / 1-2. szám Ferenczi M.: Measures on cylindric algebras Petz D.: On spectral and central states on Banach algebras Győrvári J.: Lakunäre Interpolation mit Spline-Funktionen Tanović-Miller, N.: On strong convergence of trigonometric and Fourier series Győry K.: Bounds for the solutions of norm form, discriminant form and index form equations in finitely generated integral domains Bejdar, K. I. - Salavova, K.: O rešetkah N-radikalov, strogih sleva radikalov, nasledstvennyh sleva radikalov Grecu, E.: Détermination des géodésiques de certains espaces riemanniens singuliers Parhi, N.: On non-oscillatory solutions of second order differential inequalities Matolcsy K.: Refined extensions of syntopogenous structures and quasi-uniformities Alimov, Š. A. - Joó I.: On the eigenfunction expansions associated with the Schrödinger operator having spherically symmetrical potential Maknys, M.: On the distance between consecutive prime ideal numbers in sectors Karamzadeh, O. A. S.: On the Krull intersection theorem Kubacki, K. S. - Szynal, D.: Weak convergence of martingales with random indices to infinitely divisible laws Berman, D. L.: Rešenie odnoj ekstremal'noj zadači teorii operatorov Jain, R. K.: Semigroups with primary ideals of prime power Komornik V.: On the distribution of the eigenvalues of an orthonormal system, consisting of eigenfunctions of higher order of a linear differential operator 1983 / 3-4. szám Füredi Z.: An intersection problem with 6 extremes Cao Czâ-Din: Ob operatorah tipa Kantoroviča i integral'nyh splajnah Senberga Móricz F.: Lebesgue functions and multiple function series. III Leavitt, W. G.: Upper radicals of regular classes Alon, N.: A note on the decomposition of graphs into isomorphic matchings Gut, A.: Complete convergence and convergence rates for randomly indexed partial sums with an application to some first passage times Bácsó S.: Eine Charakterisierung der Finslerschen Räume von konstanter Krümmung Yoneda, K.: Fourier transforms and convolutions of generalized measures defined on the dyadic field Pal, B. K. - Mukhopadhyay, S. N.: The Cesaro-Denjoy-Bochner scale of integration Yahya, S. M.: On an iomorphism Collier, M. G. - Kelingos, J. A.: Periodic Beurling distributions Oswald, P.: On some convergence properties of Haar-Fourier series in the classes f(L) Kátai I.: Multiplicative functions with regularity properties. I Kroó A.: On the unicity of best L1-approximation by polynomials of several variables Csörgő S. - Tandori K. - Totik V.: On the strong law of large numbers for pairwise independent random variables Sebestyén Z.: A moment problem with respect to C*-algebras Garay B. M.: Metrization and Liapunov functions. I Huhn A. P.: A reduced free product of distributive lattices. I Petruska G.: Derivatives take every value on the set of approximate continuity points

Item Type: Journal
Publisher: Akadémiai Kiadó
Additional Information: Acta Mathematica Hungarica, Volume 42. (1983)
Subjects: Q Science / természettudomány > QA Mathematics / matematika
Depositing User: Kötegelt Import
Date Deposited: 30 Aug 2016 10:14
Last Modified: 16 Dec 2016 20:29

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