Acta Mathematica, 1983

Acta Mathematica, 41 - 1983. ISSN 0001-5954


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1983 / 1-2. szám Fried E.: Some properties of the category of integral domains Czédli G. - Lenkehegyi A.: On congruence n-distributivity of ordered algebras Liu, C. I. - Chow, Y.: Enumeration of connected spanning subgraphs of a planar graph Ceder, J. - Petruska G.: Most Darboux Baire 1 functions map big sets onto small sets Chung, K. T. - Cho, C. H.: Some recurrence relations and Einstein's connection in 2-dimensional unified field theory Shendge, G. R. - Joshi, S. R.: Abstract measure differential inequalities and applications Luc D. T.: On Nash equilibrium. II Mohapatra, R. N. - Chandra, P.: Degree of approximation of functions in the Hölder metric Katsaras, A. K.: On the strict topology in the non-locally convex setting. II Grande, Z.: Un théoreme sur la mesurabilité des fonctions de deux variables Turinici, M.: Differential lipschitzianness tests on abstract quasi-metric spaces Schwinn, H.: On strong summability of orthogonal series by Euler methods Leindler L.: On very strong summability of orthogonal series by Euler method O'Malley, R. J.: Bi-selective derivatives are of honorary Baire class two Rao, G. L. N.: A unification of generalizations of the Laplace transform and generalized functions Bell, H. E.: Quasi-centers, quasi-commutators, and ring commutativity Pálfy P. P. - Szalay M.: The distribution of the character degrees of the symmetric p-groups Tandori K.: Über die Cesarosche Summierbarkeit der Funktionenreihen Móricz F.: Some remarks on the notion of regular convergence of multiple series Erdős P. - Freud R. - Hegyvári N.: Arithmetical properties of permutations of integers Freud R.: On sums of subsequent terms of permutations 1983 / 3-4. szám Misra, N.: A generalization of the Freud-Sharma operators Yoneda, K.: Sets of multiplicity on the dyadic group Baird, B. B. - Martinez, J.: The semigroup of partial l-isomorphisms of an abelian l-group Mashhour, A. S. - Hasanein, I. A. - El-Deeb, S. N.: a-continuous and a-open mappings Pamfilos, P.: On the shadow lines of a convex surface Kunze, M.: Zappa products Grimeisen, G.: Continuous incidence relations of topological planes Perelli, A. - Zannier, U.: On sums of distinct integers belonging to certain sequences Kátai I.: {M}-additive functions. I Harmanci, A.: On a class of Schur AW*-algebras Ahmad, K. - Maskey, S. M.: Characterizations of Schauder decompositions in Banach spaces Totik V.: Uniform approximation by Szász-Mirakjan type operators Erdős P. - Sárközy A.: On almost divisibility properties of sequences of integers. I Tandori K.: Bemerkung zu der Arbeit "Über die Lebesgueschen Funktionen. II" Móricz F.: A general moment inequality for the maximum of the rectangular partial sums of multiple series Szenthe J.: A generalization of the Weyl group Simon P.: On the divergence of Vilenkin-Fourier series Saff, E. B. - Varga, R. S.: A note on the sharpness of J. L. Walsh's theorem and its extensions for interpolation in the roots of unity

Item Type: Journal
Publisher: Akadémiai Kiadó
Additional Information: Acta Mathematica Hungarica, Volume 41. (1983)
Subjects: Q Science / természettudomány > QA Mathematics / matematika
Depositing User: Kötegelt Import
Date Deposited: 30 Aug 2016 10:14
Last Modified: 16 Dec 2016 20:28

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