Acta Antiqua, 2008

Acta Antiqua, 48 - 2008. ISSN 0044-5975 RESTRICTED / NEM LETÖLTHETŐ

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2008 / 1-2. sz. 1 NOEL, WILLIAM - EASTERLING, PATRICIA - HORVÁTH LÁSZLÓ: Introduction EASTERLING, PATRICIA: Fata libellorum: Hyperides and the transmission of attic oratory AUSTIN, COLIN: Marriage on the rocks: Pamphile in Menander' s Epitrepontes RITOÓK ZSIGMOND: Problems in Euripides' Antiope TRÉDÉ, MONIQUE: Sur la culture d' Aristophane: Trois Notules HANDLEY, ERIC W.: Reading and reconstruction: A fragment of old comedy from Oxyrhynchus TEGYEY IMRE: Erwartungen und Enttäuschungen des Publikums von Menander THOMPSON, DOROTHY J.: The ptolemaic library project MARÓTH MIKLÓS: Aristoteles pseudo-philosophus WILSON, NIGEL G.: More about Gpafetai variants RHODES, P. J.: Thucydides and his audience: What thucydides explains and what he does not CAREY, CHRIS: Hipponax narrator HAVAS LÁSZLÓ: La Tradition Textuelle Des "Admonitions"; De Saint Étienne De Hongrie EDWARDS, MIKE: Some thoughts on the text of Isaios HORVÁTH LÁSZLÓ: Note to Hyperides in Timandrum THÜR, GERHARD: Zu MiSThOSiS und phaSiS oikoy opphanikoy in hypereides, gegen timandros WHITEHEAD, DAVID: Fact and fantasy in Greek military writers NORTH, JOHN A.: Restoring Festus from Paul's epitome HERRMAN, JUDSON: The authenticity of the Demosthenic Funeral Oration KAPETANAKI, SOPHIA: Transmission of byzantine hagiographical texts in the palaeologan period: The case of the Life of St Maximos Kausokalyves FARKAS ZOLTÁN: Literary criticism in Psellus' short history MÉSZÁROS TAMÁS: Some thoughts on the fragments of antiphon JUHÁSZ, ERIKA: Solon, the herald of Salamis EGEDI-KOVÁCS EMESE: La "Morte Vivante" Dans le Cliges de Chrétien et le roman grec PRESEKA, DIOTIMA: Legendary figures in Ovid's Fasti ÖTVÖS ZSUZSANNA: A renaissance vocabularium by Janus Pannonius? (ÖNB Suppl. Gr. 45) LIGETI DÁVID ÁDÁM: The role of Alexander the Great in Livy's historiography GRIFFITH-WILLIAMS, BRENDA: 'Those who know the facts': Witnesses and their testimony in Isaios 9 BERKES LAJOS: Gyges und Aladdin - Ein Persisches Motiv in Der Griechischen und in der Arabischen Märchenwelt SHARPLES, ROBERT WILLIAM: Habent sua fata libelli: Aristotle's Categories in the first century BC 2008 / 3-4. sz. 299 SIMON ZSOLT: How to find the Proto-Indo-European homeland? A methodological essay? ADORJÁNI ZSOLT: Pindarus allegoricus zur Deutung der 2. und 3. olympischen Ode BALOG JÁNOS - SCHILLER RÓBERT: Nessus' blood: Chemistry in mythology RITOÓK ZSIGMOND: Parmenons Schwein Unterschiedliche Interpretationen einer Anekdote BUTTERFIELD, DAVID: Three Lucretian emendations GÄRTNER, THOMAS: Selbstmord in der römischen Epik der Nachaugusteischen Zeit KOVÁCS PÉTER: Das Regenwunder Marc Aurels PRIMMER, ADOLF: Akte und Spannung : Zur hellenistischen Theorie der Komödienstruktur bei Aelius Donatus SCHREINER, SONJA MARTINA: Ein Lateinisches Poetikhandbuch aus Buda: Die Ars Poetica Generalis des György Alajos Szerdahelyi (1783) SIMON ZSOLT - SZABÓ MÁRIA - JAKAB ATTILA - KOVÁCS PÉTER: Critica

Item Type: Journal
Publisher: Akadémiai Kiadó
Additional Information: ACTA ANTIQUA TOMUS 48 (AZ MTA KLASSZIKA-FILOLÓGIAI KÖZLEMÉNYEI, 2008) Archived article-by-article in REAL too
Subjects: P Language and Literature / nyelvészet és irodalom > PA Classical philology / klasszika-filológia
Depositing User: Kötegelt Import
Date Deposited: 31 May 2014 05:31
Last Modified: 30 Oct 2023 08:35

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