Haematologia, 1976

Haematologia, 10 - 1976.


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1976 / 1. szám Powles, R.- Toy, J.: The effect of immunotherapy on survival of patients with acute myelogenous leukaeimia after relapse Krepler, P. - Pawlowski, J. - Kummer, M. - Brunner, R. - Eibl, M. - Pawlowsky, G.: Immunological follow-up of acute lymphoblastic leukaemia Szigeti, R. - Révész, T. - Schuler, D. - Gerő-Ferencz, É. - Zsuráffy, E.: Leucocyte migration in presence of leukaemia-associated antigens in children with Down's syndrome Schwarzmeier, J. D. - Honetz, N. - Deutsch, E.: Proliferation kinetics and cyclic AMP in human leukaemic cells; Their relevance to therepy Hrodek, O. - Hyniová, H.: Prognostic criteria and staging in ALL in childhood Winterleitner, H. - Knapp, W.: B- and T-cell determination in ALL Schuler, D. - Gálfi, I. - István, L. - Kassai, P. - Kemény, P. - Laub, M. W. - Romhányi, J. - Székely, K. - Velkey, L. - Virág, I.: Therapeutic results: Report of the Hungarian Children's Leukaemia Study Group Jacquillat, Cl. - Weil, M. - gemon-Auclerc, M. F. - Boiron, M. - Bernard, J.: Treatment of acute lymphoblastic leukaemia Poros, A. - Mód, A. - Hollán, S. R.: Combination chemotherapy in adults with acute leukaemia Gráf, F. - Fekete, S. - Benedek, Sz. - Sréter, L. - Takácsi-Nagy, L.: Comparative observations in the treatment of acute leukaemia Neuwirtová, R. - Šetková, O. - Dorazilová, V. - Klener, P. - Donner, L.: Influence of some cytostatics on leucocyte function Péter, Á.: Malignant blast cells in the cerebrospinal fluid Book Review Abstracts From the International Literature of Haematology 1976 / 2. szám Grieger, M. - Rapoport, S.: Heinzkörperbildung und gestörte Met Hb-Reduktion. Ausdruck der Schädigung von Erythrozyten bei chronischer Niereninsuffizienz Groth, J. - Gründel, M. - Schnitzler, S. - Preusser, E.: Erzeugung und Anwendungsmöglichkeiten von Antiseren gegen solubilisierte menschliche Erythrozytenmembranen Carmena, A. O. - Portuondo, H. - Callejas, H. - Alvarez, M. E.: Ferrokinetic circadian rhythm in normal subjects Pavlov, A. D. - Morshchakova, E. F.: The effect of erythropoietin on ribonucleic acid synthesis in the rabbit bone marrow Nečas, E.: Pathophysiological classification of anaemias and polycythaemias (polyglobulias) Schuler, D. - Koós, R. - Révész, T. - Virág, I. - Gálfi, I.: L-asparaginase therapy and its complications in acute lymphoid leukaemia and generalized lymphosarcoma Bodó, M. - Pető, I. - Sas, G. - Juhász, J.: Reticulosarcomatous transformation of a primary recurrent gastric plasmocytoma Uroproteins in Lymphoproliferative Diseases Zajączkowski, J. - Kolanowska, H.: Nitroblue tetrazolium test in children with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia and malignat lymphomas Migdalska, B. - Leszko, B. - Hartwig, W. - Pawelski, S.: Evaluation of the hypothalamic - pituitary - adrenocortical axis in chronic leukaemia Marosi, Zs. - Krizsa, F. - Rák, K.: Thrombocytopoietic serum activity in thrombocytopenia incudec by antithrombocytic serum in mice Book Reviews Abstracts From the International Literature on Haematology News Items 1976 / 3-4. szám Hollán, S. R. - Mód, A.: Disseminated intravasculat coagulation Worowski, K. - Głowiński, S.: Effect of the potato protease inhibitor in the clotting system and fibrinolysis in the dog Krizsa, F. - Varga, Gy. - Árokszállási, É. - Cserháti, I.: Postsplenectomy thrombocytosis in the mouse: Changes in the size of thrombocytes Hasitz, M. - Harsányi, V. - Rácz, Z. - Hollán, S. R.: Comparative studies on platelet membrane preparations Nagy, I. - Kádas, I. - Jobst, K.: Lanthanum trichloride induced blood coagulation defect and liver injury Sipka, S. - Pádár, E. - Szilágyi, T.: The effect of colloidal gold on blood coagulation Kramlová, M. - Přistoupil, T. I. - Ulrych, S. - Hrkal, Z.: Stroma-free haemoglobin solution for infusion: Changes during storage Serafimov-Dimitrov, V. - Ivanova, L.: Kinetics of immunoglobulin G in plasmapheresis of non-immunized and immunized donors Veselý, Vl. - Kulich, V.: Haptoglobin level in haemophiliacs after administration of pooled cold precipitated antihaemophilic globulin Gerbal, A. - Lopez, M. - Maslet, C. - Salmon, Ch.: Polyagglutinability associated with the Cad antigen Cohnen, G. - Zwipp, H. - König, E. - Brittinger, G.: Cell numbers in human lymphocyte cultures stimulated with pokeweed mitogen Habibi, B. - Avril, J. - Fouillade, M. T. - Lopez, M. - Vaucelle, R. - Salmon, Ch.: Jk(a-b-) phenotype in a French family. Quantitative evidence for the inheritance of a silent allele (Jk) Sitzmann, F. C. - Arnold, E. - István, L. - Teubl, I. - Kaloud, H.: Ein Beitrag zum Enzympolymorphismus der 6-Phosphogluconatdehydrogenase (E.C. unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Richmond-Variante Kelemen, E. - Paksy, A.: Absolute alkaline phosphatase-positive and -negative neutrophil counts in chronic granulocytic leukaemia Balázs, A.: Acute effect of endogenous inhibitors and exogenous cytostatistics on the ultrastructure of bone marrow cells. I. Single dose of 1,2:5,6-dianhydrogalactitol (DAD) Balázs, A.: Acute effect of endogenous inhibitors and exogenous cytostatistics on the ultrastructure of bone marrow cells. II. Single dose of granulocyte crude extract (GCE) Pavlović-Kentera, V. - Stefanović, S. - Milenković, P. - Jančić, M. - Biljanović-Paunović, L.: Erythropoietin level in patients with acute leukaemia Hypotesis: Wiener, A. S. - Socha, W. W.: Spontaneously occuring agglutinins in primate sera. II. Their classification an implications for the mechanism of antibody formation Book Reviews Abstracts From the International Literature on Haematology News Item Contents of Volume 10 Author Index Subject Index

Item Type: Journal
Publisher: Akadémiai Kiadó
Additional Information: Haematologia : international quarterly of haematology, Vol. 10. (1976)
Subjects: R Medicine / orvostudomány > RZ Other systems of medicine / orvostudomány egyéb területei
Depositing User: Kötegelt Import
Date Deposited: 02 Nov 2016 07:29
Last Modified: 21 Dec 2016 11:04

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