Acta Mathematica, 1977

Acta Mathematica, 29 - 1977.


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1977 / 1-2. szám Mignotte, M.: Etude arithmétique des nombres de Young Harmanci, A.: Two elementary commutativity theorems for rings Samoilenko, A. M. - Bainov, D. D. - Milusheva, S. D.: On the application of the averaging method for systems of integro-differential equations of standard type with discontinuous right-hand side Chow, H. L.: Radicals and semiprime ideals in semigroups Chew, J. F. - Doyle, P. H.: On the potency of spaces with generalized dispersion points under maps and functions Kratz, W. - Trautner, R.: Zum Gültigkeitsbereich des zentralen Grenzwertsatzes und des Gesetzes der großen Zahlen Hwang, J. S.: Note on a problem of Catherine Rényi about Julia lines Nagy B.: Approximation theorems for cosine operator functions O'Malley, R. J.: Selective derivates Laczkovich Miklós: On the Baire class of selective derivatives Bognár M.: A finite 2-dimensional CW complex which cannot be triangulated Maeda, S.: Standard ideals in Wilcox lattices Popov, V. A.: Uniform rational approximation of the class Vr and its applications Fejes Tóth G.: On a Dowker-type theorem of Eggleston Fejes Tóth G.: On the intersection of a convex disc and a polygon Pál J. - Simon P.: On a generalization of the concept of derivative Vértesi P.: Contribution to the theory of interpolation Tandori K.: Über die Lebesgueschen Funktionen. II Márki L. - Somorjai G. - Szabados J.: Müntz-Jackson type theorems via interpolation Babai L.: Asymmetric trees with two prescribed degrees Alexits G. - Joó I. - Tandori K.: On summability of orthogonal series 1977 / 3-4. szám Nathanson, M. B.: Asymptotic distribution and asymptotic independence of sequences of integers Byrd, R. D. - Lloyd, J. T. - Mena, R. A. - Teller, J. R.: Retractable groups Baudisch, A.: Kommutationsgleichungen in semifreien gruppen Győry K. - Leahey, W.: A note on Hilbert class fields of algebraic number fields Lesniak-Foster, Linda: On critically hamiltonian graphs Fawzy, T.: Spline functions and the Cauchy problems. II : Approximate solution of the differential equationy''=f(x, y, y') with spline functions Müller, V. - Rödl, V. - Turzík, D.: On critical 3-chromatic hypergraphs Rao, A. N. V. - Tsokos, C. P.: Existence and boundedness of random solutions to stochastic functional integral equations Dupain, Y.: Intervalles a restes majorés pour la suite {n} Szűcs A.: Kobordizmy gladkih otobraženij s osobennost'u Csörgő M. - McLeish, D. L.: On conditional medians and a law of iterated logarithm for strongly multiplicative systems Gysin, R.: Dimension transitiv orientierbarer Graphen Alexander, R.: On the sum of distances between n points on a sphere. II Joó I.: On almost everywhere T-convergence systems Babai L.: Isomorphism problem for a class of point-symmetric structures Vértesi P.: On some problems of P. Turán Fejes Tóth L.: Illumination of convex discs Szalay M. - Turán P.: On some problems of the statistical theory of partitions with application to characters of the symmetric group. I Szalay M. - Turán P.: On some problems of the statistical theory of partitions with application to characters of the symmetric group. II Hermann T.: Approximation of unbounded functions on unbounded interval

Item Type: Journal
Publisher: Akadémiai Kiadó
Additional Information: Acta Mathematica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, Tomus 29. (1977)
Subjects: Q Science / természettudomány > QA Mathematics / matematika
Depositing User: Kötegelt Import
Date Deposited: 30 Aug 2016 10:13
Last Modified: 15 Dec 2016 21:17

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