Acta Physica, 1970

Acta Physica, 28 - 1970.


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1970 / 1-3. szám B. Schlenk - J. Zimányi: The 19F(d, p)20F Reaction at Ed=600 keV S. Juhász - Cs. Ujhelyi - D. Berényi - F. Illés: Internal Conversion Ratios for the Higher Shells at the 364 keV Transition in the Decay of 131I R. Der - G. Otto - K. D. Schmidt - K. Hehl: DWBA Calculations of the Reaction 10B(d, p, g)11B at Low Deuteron Energies G. Gerecze. Beiträge zur Temperaturanhängigkeit der Ultraschallabsorption F. A. El-Bedewi - Z. Miligy - N. A. Eissa - M. Mohsen: Decay Scheme 117Cd and 117mCd J. Németh: Effective Central Forces Deduced from a Simple Thomas-Fermi Theory G. Marx - I. Lux: Hunting for Soft Antineutrinos R. Gáspár: Many-Electron Problems. IV. Internal Field and b-decay E. Bujdosó: On the Analysis of Distribution Functions from Radioisotope Tracer Experiments in Tanks in Series L. Bozóky - I. Rodé: Investigation into the Physical Bases of Grid Projection with Large Gamma Sources I. Angeli - J. Csikai - I. Hunyadi: Correlation between Nuclear Radii and Binding Energies for Light Nuclei L. Keszthelyi - I. Demeter - L. Pócs - Z. Szőkefalvi-Nagy - L. Varga: Anomalous Hyperfine Field at Rh Nucleus in Fe-Rh Alloy Following Low Energy Coulomb Excitation E. Vatai: Correction of Electron Capture Ratios Measured by Multi-Wire Proportional Counter E. Csongor: Atmospheric 85Kr Measurements between 1966 and 1968 in Debrecen (Hungary) I. Lovas: On the Interaction of a Particles S. Czeglédy: The Radioluminescence of Lead Chloride Gy. Szabó: On the Optical Parameters of a Quadrupole Doublet - Analysing Magnet System Á. Kiss: On the Investigation of Voltage Surges in Van de Graaff Generators D. Bódizs: Few keV Energy Neutral Atoms in the Beam of a Radio Frequency Ion Source Z. T. Bődy - K. M. Dede: A Statistical Model for Systematic Errors L. Medveczky - G. Somogyi - G. Götz: Investigations on Ternary Photo-Fission by Means of Plastic and Mica Track Detectors K. A. Hagemann - D. Kiss - S. Ogaza: On the Magnetic Hyperfine Field at 182W Recoil Implanted into Iron R. Fülle - Gy. Máthé: Impulsformunterscheidung bei Si(Li) Detektoren mit Hilfe einer Nulldurchgangsmethode L. Medveczky - P. Bornemissza-Pauspertl: Notes on the Photographic Film-Dosimetry of Fast Neutrons P. Gombás: Über den Zusammenhang der Grundgleichung des statistischen Atommodells und der Schrödinger-Gleichung I. Mahunka: Investigation of the Alpha Spectrum of Short-Lived Rare Earth Isotopes I. Mahunka - L. Trón - T. Fényes: Investigation of the Alpha Spectrum of the Products of the Reaction 175Lu + 20Ne - 195*Tl K. L. Nagy: Theories with Dipole Ghost: Can They Really Be Interpreted? J. Zimányi - M. Zimányi - B. Gyarmati - T. Vertse: A Simple Description of Isobaric Analogue Resonances by the Aid of Resonant State Wave Functions M. Diksic - P. Strohal - G. Pető - P. Bornemissza-Pauspertl - I. Hunyadi - J. Károlyi: Additional Measurements of the Radiative Capture Cross Sections for 3 MeV Neutrons H. Raichev - L. Trón: Investigation of the Alpha Spectrum of Po Isotopes J. L. Nagy: A Long-Lived Radiofrequency Ion Source of Low Consumption for Pressurized Accelerators B. Makranczi: On the Properties of the Development of Gas Discharges in Time G. Turchányi - I. Tarján: The Effect of Charged Dislocation Electric Field on Colour Centres 1970 / 4. szám Obituary Y. V. Rao - A. A. Kamal: Azimuthal Symmetry in 17,2 GeV/c Pi- Jets G. Náray-Szabó: Approximate Solution of the N-Electron Problem in One-Dimensional Configuration Space T. Mátrai: A Point Dynamic Model for the Causal Interpretation of Wave Mechanics D. Berényi - T. Scharbert - E. Vatai: Evaluation Process and Corrections in the Study of the Internal Bremsstrahlung Spectrum Accompanying the Positive Beta-Decay of 11C A. Kónya: Quantenzahlwerte und die Anomalie in der Besetzung der Elektronenzustände nach der statistischen Theorie des Atoms G. Nagarajan - R. Sivaprakasam: Spectroscopic Studies of Root-Mean-Square Amplitudes for an X2Y4 Molecular Model with C2h Symmetry: Application to Diphosphorus Tetrachloride and Diphosporus Tetraiodide L. Urbán: An Unrestricted Variotional Method on Light Nuclei B. Karvaly: Investigations on the Connections Between the Bulk Absorption and Diffuse Reflectance Spectra of Powdered Solids Part I. G. Bozóki - E. Fenyves - E. Gombosi - L. Vanicsek: On the Proton Momentum Spectrum in piN Inelastic Interactions at 17,2 GeV/c A. Veres - I. Pavlicsek: Measurement of the Activation Cross-Section of 176Lu Using g-Rays from a 60Co Radiation Source D. Berényi - A. Szalay - D. Varga - F. Molnár - J. Uchrin: A Study of the Decay of 145Sm by Ge(Li) Detector Techniques

Item Type: Journal
Publisher: Akadémiai Kiadó
Additional Information: Acta Physica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, Tomus 28. (1970)
Subjects: Q Science / természettudomány > QC Physics / fizika
Depositing User: Kötegelt Import
Date Deposited: 26 Oct 2016 06:21
Last Modified: 20 Dec 2016 22:10

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