Acta Physica, 27 - 1969.
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1969 /1-4. szám I. Kovács: General Form of the Centrifugal Term in the Rotational Spectra F. Csikor - K. Nagy: Radiative Corrections to Muon Decay with Finite Neutretto Mass A. Veres - L. Lakosi: Measurement of the Cross Section for the Isomeric Activation of 115In by g-Rays from 24Na Source I. Gaál - Z. Morlin - I. Tarján: On the Kinetics of the Phase Transformation of CsCl-Crystals II. L. Jánossy: The Hydrodynamical Model of Wave Mechanics. The Many-Body Problem L. Pál: First-Order Magnetic Phase Transitions A. Frenkel - G. Marx: Millistrong C Violation and h Decay J. I. Horváth - I. K. Gyémánt: On the Theory of Fermion Density Operators I. The Definition of the One-Particle States and Cluster Expansions of the Density Operators F. Berencz: Berechnungen der Zustände 1sns 1S+g des Wasserstoffmoleküls auf Grund der Methode der korrelationsmässingen Molekülbahnen C. Sándorfy: On the Structure and Spectra of sz-Electron Systems T. Tietz - S. Krzeminski: Quantum and Correlation Corrections to the Thomas-Fermi Potential A. Lemberger - R. Pauncz: Remarks Concerning the Theoretical Explanation of Hund's Rule E. Kapuy: Developments in the Separated Pair Theory H. Preuss: Einige Bemerkungen zum kombinierten Näherungsverfahren und zum effektiven Potential V. Fock: On the Canonical Transformation in Classical and Quantum Mechanics N. Grün - B. Kockel: Vergleich einer LCAO-MO- und einer VB-Zustandsfunktion des Li2-Moleküls A. J. R. Prentice - D. ter Haar: Cosmic Rays and the Origin of the Solar System R. Gáspár - I. Tamássy-Lentei: Polynomial Wave Functions in Elliptical Coordinates for Molecules W. Kolos: Some Accurate Results for Three-Particle Systems K. L. Nagy: Lee Model as a Z Limit M. Süveges: Is Poincaré Invariance Compatible with General Relativity? I. Abonyi: Small Amplitude Waves and Weak Discontinuities in the Relativistic Hydrodynamics of an Ideal Fluid R. Voszka - A. Watterich: Study of V-Centres Stable at Room Temperature in NaCl(Ca) Crystals D. Kisdi: A Simplified for Calculating the Internal Structure of Neutron Stars P. Szépfalusy: Sum Rules and Their Application in the Theory of Superfluid Helium G. Roth: Oscillations of a Relativistic Electron Plasma in an External Magnetic Field W. A. Bingel - R. J. Koch - W. Kutzelnigg: Simulation of the Influence of Core Electrons by a Pseudopotential II. C. A. Coulson: Further on the Saddle-Point Character of Hartree-Fock Wave Functions V. V. Tolmachev: Interpretation of the Hartree-Fock Method as the Method of Partial Summation of Atomic Faynman Diagrams R. Janoschek: Wellenmechanische Strukturuntersuchung am Li4 M. Schoenborg - I. G. Csizmadia: Vibrational Analysis of ab Initio Potential Energy Surfaces for Nitryl Fluoride W. H. E. Schwarz: Das kombinierte Näherungsverfahren II. Th. Neugebauer: Über die physikallische Realität des Lennard-Jonesschen Potentials G. Pataki: Effect of Traps on Steadily Travelling Domains in Semiconductors G. Györgyi: Integration of the Dynamical Symmetry Groups for the - 1/r Potential R. Gáspár: New Foundations for the Thomas-Fermi Model B. Pődör: Negative Magnetoresistance of Compensated n-Type GaAs at 77 Kelvin Temperature R. Karazija - P. Bogdanovicius - A. Jucys: On the Numerical Solution of Hartree-Fock Equations Independent of Coupling Scheme G. Del Re: Model ab Initio Calculations and the Foundation of the MO-LCAO Method E. Clementi - J. M. André - M. Cl. André - D. Klint - D. Hahn: Study of the Electronic Structure of Molecules. X. Ground State for Adenine, Cytosine, Guanine and Thyamine J. Kóta - A. Somogyi: Some Problems of Investigating Periodicities of Cosmic Ray Time Series K. Ladányi: Two-Triplet Model of "Direct" Muon Production Communicatio Brevis L. Urbán: On a Simple Configuration Interaction Method Using Non-Orthogonal Basis Functions
Item Type: | Journal |
Publisher: | Akadémiai Kiadó |
Additional Information: | Acta Physica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, Tomus 27. (1969) |
Subjects: | Q Science / természettudomány > QC Physics / fizika |
Depositing User: | Kötegelt Import |
Date Deposited: | 26 Oct 2016 06:21 |
Last Modified: | 20 Dec 2016 22:11 |
URI: | |
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