Acta Physica, 1969

Acta Physica, 26 - 1969.


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1969 / 1-2. szám G. Marx: Hadron Spectroscopy Analyticity, Regge Poles and Conspiracy A. O. Barut: Implications of the O(4.2) Model of Strong Interactions for Regge Pole and High Energy Phenomenology G. Bisiacchi - G. Calucci - C. Fronsdal: On the Infinite Component Wave Equations P. Surányi: Group Theoretical Description of Relativistic Scattering Near Zero Momentum Transfer P. Di Vecchia - F. Drago: Analyticity, Factorization and Lorentz Symmetry G. L. Tindle: Regge Families and Lorentz Symmetry K. Szegő - K. Tóth: Pi-N Resonance Width in the Broken SL(2, C) Model F. E. Low: The Multiperipheral Model C. Goebel: The Veneziano Form A. Bassetto - F. Paccanoni: Unitarity and Non-Regge Singularities I. T. Drummond: Multi-Reggeon Behaviour of Production Amplitudes G. Costa - C. A. Savoy: Finite Energy Sum Rules for Meson-Meson Scattering Jan Kwiecinski: On the Decouplet Superconvergence Relations for Meson-Baryon Scattering P. R. Graves-Morris: S-Matrix Theory of Pion-Pion Scattering C. Cronström: Unitarity Structure of Scattering Amplitudes G. Conforto: ?+-p Elastic Scattering on Polarized Protons at Large Momentum Transfers Chiral Symmetry Currents and Current Algebras M. Nauenberg: Introduction to Chiral Symmetry and Non-Linear Lagrangians F. Gürsey: Generalized Chiral Symmetry Groups and Classification of Hadrons D. Welling: Non-Linear Lagrangians and Relativistic SU(6) B. Renner: Current Divergences in the SU(3)xSU(3) Algebra J. Sucher: Electromagnetic Mass Differences, Equal-Time Commutators and Oscillating Spectral Functions I. Montvay: Sum Rules and Convergence I. Montvay: Kl3 Form Factors, Current Algebra and Double Integral Representations F. Csikor: The A1r pi System F. Kaschluhn - E. Wieczorek - W. Zoellner: Equal-Time Behaviour of Current Commutators in Perturbation Theory Z. Kunszt - T. Nagy: Review of Current Algebra Results in the Weak Decay of Mestable Hadrons F. E. Low: Problems of the Theory of Weak Interactions S. Okubo: A Model of Maximal CP Violation J. Lukierski: Field Operator for Interacting Unstable Elementary System 1969 /3. szám M. Huszár - Maria Ziegler-Náray: The Hydrodynamical Model of Wave Mechanics V. S. Sarkar: On the Spur of the Product of Dirac Matrices M. Tisza: Investigation of the Density Distribution of Nuclei Taking into Consideration the Radial Kinetic Self-Energy Correction G. Solt: An Effective Field Approach for Many-Body Forces between Ions of a Metal I. Borbély - T. Dolinszky - J. Erő - G. Hrehuss: Angular Distributions of the Reaction 12C(d, p)13C below Ed=2 MeV E. Hartmann - A. Tóth: The Young's and Shear Moduli of NaCl Whiskers Gy. Simonics: Damping and Phase Shift of Magnetohydrodynamic Waves in a Plasma Having Finite Electrical and Thermal Conductivity Recensiones Corrigenda 1969 / 4. szám S. Datta Majumdar: Coupling of Three Angular Momenta J. G. Gilson: Quantum Probability Weighted Paths A. Ádám - L. Jéki: On the Shell Effect in (n, 2n) Reaction Cross-Sections A. L. Mehra - P. C. Vaidya - R. S. Kushwaha: Expansion of a Radiating Metric I. Montvay: General Sum Rules from Current Density Algebra L. Jánossy - A. Werner: The Lorentz Principle and the General Theory of Relativity Part VI. G. Bozóki - É. Gombosi - G. Surányi: On the Azimuthal Effects of Two Prong ?N and Three Prong DD Events Produced by 17.2 GeV/c pi- Mesons N. M. Plakida - t. Siklós: Theory of One-Dimensional Lattice in Pseudoharmonic Approximation Communicationes Breves R. M. Khan: Cherenkov Radiation deu to the Passage of an Oscillating Dipole R. M. Khan: Radiation in an Anisotropic Electron Plasma POlarized Under a Strong Magnetic Field A. Abramovici - L. Vékás: Statistical Model Calculation of the Branching Ratios of N* (1470) Recensiones

Item Type: Journal
Publisher: Akadémiai Kiadó
Additional Information: Acta Physica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, Tomus 26. (1969)
Subjects: Q Science / természettudomány > QC Physics / fizika
Depositing User: Kötegelt Import
Date Deposited: 26 Oct 2016 06:21
Last Modified: 20 Dec 2016 22:11

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