Acta Physica, 24 - 1968.
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1968 / 1. szám L. Csillag: Investigation on the Balmer Lines of Deuterium Á. Bardócz - T. Vörös: Bestimmung der Plasmatemperatur in zeitlich veräanderlichen elektrischen Entladungen aus der quadratischen Starkschen Verbreiterung der Spektrallinien K. Szegő: A Spontaneous Symmetry-Breaking Model for Baryon Spectrum P. Quaas - K. Voss - P. Ziesche: Classical Statistics in Functional Formalism Th. Neugebauer: Zu dem Problem der Kohäsion der Atomkerne Z. Morlin: On the Phase Transformation of Caesium Chloride Type Crystals I. Kondor - P. Szépfalusy: On the Connection between the One-Particle Green's Function and the Density-Density Correlation Function in a Large Bose System G. Pető - P. Bornemissza-Pauspertl - J. Károlyi: Influence of Inelastic Scattering on (n, 2n) Cross-Sections of Cl35 and K39 G. Knapecz: General Relativistic Theory of Lagrangian Functions in the Space X1 Part II. Classification of one Component Fields G. Pataki: Velocity and Current Determination for Steadily Travelling Domains in Semiconductors I. Recombination Instability Communicationes Breves A. Kawski: Einige Bemerkungen über die verschiedenen Zusammenhänge zwischen dem Radius der Jablonskischen aktiven Sphäre und dem Försterschen kritischen Abstand 1968 / 2-3. szám K. Venkateswarlu - K. Babu Joseph: Force Field, Coriolis Coupling Coefficients, Generalized Mean Square Amplitudes of Vibration and Shrinkage Constants of XeF4 and XeOF4 P. Quaas - K. Voss - P. Ziesche: Dynamics of Ursell-Mayer Correlation Functions in Functional Formalism of Classical Statistics U. Bahr - P. Quaas - K. Voss: Classical Equilibrium Statistics in Functional Formalism R. G. Nouszratoullin: Application of the Variation-Perturbation Theory to the Study of the Inductive Effect in Saturated Molecules by the Method of Geminals I R. Gáspár - G. Erdős-Gyarmati - I. Tamássy-Lentei: Calculation of Slater-Type One-Electron Functions. Exchange Approximation J. Csikai - K. Jost - S. Szalay: Observation and Cross-Section of the Reaction Zn64(n, t)Cu62 J. I. Horváth: On the Hyper-geometrization of Relativistic Phase-space Formalism I. E. Hartmann: Ionic Conductivity of NaCl Whiskers J. Csikai - V. I. Fominich - T. Lakatos: Cross-Sections for the Reactions 141Pr(n, p)141Ce, 141Pr(n, t)139Ce, 142Ce(n, 2n)141Ce and 140Ce(n, 2n)139Ce D. Berényi - D. Varga - J. Uchrin: Investigation of the Gamma Spectrum in the Decay of 27Mg by Ge(Li) Detector J. Kiss: Recent Data on the Nature of the Gyulai-Hartly Effect R. Voszka - T. Horváth - A. Watterich: On the Possible Mechanism of X-ray Colouration in KCl(Ca) Crystals D. Kisdi: Statistical Model for Paramagnetic Atoms and Ions Z. Morlin: On the Kinetics of the Phase TRansformation of CsCl-Crystals Communicationes Breves M. I. Bán: One-Electron Orbital Energies in Distorted Octahedral Ligand Fields K. Jeges: SnO2 - ein neuer Elektrolumineszenstoff Gy. Büti: Many-Body Effects in the "Multiple-Scattering" Model of Polyatomic Molecules E. Kapuy: On a New Expamsion of Wave Functions of 2N-Electron Systems E. Kapuy:On the Use of the Formalism of Separated Pair Theory in the Method of Alternant Molecular Orbitals Recensiones 1968 / 4. szám Obituary E. Schmutzer: Use of Delta Functions in General Relativity for Determination of the Integration Constants E. Schmutzer - J. Nottrott: On Some Aspects of the Mass Dipole Problem of a Special Wayl Solution in the Einstein-Maxwell Theory S. V. Bogdanov - I. B. Yakovkin: Application of Surface Elastic Vibrations for the Measurement of Some Characteristics of Semiconductor Films J. I. Horváth: On the Hyper-Geometrization of the Relativistic Phase-Space Formalism II. G. Náray-Szabó: An Approximation of the Many-Electron Problem by the Unification of the Charge Cloud L. Gálfi: Mesons of Abnormal Charge Parity G. Del Re - J. Ladik - M. Carpentieri: On the Effect of the Inclusion of Overlap in Tight-Binding Band Calculations of Solids G. Knapecz: General Relativistic Theory of One-Dimensional Lagrangian Functions Part III. One-Component Massor Fields Communicationes Breves F. I. Verzinasz - E. M. Jsin - V. V. Kolomkov - N. L. Danilova: Plenocsnyie elektroljumineszcentnie kondenzatori na osznove ZnS-Cu, Mn Sz. Barát: Der Fehler der Näherungswellenfunktion von quantenchemischen Systemen D. Berényi - L. Varga: Measurements of the Conversion Lines of the 742 keV Transition in the Decay of 143Pm K. L. Nagy: On levonson's Theorem when Ghosts are Present Recensiones
Item Type: | Journal |
Publisher: | Akadémiai Kiadó |
Additional Information: | Acta Physica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, Tomus 24. (1968) |
Subjects: | Q Science / természettudomány > QC Physics / fizika |
Depositing User: | Kötegelt Import |
Date Deposited: | 26 Oct 2016 06:20 |
Last Modified: | 20 Dec 2016 22:13 |
URI: | |
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