Acta Physica, 1967

Acta Physica, 22 - 1967.


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1967 / 1-4. szám K. Nagy: Opening address Session 1. Weak interactions Z. Szymanski: Possible Tests for the Violation of Parity and Time Reversal in Nuclei G. Confordo: Ratio CA/CV and Time Reversal Invariance in Neotron Beta Decay D. Berényi: The Value of the Fierz Term and the Recent Data on the e/b+ Ratio in Forbidden Transitions E. Balázs: Nuclear Parameters from the Measurements of the b-Decay Spectrum P. Möbius: Weak Interactions and Unitary Symmetry Breaking Y. B. Zeldovich: The Hot Model of the Universe and the Elementary Particles G. Marx: Neutrinos, Gravity and Cosmology G. Conforto: Measurement of the Time Reversal Parameter in the Decay of the lambda Particle (abstract) N. Brene - C. Cronström - L. Veje - M. Roos: On the Leptonic Decays of Hadrons (abstract) H. Pietschmann: Consistent Theory of Weak Interactions (abstract) F. Janauch: Time Reversal Invariance in Beta Decay (abstract) B. N. Valuev: Radiative Decays of Baryons (abstract) N. Smiernitzky: On the Form Factors in the Kl3 Decay (abstract) Session 2. CP Violation M. Nauenberg: CP Violation and pi+ pi- Interference in Neutral K Decay M. Roos: The Status of CP Invariance in K0- pi+ pi- Decay M. Jacob: Possible C Violation in Elektromagnetic Processes L. Gálfi - G. Marx: Remark on the pi0-3g Decay E. O. Okonov: Possible CP Violation and Interference Phenomena in Decays of the K0L and K0S Mesons (abstract) P. Basile - J. W. Cronin - B. Thevenet - R. Turlay - S. Zylberajch - A. Zylberstejn: Experimental Investigation of KL-pi µv and KL-pi+pi-pi0 Decay (anstract) Session 3. Quark Models G. Morpurgo: The Non-relativistic Quark Model R. H. Socolow: Recent Result from the Quark Model Y. B. Zeldovich - A. D. Sakharov: The Baryon MOdel as a Tetrahedron of Quarks and one Antiquark Y. B. Zeldovich - A. D. Sakharov: Mass Formulas for Mesons and Baryons in the Quark Model J. Harte: A Relativistic Quark Model with Application to Meson Decay Rates S. S. Gerstein: On the Cross-Section of Quark Production H. Pietschmann: The Static Quark Model J. Kuti: Meson Decays in the Static Quark Model II. (abstract) Session 4. Higher Symmetries W. Rühl: Relativistic SU(6) Symmetries with Infinite Multiplets Nguyen Van Hieu: Non-Compact Symmetry Groups, Unitary S-matrix and Quantum Field Theory Dao vong Duc - Nguyen van Hieu: On the Theory of Unitary Representations of the SL(2C) Group I. Montvay - T. Nagy: Decays of the Positive Parity Mesons in SU(6)W K. Ladányi: A Field Theoretical Model with SL(6,C) Invariant Interaction (abstract) J. Stern: Symmetries of Scattering Including Mass-Splitting J. Stern - J. Vancura: Symmetries of Quark-Antiquar Scattering and Meson Nonets Mass-Splitting Session 5. Current Algebras G. Furlan - C. Rosetti: Dispersive Sum Rules from Current Algebra B. Renner: Some Applications of Current Algebras G. Preparata: Weak and Electromagnetic Currents and Hadron Classification J. Maiani: Mixing Effects in Baryon Spectroscopy J. Pisút: Remarks on the Wolf pipi Phase Shits and the Calculation of gA/gV Ratio from Adler p p Sum Rule P. Surányi: Electromagnetic Mass Differences from Current Algebras D. I. Blokhintsev: On Localization of Relativistic Microparticles in Space and Time A. Frenkel - M. Pósch - G. Surányi - P. Surányi: Calculation of the pi+-pi0 Mass Difference (abstract) G. Pócsik: Restriction on the Currents and Sum Rules (abstract) F. Csikor - G. Pócsik: Structure of Weak Currents (abstract) N. Dombey: Models of High Energy Scattering (abstract)

Item Type: Journal
Publisher: Akadémiai Kiadó
Additional Information: Acta Physica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, Tomus 22. (1967)
Subjects: Q Science / természettudomány > QC Physics / fizika
Depositing User: Kötegelt Import
Date Deposited: 26 Oct 2016 06:20
Last Modified: 20 Dec 2016 22:14

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