Acta Physica, 1963

Acta Physica, 15 - 1963.


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1962 / 1. szám I. Kovács: On the Anomalous Splittings of the Multiplet S States in Diatomic Molucules I. I. Kovács: Investigation of an Arbitrary Screw Dislocation in a Cylindrical Elastic Body L. Valenta - St. Zajac: A Contribution to the Problem of Inelastic Megnetic Scattering of Polarized Neutrons in Fe and Ni A. Kónya: Das statistische Atommodell im Impulsraum I. D. Kisdi: The Space-Time Correlation Function for a System of Identical Particles at Zero Temperature Communicationes Breves A. Lőrinczy - G. Pataki: On the Reverse Characteristics of Silicon Diodes D. D. Deshpande: Vibrational Relaxation Times for Gaseous Halogen Molecules I. Kovács: Electrical Resistivity Change in Silver Deformed by Torsion T. Z. Szelényi: Distance to Potential Minimum of the Electronic Space-Charge from Externally Heated Cathodes in Inert High-Pressure Gas Discharges T. Szondy: Interpolation Formulae for Positive Thomas-Fermi Ions I. Ketskeméty: Das Kirchhoffsche Gesetz im Falle stark absorbierender Medien Recensiones 1960 / 2. szám E. F. Pócza: Anisorope Struktur schräg aufgedampfter Aluminiumschichten I. Gaál: Zeitanhängige Dämpfungserscheinungen an Nickel bei Zimmertemperatur I. F. Farkas: Relativistic Equation of Motion for a Charged Particle with Spin and Magnetic Moment I. I. F. Farkas: Relativistic Equation of Motion for a Charged Particle with Spin and Magnetic Moment II. Equation of Motion of Spin T. Tietz: Electronic Polarizabilities of the Free neutral Atom E. Kapuy: Derivation of Orthogonal Many-Electron Group Orbitals and the Effect of Small External Perturbation on a System Consisting of Loosely Coupled Electron Groups S. Dési - A. Lajtai - L. Nagy: The Time Distribution of the Gamma Radiation Emitted in the Fission of U235 Communicatio Brevis T. Szondy: Eine neue Form des nicht-klassischen Abstossungspotentials zur Ersetzung des Paulischen Besetzungsverbotes im Falle zylindersymmetrischer Elektronenverteilung Recensio 1960 / 3. szám K. L. Nagy: N-O Scattering Dispersion Relation in the Lee Model with Dipole Ghost P. Szabó - E. Krén - J. Gordon: High Intensity Neutron Diffractometer Z. Bődy - D. Berényi: Investigations of the Vacuum Need of ß-Spectroscopes M. Elkishen: Absorption of Neutrinos in the Coulomb Field of the Nuclei H. Hartmann - G. Schultz: Über das Auftreten von Elektrolumineszenz in Zinksulfid-Einkristallen durch Einwanderung von Kupfer Communicationes Breves Chén Shí - G. Marx: Pion Decay and the Anomalous Interaction of Muons R. Gáspár: Zur Theorie der Elektronenstruktur des Br-Atoms und des Te-Atoms Z. Bodó - G. Pásztor - M. S. Szilágyi - A. Zawadowski: Thermal Shock Investigations on Germanium Monocrystals Recensiones 1960 / 4. szám J. Ladik: Some Remarks on the Energy Band Structure of Protein A. Corciovei - C. Motoc: The Specific Heat of Thin Films H. Elkholy - L. Zsoldos: X-Ray Investigations of the Kinetics of Ordering in the Alloy Cu3Au I. Kirschner: Computation of the Working Cycle of an Adiabatic Magnetic Refrigerating Process I. Kovács: On the Anomalous Splitting of the Multiplet S States in Diatomic Molecules II. E. Kapuy: On the Correlation Problem in the Theory of Atoms and Molecules Communicationes Breves F. Berencz: A Further Application of the Method of Spin Operators G. Pataki: Remark on the Theory of the Bulk Photoeffect in Inhomogeneous Semiconductors D. Berényi - M. Osvay: Transmission of 100-472 keV Monoenergetic Electrons through Al Absorbers Recensio

Item Type: Journal
Publisher: Akadémiai Kiadó
Additional Information: Acta Physica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, Tomus 15. (1963)
Subjects: Q Science / természettudomány > QC Physics / fizika
Depositing User: Kötegelt Import
Date Deposited: 26 Oct 2016 06:19
Last Modified: 20 Dec 2016 22:19

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