Acta Physica, 74 - 1994. ISSN 0231-4428
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1994 / 1-2. szám B. Szentpáli: Preface Condensed Matter P. C. Euthymiou - C. D. Kourkoutas - B. Szentpáli - B. Kovács - K. Somogyi - P. C. Bandury - G. E. Zardas - G. E. Giakoumakis: A Review Article on the transport properties in FATFETs upon irradiation B. Szentpáli - B. Kovács - F. Riesz - V. V. Tuyen: Measurement techniques for the determination of doping and mobility profiles in GaAs epitaxial layers V. V. Obreja: On the irrradiation lattice damage effect upon the electrical characteristics of a semiconductor p-n junction G. Kiriakidis: Refractory metallizations on GaAs FET's Zs. J. Horváth: Effect of the ion bombardment on the apparent barrier height in GaAs Achottky junctions Zs. J. Horváth - B. Pécz - E. Jároli - M. Németh-Sallay: Electrical behaviour of ion-mixed Au/n-GaAs contacts T. Figielski - T. Wosinski - A. Makosa: Lattice defectes in GaAs subjected to mechanical stresses N. G. Alexandropoulos: Synchrotron radiation studies of III-V semiconductors (Abstract) E. Anastassakis: Strains and optical phonons in material systems K. Somogyi: On the Hall mobility lowering in GaAs epitaxial layers J. Betko - S. Kuklovsky: On the determiation of galvanomagnetic parameters of high resistance layers grown on semiinsulating GaAs substrates G. E. Giakoumakis - E. K. Evangelou - N. G. Alexandropoulos: Deep level transient spectroscopy techniques and systems G. J. Papadopoulos: Time resolution of tunnelling effect B. Pődör - S. V. Novikov - I. G. Savel'ev - G. Gombos: Quantum and classical scattering time in two-dimensional electron gas in Ga0.47In0.53As/InP C. A. Dimitriadis - J. Stoemenos - P. A. Coxon - S. Friligkos - J. Antonopoulos - N. A. Economou: Effect of pressure on the growth of the crystallites of low pressure chemical vapour deposited polycrystalline silicon films and the effective electron mobility under high normal field in thin film transistors S. I. Radautsan - I. M. Tiginyanu - N. B. Pyshnaya - V. V. Ursaki: Photoluminescence and conductivity compensation effects in fast-electron irradiated InP epilayers 1994 / 3. szám General Physics M. Dolfin: On the electromagnetic waves in isotropic media with magnetic relaxation phenomena Elementary Particle and Fields T. Harkó: String cosmology in a Bianchi type I universe Atomic and Molecular Physics H. A. Mavromatis: Three-dimensional systems and the Dalgarno-Lewis summation technique I. Tamássy-Lentei - Á. Derecskei-Kovács: Pseudopotential investigation of the properties of molecules CuLi, AgLi and AuLi Fluids, Plasmas and Electric Discharges A. Ogulu - A. R. Bestman †: Blood flow in a curved pipe with radiative heat transfer T. Nagy: Weak discontinuities in a thermally conducting ideal dissociating gas T. Nagy: Pressure shocks in radiating fluids Condensed Matter K. P. Ghatak: On the Brustein-Moss shift in gapless semiconductors K. Somogyi: Comparative study of GaAs epitaxial layers grown by MOCVD Sz. Varga - K. Somogyi - Á. Nemcsics - G. Gombos: Close-spaced vapour transport growth of III-V-s K. Somogyi - P. Panine - G. Sáfrán: Temperature dependence of the carrier mobility in Ag2Se layers grown on NaCl and SiOx substrates K. P. Ghatak: A simple theoretical analysis of the effective electron mass in NIPI structures of nonparabolic semiconductors Astrophysics T. Harkó: Isotropisation due to viscosity in a Bianchi type I universe Interdisciplinary S. Baruah - P. K. Bhuyan: Harmonic analysis of NmF2 over Chungli, a subtropical location Book Reviews 1994 / 4. szám L. Nemes: A tribute to István Kovács Elementary Particles and Fields A. Sinkovics - G. Tavaszi - G. Marx: Neutrinos and the dark matter in cosmology Nuclear Physics Lívia Molnár - K. ecsedi - T. Iványi - I. Lovas - K. Sailer: Periodic spin density in nuclear matter Atomic and Molecular Physics C. di Lauro - F. Lattanzi - R. Avellino: A classical insight of the g-Coriolis coupling in ethane-like molecules R. Kepa: Analysis of the 1-2 band of the Angström (B1S+ - A1P) system in the 14C16O molecule Shunji Kasahara - Heiji Ikoma - Hajime Kato: Sub-Doppler optical-optical double resonance polarization spectroscopy and collisional energy transfer T. B. Balasubramanian - Omana Narayanan: Magnetic dipole and electric quadrupole line strenths for the atmospheric oxygen (b1Sg+ - X3sg-) system M. Braune - D. Zimmermann: Molecular spin-orbit interaction in the A2P states of NaKr and NaXe J. F. Ogilvie - S. C. Liao: The inversion of spectral data of AlCl and SiSX1S+ L. Nemes - J. W. C. Johns: Effective rotational constants for the three lowest vibrational states of ketene N. Rajamanickam - N. Dhuvaragaikannan - K. Raja Mohamed: Dissociation energies of LuD and SiCl molecules from experimental potential energy curves R. Gáspár - J. Szabó: Extended pseudopotential calculations with Gaussian-type polarization potential for alkali homo- and heteronuclear diatomic molecules I. Tamássy-Lentei - J. Szaniszló: Theoretical determination of the lithium affinity of several small molecules D. Berényi - L. Sarkadi - Á. Kövér - J. Pálinkás: Comments on the shape of the "cusp" in the spectrum of electrons emitted in H+, H0 - Ar collisions S. Szabó - Zs. Kis - J. Janszky - P. Adam - T. Kobayashi - An. V. Vinogradov: Planning of nonclassical vibrational states D. Papousek - Yen-Chu Hsu - S. Klee - M. Winnewisser: High-resolution Fourier-transform infrared spectrum of the v6 fundamental band of 13CH3F Condensed Matter Ying-Nan Chiu: Application of Renner-Teller and Jahn-Teller effect to high Tc superconductivity theory with LCG-MG and Covalon models I. Kirschner: Effect of melting on superconducting parameters of Bi-based thick films
Item Type: | Journal |
Publisher: | Akadémiai Kiadó |
Additional Information: | Acta Physica Hungarica : a journal of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Volume 74. (1994) |
Subjects: | Q Science / természettudomány > QC Physics / fizika |
Depositing User: | Kötegelt Import |
Date Deposited: | 25 Oct 2016 13:47 |
Last Modified: | 20 Dec 2016 21:33 |
URI: | |
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