Acta Physica, 1984

Acta Physica, 56 - 1984. ISSN 0231-4428


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1985 / 1-4. szám General Physics M. F. Pdlaha - T. Sjödin: On the Doppler Effect und Universal Fields: an Answer to Wilczynski Elementary Particles and Fields C. v. Westenholz: On Quark and Colour Confinement Nguyen Ai Viet: On Semi-Simplicity of Superalgebras T. Singh - Tarkeshwar Singh: Axisymmetric Stationary Gravitational and Maxwell Fields in the General Scalar Tensor Theory G. Zsigmond: Three-Particle Decay of Heavy Higgs Bosons in the Weunberg-Salam Model G. Dávid: Relativistic Hydro- and Thermodynamics in Nonlinear Scalar Field Nuclear Physics J. Kowalski - R. Neumann - S. Noehte - H. Suhr - G. zu Putlitz - R. Herman: Effects of Nuclear Structure and Triplet-Singlet Interaction in the 1s2s 3S1 Hyperfine Multiplet of Li+ Atomic and Molecular Physics P. Sambasiva Rao - R. Ramakrishna Reddy - T. V. Ramakrishna Rao: Potential Energy Curves and Dissociation Energy of the Diatomic Selenium Molecule J. Glembockis - J. Petkevicius: Gáspár Universal Potential with Correlation Correction N. Rajamanickam - B. Narasimhamurthy: LuF Molecule: True Potential Energy Curve and the Dissociation Energy S. P. Srivastava: Cohesive Energy and Debey Temperature of Some Aromatic Compounds - An Intermolecular Potential Approach D. C. Patil: Extension of the Iterative Procedure of Herman-Tipping-Short N. L. Kekan - N. A. Patil: Luminescence Centre Responsible for Ultraviolet Emission in KCl_Sr Crystals I. Kovács - J. Antal: Experimental Application of the Theoretically Derived Analytical Expressions of the d-type Doubling of the 5P State belonging to the Intermediate Case between Hund's Cases a) and b) Optics L. Zsoldos: Comments on the Paper "Some Remarks on the Orogin of X-ray Diffraction Phenomena" Fluids, Plasmas and Electric Discharges Rama Shankar - Mohan Prasad - S. S. Prabhu: Non-Uniform Propagation of Weak Discontinuities in Radiation Magnetogas Dynamics M. Jánossy - K. Rózsa - L. Csillag - Le Trong Muu: Hollow Anode-Cathode He-Kr Ion Laser J. Szabó: Ein Magnetohydrodynamisches Dynamo-Modell Condensed Matter N. A. Eissa - E. E. Shaisha - A. A. Baghat: Study of the Structure of Some Alkaline Earths Phosphate and Borate Glasses by Mössbauer Effect Y. Thomas: Calculs des coefficients de dilatation de modéles simples á l'aide de la mécanique quantique A. Frey: Decay of Cathodoluminescence from SiO2 Layers P. Glaser - D. Sawicka: Investigations on Al/Si Interface T. Figielski: Dislocations in Semiconductor Materials and Devices K. C. Gupta - R. P. S. Rathore: Effective Masses and Photonon Dispersion in bcc Metals H. A. Sallam - N. A. Eissa - H. A. Saleh: Crystallization Process of Natural Iron Ores in Qatar M. R. Nagy - M. M. El-Sayed - A. A. Mohamed: Effect of Inverse Eutectoid Transformation and Grain Size on the Creep Behaviour of Mild Steel J. Gazsó: Density of GAP States in Amorphous Semiconductors by the Field Effect L. Malicskó - R. Schalge: Effect of Cu-Dopants on the Birefringence of TGS Crystals Astrophysics R. C. Sharma - K. N. Sharma: Thermosolutal Convective Instability in a Stellar Atmosphere Book Reviews

Item Type: Journal
Publisher: Akadémiai Kiadó
Additional Information: Acta Physica Hungarica : a journal of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Volume 56. (1984)
Subjects: Q Science / természettudomány > QC Physics / fizika
Depositing User: Kötegelt Import
Date Deposited: 25 Oct 2016 13:47
Last Modified: 20 Dec 2016 21:52

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