Acta Physica, 69 - 1991. ISSN 0231-4428
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1991 / 1-2. szám General Physics S. S. Koppar - L: K. Patel - T. Singh: On relativistic charged fluid spheres Atomic and Molecular Physics K. K. Sud - S. Moattar: K-shell ionisation of atoms by relativistic protons P. Kálmán: Laser-assisted electron transitions N. Rajamanickam - S. R. K. Rajavel - C. Panneerselvam - K. Sivakumar - N. Sundararajan: Franck-Condon factors and r-centroids for the band system (a3P1-X1P+) of GaH Fluids, plasmas and electric Discharges M. M. Aboelsaad - M. M. Morcos: New analytical approach for cimputing power losses and ground current density profiles of unipolar DC corona Condensed Matter M. J. Marcinkowski: Burgers vector conservation laws C. Malinowska-Adamska: Dynamic and thermodymanic properties of crystals in the low temperature limit A. Urbaniak-Kucharczyk - L. Wojtczak - T. Siklós - Nguyen Chan: Linewidth of spin wave profiles K. P. Ghatak - M. Mondal: On the thermoelectric power in quantum dots of Te under large magnetic filed K. P. Ghatak: Effect of carrier degeneracy on the thermoelectric power in bismuth under classically large magnetic field Classical and Applied Physics V. Ciancio - J. Verhás: On thermal waves and radiating heat transfer Interdisciplinary N. A. Eissa - H. A. Sallam - N. Salah - N. El Enany: Mössbauer spectroscopy and X-ray fluorescence study of ancient pottery from the New Kingdom excavated at Mit-Rahina (Memphis) 1991 / 3-4. szám Nuclear Physics H. M. Hoang - U. Garuska - D. Kielan - A. Marcinkowski - B. Zwieglinski: Cross sections for the (n,p) reaction on Pd isotopes S. M. Qaim - R. Wölfle: Excitation of 139La(n,3He)137Cs reaction near its threshold N. V. Kornilov - P. Raics: Evaluation of the excitation function for the 232Th(n,2n)231Th reaction from threshold to 21 MeV P. Raics: Statistical model calculation of the (n,xn) and (n,F) reaction cross sections for nuclei 232Th, 238U and 237Np L. Lakosi - I. Pavlicsek - Á. Veres: Photoexcitation of 3.7h 176Lum and its astrophysical consequences T. Belgya - B. Fazekas - G. Molnár - Á. Veres - R. A. Gatenby - J. R. Vanhoy - E. M. Baum - E. L. Johnson - S. W. Yates: Search for various collective excitation modes with the (n,n'g) reaction I. Török: Some graphic representations of solar-system abundances of nuclei S. I. Bastrukov - F. Deák - A. Kiss - Z. Seres: Time evolution of the mass exchange in grazing heavy-ion collisions Livia Molnár - I. Lovas: Dirac particle in a periodic field II. I. Angeli: Evaluation procedure for nuclear RMS charge radii B. D. Kuzminov - O. A. Szalnikov: Isszledovanie nejtronnih reakcij v szovmesztnih rabotah IEF i FEI D. Seeliger: Theoretical limits of nuclear fusion in condensed matter J. J. Schmidt: Requirements and status of fast neutron cross sections for nuclear fusion S. Cierjacks - Y. Hino: Differential flux and spectrum calculations for a novel high-intensity 14-MeV cutoff neutron source based on the 1H(t,n)3He source reaction S. Daróczy - Z. Dezső - Á. Pázsit - Cs. M. Buczkó - A. Somogyi - Z. Papp - A. Bolyós - J. Nagy - P. Raics: Air concentrations of Chernobyl fallout radionuclides in the area Debrecen (Hungary) Atomic and Molecular Physics D. Berényi: An analysis of the present stage and future trends in the field of atomic collisions I. Tamássy-Lentei - Á. Derecskei-Kovács: Electric dipole moment calculations for alkali and noble metal hydrides and dimers Classical and Applied Physics L. Bod - E. Fischbach - G. Marx - Maria Náray-Ziegler: One hundred years of the Eötvös experiment Interdisciplinary S. Szegedi - M. Váradi - Z. T. Bődy - L. Vas: Examination of zeolites by neutron reflection method J. Bacsó - I. Uzonyi - I. Földes - A. V. Bakulin - A. S. Rachmanov - V. S. Oganov: Investigations of mineral concentrations, mechanical and biochemical parameters in rat's hair and bone, and correlations between them J. Patkó - D. L. Beke - J. Herbák: Investigation of the colour recovery processes in irradiated "red acrylic" dosimeters
Item Type: | Journal |
Publisher: | Akadémiai Kiadó |
Additional Information: | Acta Physica Hungarica : a journal of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Volume 69. (1991) |
Subjects: | Q Science / természettudomány > QC Physics / fizika |
Depositing User: | Kötegelt Import |
Date Deposited: | 25 Oct 2016 13:46 |
Last Modified: | 20 Dec 2016 21:41 |
URI: | |
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