Acta Physica, 50 - 1981. ISSN 0001-6705
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1980 / 1. szám Elementary Particles and Fields M. J. Marcinkowski: The Relationship between Concepts in Materials Science and Cosmology T. M. Karade - P. U. Tore: Plane Symmetric Vacuum Solutions of Bans - Dicke Fields Nuclear Physics M. M. Shalaby - A. M. El Naiem - H. M. Khalil - M. A. Ali: On the Mechanism of 16O+28Si Elastic Scattering Atomic and Molecular Physics K. Kiss - Gy. Kálmán - J. Pálinkás - B. Schlenk: Investigation of Inner-Shell Ionization by Electron Impact in the 60-600 keV Energy Region N. R. Tawde - V. G. Tulasigeri: Franck-Condon Factors, r-Centroids and Electronic Transition Moment Variation with Internuclear Distance for AlO(A2S-X2S) Band System Using RKP Potentials S. Olszwski: Accuracy of Transition States of Many-Electron Systems on the Basis of a Quantum-Statistical ab initio Theory Fluids, Plasmas and Electric Discharges Animesh Basu: A Problem of Three Dimensional Magneto-Elastodynamics Physics of Condensed Matter R. P. S. Rathmore: Modified Krebs Model for b-Zirconium Nguyen Minh Khue: Effect of Weak Hopping on the Behaviour of the One-Dimensional Box Model M. F. Kotkata - E. A. Mahmoud - M. K. El-Mously: Equilibrium Diagram of Selenium-Tellurium System M. Földeáki - M. Stefán - P. Vojtanik - K. Lázár: High Temperature Magnetic Aftereffect in Iron Alloys Containing Oxygen Classical and Applied Physics K. Martinás: The Completion of the Callén Postulate System Recensiones 1980 / 2. szám - CRYOSEM '79. Ist International Seminar on Low Temperature Physics. Visegrád, Hungary June 14-16, 1979 I. Kirschner: Preface Physics of Condensed Matter S. Feid - V. Gröger: Physical Properties of a Cu - 2 wt% Be - 0.3 wt% Co Alloy V. Gröger: Deviations from Matthiessen's Rule in High Purity Copper F. Stangler - L. Turnwald: Influence of Plastic Deformation on the Critical Temperature of Type-1 Superconductors L. Cesnak - M. Jergel - L. Krempasky - M. Polák - S. Takács: On the Preparation and Study of Superconductors I. Kirschner - K. Sajó: Magnetic Properties of a Higher than Second Order Superconducting Phase Transition I. Kirschner - K. Martinás: Thermodynamic Description of Type II Superconductors T. Porjesz - Gy. Kovács - P. Debreceni: Negative Magnetoresistance Effects in Monocrystalline PbS J. Bánkuti - É. Farkas: Superconducting Properties of Sn-Al Alloys Gy. Kiss - Gy. Reményi - A. A. Hariedy: Magnetic and Thermomagnetic Properties of Some Lead-Ti Alloys L. Lászlóffy: Experimental Superconducting Cables 1980 / 3. szám Elementary Particles and Fields G. Q. Sofi: Top Meson and Properties of Toponium Atomic and Molecular Physics J. Dudkiewicz - C. Bojarski: Orientation Factor in the Theory of Concentrational Quenching of Luminescent Solutions R. Kepa - Z. Rzeszut: The Analysis of the E1?+A1? Transition in 14C16O Molecule R. Gáspár - Gy. Bárdos: Universal Model Potential in the Augmented-Plane-Wave Method Optics L. Szabó: Second Harmonic Generation in KDP Crystals Fluids, Plasmas and Electric Discharges B. Chatterjee - A. R. Roy: A Class of Exact Solutions for Axially Symmetric Charged Perfect Fluid Distribution in Sen-Dunn Theory of Gravitation Subhendu P. Chakravarti - Utpal K. De: Homogeneous Self-Gravitating Perfect Fluid H. Szczepanska - J. Mizeraczyk - D. Venzke: On a Transverse Abnormal Glow Discharge Between Two Cylindrical Electrodes in Nitrogen Condensed Matter N. D. Sharma - Y. N. Al-Jammal: Unambiguous Determination of Force Constant Change of Mössbauer 119Sn Impurity Nuclei in Palladium Host V. R. Murthy - R. N. V. Ranga Reddy: Polarizabilities and Susceptibilities of Cyano-Alkyl-Biphenyl Liquid Crystals P. Deák: Cyclic Cluster Models with Quantumchemical Hamiltonians G. Ferenczi - J. Kiss: Principles of the Optimum Lock-in Averageing in DLTS Measurement Recensio 1980 / 4. szám Statistical Physics and Thermodynamics W. Lucht: Practical Aspects of the Evaluation of a Variational Partition Function Nuclear Physics H. A. Ismail - H. Hanafi - M. Morsy - A.Nada - H. Abu-Leila: The Radioactive Decay of 152Eu Elementary Particles and Fields D. Parashar: On psi Production in PP Collisions D. Parashar: On the Decay of the P-States of Charmonium Atomic and Molecular Physics T. V. Ramakrishna Rao - R. Ramakrishna Reddy - G. T. Naidu: Role of Electronegativity-Evaluation of Molecular Parameters R. Gáspár - I. Tamássy-Lentei: Molecular Pseudopotential Calculations V. R. Gáspár - Á. Nagy: Ionization Energies of the N2, CO, CO2, N2O, C2H2 and SiH4 Molecules Calculated by Universal Model Potential M. Venkata Ramanaiah - S. V. J. Lakshman: True Potential Energy Curves, Dissociation Energy, r-Centroids and Franck-Condon Factors of the AsS+ Molecule Fluids, Plasmas and Electric Discharges Rama Shankar - S. K. Jain: Propagation of Weak Discontinuities in Radiation Magnetogasdynamics A. A. Raptis - C. P. Perdikis - G. J. Tzivanidis: Hydromagnetic Free Convection Flow Past a Vertical Infinite Porous Plate in a Rotating Fluid P. Singh - Parashu Ram: A New Approximate Method for the Flow Near a Rotating Disc Bhimsen K. Shivamoggi: Unsteady Magnetogasdynamic Flow Near an Infinite Flat Plate Condensed Matter P. K. Bhattacharya: Absolute Measurement of Refractive Index and Structure Factor in Polycrystalline and Crystalline Wedges Using Anomalous X-Ray Transmission in Perfect Crystals A. F. Saleh - R. H. Misho - K. S. Dubey: Lattice Thermal Conductivity of Polymers at Low Temperatures N. K. Gobran - F. M. Mansy: Effect of Pre-strain on the Steady State Creep of Al-5 wt % Mg Z. Szeifert: Analytic Formula for the Electron Density of Metal Surfaces Classical and Applied Physics M. R. Nagy - M. S. Sakr - R. Kamel: Effect of Transformation on the Steady Creep Characteristics of Zn-Al Alloys
Item Type: | Journal |
Publisher: | Akadémiai Kiadó |
Additional Information: | Acta Physica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, Tomus 50. (1981) |
Subjects: | Q Science / természettudomány > QC Physics / fizika |
Depositing User: | Kötegelt Import |
Date Deposited: | 24 Oct 2016 08:15 |
Last Modified: | 20 Dec 2016 21:56 |
URI: | |
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