Acta Physica, 1983

Acta Physica, 54 - 1983. ISSN 0001-6705


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1983 / 1-2. szám Editor's Note Elementary Particles and Fields J. N. S. Kashyap: Electron in Einstein's unified field theory Hiren B. Trivedi - L. K. Patel: Some Solutions of Einstein-Maxwell-Yukawa Fields G. Callegari - L. Baroni: A Comparison between Rosen and Einstein Theory of Gravitation B. Lukács: Solutions of the SU(1,) Spin Coefficient Equations with Non-Geodesic Eigenrays Nuclear Physics Ahmed Osman - S. S. Abdel Aziz: Rearrangement Heavy Ion Collisions with Two Nucleon Transfer Ahmed Osman - S. A. Saleh: Heavy Ion Reactions with Single Neutron Transfer Atomic and Molecular Physics I. Kovács - B. P. Lacrov - M. V. Tyutchev - V. I. Ustimov: On the Intensity Anomalies in the Fulcher-a Bands of the H2 Molecule L. A. Kaledin - E. A. Shenyavskaya - I. Kovács: Electronic Spectrum of NdO Optics S. Mokhtar - M. S. Shaalan - W. Osman: Enhanced Fabry-Perot Fringe Visibility over Long Path Differences Using Se-MgF2... Multilayer Coatings Y. P. Singh - A. S. Shekhawat: Interaction of an Obliquely Incident Electromagnetic Wave with Collisional, Magnetized and Moving Plasma Slab F. V. Bunkin - N. A. Kirichenko - B. S. Lukyanchuk - A. V. Simakhin - G. A. Shafeev - L. Nánai - I. Hevesi: On the Characteristics of the Oxidation of Vanadium Effected by a Continuous Beam of Laser Light Liem Phan - L. Michailovits - I. Hevesi: Determination of the Refractive Index, the Absorption Coefficient and the Thickness of Amorphous V2O5 Thin Films from Reflectance Interference Spectra Fluids, Plasmas and Electric Discharges J. Mizeraczyk: Investigations of Longitudinal Hollow-Cathode Discharge A. Bujko - C. Bojarski - R. Bujko: Investigation of Anti-Stokes Fluorescence in Mixed Rhodamine 6G-Malachite Green Systems I. Merches: A Langrangian Formulation in Magnetofluid Dynamics A. Raptis: MHD Natural Convection and Mass Transfer Through a Horizontal Porous Channel Condensed Matter M. F. Kotkata - A. M. Shamah - M. B. El-Den - M. K. El-Mously: An X-Ray Study of As-Se-Te Compounds B. Pődör: Magnetoresistance and Electron SCattering Mechanisms in Gallium Arsenide Book Reviews 1983 / 3-4. szám General Physics Taj K. Zadoo - G. Q. Sofi: Quark interaction energies and baryon magnetic moments J. Wilczynski: Comments on the Doppler formulas for light deduced by Podlaha and Sjödin Elementary Particles and Fields T. Torma: The partial width of the Higgs Boson in H-W+W-g decay Nguyen Ai Viet: Reparametrization of supergroup: superspace as a vectorspace Atomic and Molecular Physics S. V. J. Lakshman - S. Buddhudu: Optical absorption spectra of NdCl3 complexes in solution I. Mayer: On the behaviour of the UHF method near the "critical point" Fluids, Plasmas and Electric Discharges K. Dobróka: Vibration of a viscoelastic fluid sphere M. Abdel-Salam - M. Farghaly - S. Abdel-Sattar: DC corona discharge on monopolar bundle wires Condensed Matter A. Tawansi - S. El-Konsol - A. F. Basha - M. M. Morsi: Investigation of the electrical conductivity of g-irradiated sodium silicate glasses containing multivalence Cu ions K. Stachulec: Debye-Waller factors for thin film diffraction J. László - L. Füstöss - J. Giber: Composition changes in Ni-Au, Ni-Pd and Ni-Cu alloys due to sputtering - a computer simulation M. F. Kitkata - M. K. El-Mously: A survey of amorphous Se-Te semiconductors and their characteristic aspects of crystallization Interdisciplinary T. Tarnóczy: Noise interference with oral communication Book Reviews

Item Type: Journal
Publisher: Akadémiai Kiadó
Additional Information: Acta Physica Hungarica : a journal of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Volume 54. (1983)
Subjects: Q Science / természettudomány > QC Physics / fizika
Depositing User: Kötegelt Import
Date Deposited: 24 Oct 2016 08:14
Last Modified: 20 Dec 2016 21:53

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