Problems of Control and Information Theory, 1977

Problems of Control and Information Theory, 6 - 1977.


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1977 / 1. szám Alfyorov, S. M. - Mikhailov, F. A.: On passing of a chain noise through a continuous linear system Fedotkin, M. A.: On one class of the stable control algorithms for conflict flows of airplane landings Bokor, J. - Kuti, I.: Modelling and parameter optimization by a Pilger-type tube rolling mill Kóczy, T. L. - Hajnal, M.: A new attempt to axiomatize fuzzy algebra with an application example Haber, R.: Estimation and control problems of the efficiency of technical-scientific development in soacialist exonomy 1977 / 2. szám László Kalmár (1905-1976) Csáki, F.: Transformation methods from phase-variable form to canonical form in discrete-time systems Keviczky, L.: On the equivalence of discrete and continuous transfer functions Sidhu, G. S.: A note on the Bezoutian matrix and the controllability and observability of linear systems Zakharov, V. M. - Salimov, F. I.: A contribution to the theory of structural synthesis of determinate probability converter Hoopen, M. T.: Second-order covariance of a class of bi-variate point processes Bukov, V. N.: Combined synthesis of optimal controls with differentiation with respect to direction Portnov-Sokolov, Yu: The Seventh IFAC Symposium on Automatic Control in Space Popov, E. P. - Kuleshov, V. S. - Pavlovskii, M. A.: The Sixth All-Union Symposium on the Theory and Design of Robots and Manipulators Tamm, B.: The International Symposium on Software for Computer Control 1977 / 3. szám Grigor'yev, F. N. - Kuznetsov, N. A.: Control of the observation process in continuous systems Biglieri, E. - Elia, M.: A note on the computation of the cut-off rate of a discrete channel Müller, P. C. - Lückel, J.: Optimal multivariable feedback system design with disturbance rejection Hethéssy, J. - Keviczky, L.: Minimum variance control of multivariable linear systems Pupyrev, E. I.: On finding redundant subformula in Boolean function formula Bars, R. - Mayer, I.: Algorithms for evaluating the Laguerre and x expansion coefficients of transfer functions Cat, P. T.: On the design of multivariable model reference adaptive control systems by the hyperstability method 1977 / 4. szám Frigyes Csáki (1921-1977) Furasov, v. D. - Afanasyev, V. N. - Klimentov, S. I. - Markov, V. N. - Nechayev, A. M.: Synthesis of selfadjusting regulators and Lyapunov vector functions Zigangirov, K. Sh.: Recurrent transmission binary in symmetric channel with feedback Krámli, A. - Pergel, J.: Approximation of a record insertion algorithm by random walk process Bokor, J.: Sequential B-optimum design minimizing bias error Latawiec, K. J.: On different time-domain solutions of the problem of generation of shifted linear binary sequences Gorsky, Yu. M.: Some possibilities of using information indices for the classification and quantitative estimation of oriented artificial intelligence Németh, G.: The recording and read-back procesess of magnetic recording Győrfi, L. - Nemetz, T.: On the dissimilarity of probability measures Book review 1977 / 5-6. szám Razvitie nauki v oblaszti upravlenyija i informacii v szocialiszticseszkih sztranax Krasovskii, N. N. - Chentwov, A. G.: Ont he design of differential games, I Vámos, T.: Visual recognition of artifical objects Sinha, N. K. - Tom. A. F. W.: Identification of optimal filter steady-state gain with unknown coloured observation noise Ryzhikov, Yu. I.: The non-priority of heterogenous demands in a multichannel Markovian system Kocsis, J.: Az inventory model by spline approximation Vaskövi, I. - Galbavy, M.: On determining the extreme characteristic of mixture separating facilities

Item Type: Journal
Publisher: Akadémiai Kiadó
Additional Information: Problems of Control and Information Theory, Vol. 6. (Budapest, 1977)
Subjects: Q Science / természettudomány > QA Mathematics / matematika > QA75 Electronic computers. Computer science / számítástechnika
T Technology / alkalmazott, műszaki tudományok > TK Electrical engineering. Electronics Nuclear engineering / elektrotechnika, elektronika, atomtechnika
Depositing User: Kötegelt Import
Date Deposited: 11 Oct 2016 06:52
Last Modified: 04 Jan 2017 16:27

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