Acta Oeconomica, 24 - 1980. ISSN 0001-6373
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1980 / 1-2. szám Berend T. Iván: The Hungarian Economy and the World Market in the 20th Century Hoch Róbert: On Long-Term Planning in Hungary Bródy András: On Measuring Growth Ehrlich Éva - Szilágyi György: International Comparison of the Hungarian Infrastructure, 1960-1974 Szikra Katalin: On High Personal Incomes in Hungary Laky Teréz: The Hidden Mechanisms of Recentralization in Hungary Lányi Kamilla: Enterprises, Markets, Competitive Situation (An Attempt to Describe the Environment of Enterprises) Kevevári Béla: Some General Problems of Trust Organization in Hungary Holtzer Lóránt: Innovation in the Hungarian Engineering Industry Balcerowicz, Leszek: Organization Structure of the National Economy and Technological Innovations REVIEWS Tatai Zoltán: Industrialization in the Villages Andor Tibor - Fogaras István: International Forum of Savings Banks in Hungary COMMENTS AND CRITICISMS Köves András: On Structural Changes in the World Economy Kádár Béla: A Rejoinder BOOK REVIEWS Kovács-Cseres Zs.: Varga, Gy. (ed.): A mezőgazdasági kistermelés helyzete és jövője (THe Present and Future of Small-Scale Farming) Budapest, 1979. Mezőgazd. Kvk. Inotai András: Wass von Czege, A.: Ungarns Aussenwirtschaftsmodell. Eine Untersuchung des Spannungsfeldes zwischen Ost-West-Kooperation und RGW-Integration. Szentiványi I.: Bácskai, T. - Fogaras, I.: Struktur des Bankwesens in Ungarn. Frankfurt a. M., 1979. Yearbook of Industrial Statistics, 1978. Budapest, 1979. BOOKS RECEIVED About the authors 1980 / 3-4. szám Faluvégi Lajos: Conditions of Hungarian Economic Development and Financial Policy Fekete János: Crisis of the International Monetary System - Impact of World Economic Changes on Hungarian Economic Policy Kloten, Norbert: Monetary Policy and Business Situation in the Federal Republic of Germany Biró, Gerd: Ungarns Internationale Wirtschaftsbeziehungen an der Schwelle der Achtziger Jahre Kádár Béla: Some Strategic Aspects of Structural Policy in Hungary Meissner, Werner: Structural Policy in Market Economies Csizmadia Ernő: Hungarian Food Economy at the Beginning of the 1980s Schweitzer Iván: Central Decisions - Enterprise Efforts (Engineering Industry Development Programmes in Hungary in the Early 1960s) Weber, Wilhelm - Weigel, Wolfgang: Government Bureaucracy: A Survey in Positive and Normative Theory Lackó Mária: Cumulating and Easing of Tensions (A Simple Model of the Cyclical Development of Investments in Hungary) REVIEWS Ritter Jolán: Fifth Joint Conference of the Hungarian Economic Association and the Verein für Socialpolitik BOOK REVIEWS Radnóti É.: Csikós-Nagy, B.: A magyar árpolitika. Az 1979/80 évi árrendezés (Hungarian Price Policy. The 1979/80 Price Adjustment) Közgazd. és Jogi Kvk. Kádár Béla: Román Z. (ed.): Industrial Development and Industrial Policy (Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Industrial Economics, 5-9 September, 1978. Székesfehérvár, Hungary) Török Ádám: Foreign Trade and Price Formation. Discussion Papers Presented at the Meeting of Finnish and Hungarian Economists Daring the Day's of Finnish Science, Budapest, May 14-17, 1979. Richter Sándor: Laki, M.: Új termékek bevezetése és a piaci alkalmazkodás (The Introduction of New Products and Adjustment to the Market) Közgazd. és Jogi Kvk. Pataky E.: Benet, I.: Mezőgazdaság, élelmiszer-gazdaság, agráripari komplexum (Agriculture, Food Economy, Agro-industrial Complex) Közgazd. és Jogi Kvk. Fülöp M.: Grothusen, K.-D. (Hgb.): Südosteuropa-Handbuch Band II. Rumänien, Göttingen, 1977. BOOKS RECEIVED About the Authors
Item Type: | Journal |
Publisher: | Akadémiai Kiadó |
Additional Information: | Acta Oeconomica : periodical of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Vol. 24. (1980) |
Subjects: | H Social Sciences / társadalomtudományok > HB Economic Theory / közgazdaságtudomány |
Depositing User: | Kötegelt Import |
Date Deposited: | 10 Oct 2016 07:35 |
Last Modified: | 14 Dec 2016 16:28 |
URI: | |
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