Acta Oeconomica, 20 - 1978. ISSN 0001-6373
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1978 / 1-2. szám Friss István: Ten Years of Economic Reform in Hungary Nyers Rezső - Tardos Márton: Enterprises in Hungary before and after the Economic Reform Berend T. Iván: Ten Years After - Instead of a Balance-Sheet (Thoughts the Anniversary of the Hungarian Economic Reform) Deák Andrea: Enterprise Investment Decisions and Economic Efficiency in Hungary Nove, Alec: Efficiency Criteria for Nationalized Industries: Some Observations Based Upon British Experience Köves András: Integration Into World Economy and Direction of Economic Development in Hungary Vincze Imre: Multilaterality, Transferability and Exchangeability: Their Content and Conditions of Their Realization within the CMEA Kádár Béla: Major Specialization tendencies of Hungarian Exports to the West REVIEWS Dobozi István: Unctad Seminar in Budapest on Economic Cooperation between Eastern European Socialist Countries and Developing Countries COMMENTS AND CRITICISMS Bródy András: Planning and Planning (Some Comments on Professor Wassily Leontief's Proposals) Rédei J.: The Political Economy of East-West-South Cooperation by G. Adler-Karlsson BOOK REVIEWS Hegedűs P.: Pécsi, K.: A KGST termelési integráció közgazdasági kérdései (Economic Questions of the CMEA Production Integration) Bakos G.: Bethkenhagen, J. - Machowski, H.: Integration im Rat für Gegenseitige Wirtschaftshilfe - Entwicklung, Organisation, Erfolge und Grenzen. Sólyom László: Lebahn, A.: Sozialistische Wirtschaftsintegration und Ost-West-Handel im sowjetischen Internationalen Recht. Hensel, K. P.: Systemvergleich als Aufgabe. Aufsätze und Vorträge. Hrsg. von H. Hamel. Stuttgart-New York: Gustav Fischer Verl., 1977. XI, 254 p. ; BRD-DDR. Die Wirtschaftssysteme. Soziale Marktwirtschaft und sozialistische Planwirtschaft im Systemvergleich. Hrsg. von H. Hamel. Farkas P.: Szentes, T.: The Political Economy of Underdevelopment (Third, Revised and Enlarged ed.) BOOKS RECEIVED About the authors 1978 / 3. szám Köves Pál: Theory of Index Numbers and Economic Reality Varga György: Enterprise Size Pattern in the Hungarian Industry Balázsy Sándor: The "Unsolvable" Dilemma of Regulating Earnings in Hungary Lőkkös János: A Few Problems of Regulating Earnings in Hungary and Possibilities of its Improvement Révész Gábor: Regulation of Earnings in Hungary Lisičkij, Genaddy Stepanovich: O perspectivah razvitiâ otnošenij socialističeskoj sobstvennosti v sel'skom hozâjstve REVIEWS Inotai András: French-Hungarian Economic Colloquium in Budapest Herédi István - Tarján Dániel: Results and Further Objectives of the Major national Research Program "The Socialist Enterprise COMMENTS AND CRITICISMS Adler-Karlsson, G.: Is Capitalism Stronger Than Ever? Rédei J.: Another Brief Rejoinder BOOK REVIEWS Bródy András: Reich, U. P. - Sonntag, Ph. - Holub, H. W.: Arbeit-Konsum-Rechnung. Axiomatische Kritik und Erweiterung der Volkswirtschaftlichen Gesamtrechnung. Eine problemorientierte Einführung mit einem Kompendium wichtiger Begriffe der Arbeit-Konsum-Rechnung. Mit einem Vorwort von Gottfried Bombach. Fonyódi V.: Goldmann, J.: Makroekonomická analýza a prognóza (Macroeconomic Analysis and Prognosis) Tóth E. A.: Vági, F.: Die betriebliche Interessiertheit und der Mechanismus ihrer Durchsetzung in den Staatsgütern. Földi T.: Birkos, A. S. - Tames, I. A.: East European and Soviet Economic Affairs: A Bibliography (1965-1973) BOOKS RECEIVED About the authors 1978 / 4. szám Bauer T. - Szamuely L.: The Structure of Industrial Administration in the European CMEA Countries: Change and Continuity Inotai András: Regional Integration in the New World Economic Environment Gordos Á.: Economic Ventures in Socialist Countries with Western Participation Blahó András: Socialističeskie strany i transnacional'nye monopolii REVIEWS Csernok A.: Export Promoting Credits in Hungary Falus-Szikra K.: On the Connection between Distribution According to Work and Commodity Relations COMMENTS AND CRITICISMS Vacić, A. M.: Income, Personal Incomes and Material Stimulation BOOK REVIEWS Inotai András: Román, Z.: Termelékenység és gazdasági növekedés (Productivity and Economic Growth) Radnóti Éva: Csikós-Nagy, B.: Új árforradalom árnyékában (In the Shadow of a New Price Revolution) Nyilas, J. (ed.): Integration in the World Economy. East-West and Inter-state Relations. Palánkai Tibor: Gulyás J.: A Közös Piac agrárpolitikája (Agricultural Policy of the Common Market) BOOKS RECEIVED About the authors
Item Type: | Journal |
Publisher: | Akadémiai Kiadó |
Additional Information: | Acta Oeconomica : periodical of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Vol. 20. (1978) - Repertórium 16-20. kötet |
Subjects: | H Social Sciences / társadalomtudományok > HB Economic Theory / közgazdaságtudomány |
Depositing User: | Kötegelt Import |
Date Deposited: | 10 Oct 2016 07:34 |
Last Modified: | 14 Dec 2016 16:21 |
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