Acta Oeconomica, 1989

Acta Oeconomica, 41 - 1989. ISSN 0001-6373


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1989 / 1-2. szám Köves András: Opening to the World Economy and Renewing Hungarian Relations with the CMEA Richter Sándor: Trade with the Soviet Union. a Comparison of the Experiences of Austria, Finland, Yugoslavia and Hungary Mihályi Péter: East European Consumer Goods Imports from the West, 1962-1986 Kádár Béla: Further Development of the Relationship between the Foreign-Economic Decision Making System and the Political Sphere Szalai Erzsébet: See-Saw the Economic Mechanism and Large-Company Interests Simon András: A Search Model of Shortages Dániel Zsuzsa: Housing Demand in a Shortage Economy: Results of a Hungarian Survey Lukács Béla: Once More about Economic Entropy REVIEWS Hárs Ágnes: Hopeless Prospects - Unemployment in Hungary Angelusz Róbert - Nagy Lajos Géza - Tardos Róbert: Unemployment as Reflected in Hungarian Public Opinion Muraközy László: What is the Hungarian Budget Like? BOOK REVIEWS Szabó J.: Liska, T.: Ökonosztát (Econostat) Közgazd. és Jogi Kvk. Laki M.: Inzelt, A.: Rendellenességek az ipar szervezetében (Disorders in the Industrial Organization) Közgazd. és Jogi Kvk. Rimler Judit: Bekker, Zs.: Growth Patterns - dynamic Branches: A Contribution to the Description of the Socialist Growth Pattern. Tóth G. László: Saunders, Ch. (ed.): Macroeconomic Management and the Enterprice in East and West. MacMillan Press. BOOKS RECEIVED About the Authors 1989 / 3-4. szám Bródy András: Physical (Phenomenological) Economics? (A Semi-Centennial for J. von Neumann and W. Leontief) Galasi Péter - Kertesi Gábor: Rat Race and Equilibria in Markets with Side Payments under Socialism Halpern László: Effects of Devaluation in a Macroeconometric Model for Hungary Dobrinsky, Rumen Nikolov: The CMEA Country Models of the Bonn-IIASA Project: Closed CPE Models in an Open Environment Bagó Eszter - Móra Mária: The Economic Management and Market Behaviour of the Decentralized Enterprises in Hungarian Industry Erdős Tibor: Wanted: A Well Founded Economic Policy - Problems of External and Internal Equilibrium, Economic Growth and Inflation Nagy András: Monopoly and Liberalization of Foreign exchange Control Várhegyi Éva: Results and Failures of Monetary Restriction (Some Lessons of Hungarian Financial Policy in 1988) Juhász P.: Reform of Cooperative Ownership, and Land Tellér Gyula: Structural Questions of Cooperative Ownership and Income Redistribution in Hungarian Agriculture REVIEWS Tamás Tibor: restricted Development of an Institutional Framework Versus Universal Prophecy (Dispute between Mario Nuti and Tibor Liska in Közgazdasági Szemle) BOOK REVIEWS Laki M.: J. Kornai: Old and New Contradictions and Dilemmas Vincze P.: E. Szalai: Economic Mechanism, Reform Efforts and Large Enterprice Interests Szamuely László: Debates in the Petőfi Circle, on the Basis of the Authentic records. I. Two Economic Debates Petschnig Mária Zita: Bogár L.: Kitörési kísérleteink (Hungarian Attempts at Recovery) Közgazd. és Jogi Kvk. BOOKS RECEIVED About the Authors

Item Type: Journal
Publisher: Akadémiai Kiadó
Additional Information: Acta Oeconomica : periodical of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Vol. 41. (1989)
Subjects: H Social Sciences / társadalomtudományok > HB Economic Theory / közgazdaságtudomány
Depositing User: Kötegelt Import
Date Deposited: 10 Oct 2016 07:33
Last Modified: 14 Dec 2016 17:06

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