Acta Oeconomica, 17 - 1976.
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1976 / 1. szám Nyers Rezső: Sources of Economic Growth in Hungary Szikszay Béla: Living Standard Policy and Price Policy in Hungary Donáth Ferenc: Some Phenomena of the Industrialization of Collectivized Hungarian Agriculture Kovács Gyula: Role of International Cooperation of in Hungarian Economic Growth Inotai András: Some Aspects of the Economic Relations between the Federal Republic of Germany and the CMEA Countries REVIEWS Őri János: Pricing of Agricultural Products and Foodstuffs in Hungary News about the Hungarian Economic Science BOOK REVIEWS Erdős Tibor: Erdős, P.: Bér, profit, adóztatás (Wages, Profit, Taxation) Nyilas A.: Hoós J.: Műszaki fejlődés - struktúraváltozás - gazdaságirányítás (Technological Development, Structural Transformation, Economic Control) Facsády J.: Radó, L.: Külkereskedelmi elméletek (Theories of Foreign Trade) Köves András: Marer, P. (ed.): US Financing of East-West Trade. The Political Economy of Government Credits and the National Interest. BOOKS RECEIVED About the authors 1976 / 2. szám Drecin József: Technological Progress and Economic Growth Timár János: Employment Policy and Labour Economy in Hungary Szentes Tamás: A Few Thoughts on the Problem of Hungarian Cooperation with Developing Countries Köves András: Chapters from the History of East-West Economic Relations Molnár Ferenc: The 1974-75 Recession in the USA: A Lot of Facts and Some Lessons REVIEWS Report on the State and Tasks of Economic Research in Hungary BOOK REVIEWS Szabó P. I.: Kozma, F.: Jólét szocialista módon (Welfare in a Socialist Way) Andorka Rudolf: Rimler, J.: Fejlődéselemzés ökonometriai módszerekkel (Development Analysis with Econometric Methods) Tóthfalusi A.: Márton, J. - Ujhelyi, T.: Élelmiszer-gazdaságunk jövője és a nemzetközi munkamegosztás (Future of the Hungarian Food Economy and the International devision of Labour) Drechsler L.: Rybakov, O. K.: Ékonomičeskaâ éffektivnost' sotrudničestva SSSR s socialističeskimi stranami (Efficiency of International Cooperation between the Soviet Union and the Socialist Countries) Izik Hedri, G.: Grzybowski, K. (ed.): East-West Trade. New York-Leiden: Dobbs Ferry, A. W. Sijthoft, 1973. 307 p. ; Saeter, M.: Europa Politisch. Berlin (West): Berlin Verl., 1974. 307 p. ; Pinder, J. and P.: The European Community's Policy towards Eastern Europe. London: PEP, 1975. 45 p. ; Saunders, Ch.: From Free Trade to Integration in Western Europe? BOOKS RECEIVED About the authors 1976 / 3-4. szám Bognár József: A New Era in the World Economy and Hungarian Foreign Economic Strategy Berend T. Iván: Development of the Infrastructure - In Historical Perspective Falusné Szikra Katalin: Some Questions of the Interpretation of Distribution According to Work Laky Teréz: Attachment to the Enterprise in Hungary (Societal Determination Enterprise Interest in Development) Tardos Márton: Commodity Pattern of Hungarian Foreign Trade Botos Katalin: Nekotorye Finansovye voprosy sovmestnogo predprinimatel'stva v ramkah SÉV Bánfi Tamás: The SDR: An Approach from the Viewpoint of Monetary Theory REVIEWS Nyitrai Vera: The 49 Major Hungarian Industrial Enterprises between 1971-1975 BOOK REVIEWS Radnóti Éva: Csikós-Nagy, B.: Socialist Price Theory and Price Policy. Lévai J.: Gadó, O.: The Economic Mechanism in Hungary - How It Works in 1976. Huszti E.: Hagelmayer, I.: Pénz és pénzpolitika a szocializmusban (Money and Monetary Policy in Socialism) Benet I.: Fekete, F. - Heady, E. O. - Holdren, B. B.: Economics of Cooperative Farming (Objectives and Optima in Hungary) Enyedi Gy.: Fischer, L. A. - Uren, P. E.: The New Hungarian Agriculture. Benet I.: Fazekas, B.: A mezőgazdasági termelőszövetkezeti mozgalom Magyarországon (The Agricultural Cooperative Movement in Hungary) BOOKS RECEIVED About the authors
Item Type: | Journal |
Publisher: | Akadémiai Kiadó |
Additional Information: | Acta Oeconomica : periodical of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Vol. 17. (1976) |
Subjects: | H Social Sciences / társadalomtudományok > HB Economic Theory / közgazdaságtudomány |
Depositing User: | Kötegelt Import |
Date Deposited: | 10 Oct 2016 07:29 |
Last Modified: | 14 Dec 2016 16:13 |
URI: | |
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