Acta Oeconomica, 1973

Acta Oeconomica, 10 - 1973.


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1973 / 1. szám Pajestka, Józef: The Socio-Economic factors of Progress Aganbegian, A. G. - Bagrinovski, K. A.: Problem-Complexes in Optimal Planning Friss István: Tehničeskij progress plan, hozâjstvennaâ reforma Varga György: On the System of Preferences Komló László: The Industrialization and Integration of Agriculture in a Socialist Country Palánkai Tibor - Veress Péter: Effect of the United Kingdom's Entry into the Common Market on Anglo-Hungarian Relations REVIEWS Csendes Béla - Marillai Vilmos: International Conference on Co-operative Theory in Budapest BOOK REVIEWS Csikós-Nagy Béla: Fock, J.: A szocializmus építésének gazdaságpolitikája (The Economic Policy of a Country Building Socialism) Budapest: Kossuth Kvk., 1972. 470 p. [ismertetés] Hetényi I.: Kornai, J.: Rush Versus Harmonic Growth.
 Gergely I.: Gvišiani, D. M.: Organizaciâ i upravlenie (Organization and management)
 Riesz Miklós: Huszti, E.: Vállalati és népgazdasági pénzfolyamatok (Monetary Processes in the Enterprise and in the Nationaleconomy) 
 Bácskai Tamás: Simai, M.: A harmadik évezred felé (Towards to Third Millennium) 
 Ádám Gy.: Heilbroner, R. L. et al.: In the Name of Profit. Profiles in Corporate Irresponsibility. BOOKS RECEIVED About the Authors 1973 / 2. szám Szepesi György - Székely Béla: Some Features of the Economic Structure: An International Comparison Zala Júlia: Inflation, developpement Economique et Planification Gönczi Iván: Razvitie sel'kogo hozâjstva i ékonomičeskaâ éffektivnost' Madarász Aladár: Is Political Economy Timely? (To the Hungarian Edition of Marx's Grundrisse) Bácskai Tamás: The Experience of Savings-Banks in Socialist economies and Its Applicability to Developing Countries Kádár Béla: Small-Sized Developing Countries in the Regional Arrangements REVIEWS Riesz Miklós: The Main Issues of Credit Theory in the Past 25 Years Scientific Conference on Industrial Economics (December 5-7, 1972) BOOK REVIEWS Neményi István: Havas, G.: Beruházás és hitelezés (Investments and Credit) Nagy S.: Berend, T. I. - Bánki, Gy.: A magyar gazdaság száz éve (Hundred Years of the Hungarian Economy) Budapest: Kossuth Kvk. ; Bagár M.: Nyitrai, V.: A magyar ipar fejlődése és távlatai (The Development and Perspectives of Hungarian Industry) Ádám Gy.: Vernon, R.: Sovereignty at bay - The Multinational Spread of U.S. Ádám Gy.: Uri, P. (ed.): trade and Investment Policies for the Seventies - New Challenges for the Atlantic Area and Japan. Becsky Gy.: Sweezy, P.: Modern Capitalism and Other Essays. BOOKS RECEIVED About the Authors 1973 / 3-4. szám Timár Mátyás: Results of the New System of Economic Control and Management and Its Further Development Friss István: Objective Conditions of the Economy and the Extent of Centralization and Decentralization Balázsy Sándor: Financial Regulating System and Technical Development Balassa Ákos: Economic Growth, Equilibrium and Efficiency in the Present Stage of Development Szakolczai György: Capital Taxes, Self-Financing and Capital Transfer Timár János: Dinamika zanâtosti v stranah - členah SÉV s 1950 po 1990 god REVIEWS Román Zoltán: Industry and Research on Industrial Economics in Hungary Bod Péter: The 1972 European Meeting of the Econometric Society Varga György: Ékonomičeskie svâzi s zapadov (Konferenciâ ékonomistov socialističeskih stran) 4th World Congress of Economists in Budapest BOOK REVIEWS Balázsy Sándor: Gadó, O.: Reform of the Economic Mechanism in Hungary, Development 1963. Ausch, S.: Theory and Practice of CMEA Cooperation. Vági G.: Jánossy, F.: The End of the Economic Miracle (Appearance and reality in Economic Development) Nemény, V.: Gazdasági rendszerek irányítása. A gazdasági kibernetika alapjai (Control of Economic Systems. The Foundations of Economic Cybernetics) BIBLIOGRAPHY Hungarian Reviews on Foreign Economic Books in 1972 BOOKS RECEIVED About the Authors REPERTORY OF VOLS. 6 TO 10 OF ACTA OECONOMICA

Item Type: Journal
Publisher: Akadémiai Kiadó
Additional Information: Acta Oeconomica : periodical of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Vol. 10. (1973) - Repertórium 6-10. kötet
Subjects: H Social Sciences / társadalomtudományok > HB Economic Theory / közgazdaságtudomány
Depositing User: Kötegelt Import
Date Deposited: 10 Oct 2016 07:27
Last Modified: 14 Dec 2016 08:32

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