Acta Mathematica, 1990

Acta Mathematica, 55 - 1990. ISSN 0236-5294


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1989 / 1-2. szám Maxsein, Th.: Potenzreihen die einer wachstumsbedingung genügen und additive Koeffizienten besitzen Asaad, M.: Finite groups some of whosen-maximal subgroups are normal Casciaro, B. - Dragomir, S.: On reducible finsler spaces with a vanishing Rijk torsion tensor field Kindler, J. - Trost, R.: Minimax theorems for interval spaces Tong, Jingcheng: On decomposition of continuity in topological spaces Bor, H. - Kuttner, B.: On the necessary conditions for absolute weighted arithmetic mean summability factors Cieślak, W. - Góźdź, S.: Extremal polygons circumscribed an oval Muškarov, O.: Some remarks on generalized Grassmann manifolds Parhi, N.: Nonoscillation of solutions of a class of third order differential equations Horbowicz, J. - Niederreiter, H.: Weighted exponential sums and discrepancy Magyar Z.: On the classification of real semi-simple Lie algebras Vértesi P.: Hermite-Fejér interpolations of higher order. I Hu, Tien-Chung - Móricz F. - Taylor, R. L.: Strong laws of large numbers for arrays of rowwise independent random variables Joó I.: On some convexities 1989 / 3-4. szám García-Lafuente, J. M. - Hombría-Maté, A. E.: -Nuclear spaces which are nuclear Goldberg, S.: Perturbations of semi-Fredholm operators with complemented range Legiša, P.: Banach spaces with a shrinking hyperorthogonal basis Chaki, M. C. - De, U. C.: On pseudo symmetric spaces Brüll, L. - Kapellen, H.-J.: Periodic solutions of one-dimensional nonlinear Schrödinger equations López, A. Vera: Conjugacy classes of p'-elements in finite groups Booth, G. L.: Supernilpotent radicals of -Rings Lozzi, F. - Migliorini, F.: G-Decomposition of regular semigroups and classification of bands Balasubramanian, R. - Shorey, T. N. - Waldschmidt, M.: On the maximal length of two sequences of consecutive integers with the same prime divisors Bertrand-Mathis, Anne: Comment ecrire les nombres entiers dans une base qui n'est pas entiere Hernández, S.: Wallman-uniform completions Hermann, T. - Vértesi P.: On the method of Somorjai Indlekofer, K.-H. - Kátai I.: Exponential sums with multiplicative coefficients Berkes I.: On almost symmetric sequences in Lp Szűcs A.: Applications of the Pontrjagin-Thom construction for singular maps Ádám A.: On simplicity-critical moore automata. II Balog A.: On additive representation of integers Gróf J.: Approximation Durch Operatoren vom Exponentiellen Typ Komornik V.: On the vibrations of solid balls Móricz F.: On D-strong convergence of numerical sequences and Fourier series Laczkovich M. - Révész Sz.: Periodic decompositions of continuous functions

Item Type: Journal
Publisher: Akadémiai Kiadó
Additional Information: Acta Mathematica Hungarica, Volume 55. (1990)
Subjects: Q Science / természettudomány > QA Mathematics / matematika
Depositing User: Kötegelt Import
Date Deposited: 30 Aug 2016 10:16
Last Modified: 16 Dec 2016 20:43

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