Acta Mathematica, 1982

Acta Mathematica, 39 - 1982. ISSN 0001-5954


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1982 / 1-3. szám Hiremath, V. A.: Cofinitely generated and cofinitely related modules Heyman, G. A. P. - Jenkins, T. L. - le Roux, H. J.: Variations on almost nilpotent rings, their radicals and partitions Turinici, M.: Drop theorems and lipschitzianness tests via maximality procedures Riemenschneider, S. - Sharma, A. - Smith, P. W.: Convergence of lacunary trigonometric interpolation on equidistant nodes Jayaram, C.: Quasicomplemented semilattices Tóth G.: Harmonic submersions onto nonnegatively curved manifolds Pham Ngoc Anh: A note on linearly compact rings Ezeilo, J. O. C.: A Leray-Schauder technique for the investigation of periodic solutions of the equation x+x+x2= e cos wt (e /= 0) Chung, K. L.: A cluster of great formulas Artikis, T.: A note on certain power mixtures Losonczi L. - Maksa Gy.: On some functional equations of the information theory Vértesi P.: Hermite-Fejér type interpolations. IV (Convergence criteria for Jacobi abscissas) Móricz F.: Lebesgue functions and multiple function series. II Peherstorfer, F.: On an extremal problem for nonnegative trigonometric polynomials and the characterization of positive quadrature formulas with Chebyshev weight function Balog A.: Statistical theorems about the embeddings of Abelian groups into symmetrical ones Tandori K.: Über ein Problem von B. S. Kašin Totik V.: Comparison of "uniform" and "almost everywhere" summability properties Gruber, P. M. - Ramharter, G.: Beiträge zum Umkehrproblem für den Minkowskischen Linearformensatz Monari Martinez, E. - Salce, L.: A homological characterization of certain subgroups of Abelian p-groups Misra, N.: On the rapidity of convergence of Hermite-Fejér interpolation based on the roots of Legendre polynomial Nagy P. T.: On bundle-like conform deformation of a Riemannian submersion Dale, L.: The structure of monic ideals in a noncommutative polynomial semiring Beazer, R.: Affine complete Stone algebras Jaworowski, J.: G-spaces with a finite structure and their embedding in G-vector spaces Sands, A. D.: Weakly homomorphically closed semisimple classes of subidempotent radicals Hannick, F. T.: Special classes of generalized coherent rings Vinsonhaler, C. - Wickless, W.: Projective classes of torsion free Abelian groups Leindler L.: Derivative functions and strong approximation of Fourier series. II Moór A.: Über die aus einem gemischten Tensor gebildeten Otsukischen Räume Alpár L.: On the linear transformations of series summable in the sense of Cesaro Tandori K.: Bemerkung über die unbedingte Konvergenz der Orthogonalreihen Simon P.: Remarks on the shift operators with respect to the Haar and Franklin systems Laczkovich Miklós: On additive and strongly derivable interval functions Aversa, V. - Laczkovich Miklós: Extension theorems on derivatives of additive interval functions Laczkovich Miklós - Petruska G.: Averaging processes on function classes Stewart, P. N. - Wiegandt R.: Quasi-ideals and bi-ideals in radical theory Gyires B.: Contribution to the Fourier analysis of matrix-valued functions Kroó A.: Best L1-approximation of vector valued functions 1982 / 4. szám Peligrad, Magda: A criterion for tightness for a class of dependent random variables Bleyer A. - Preuss, W.: Spline function approximations for solution of differential equations with retarded arguments Sunouchi, G.: Absolute summability of Fourier series Abian, A.: Definition and construction of free algebras revisited Richter, W.: A short note about pointwise divergence of Jacobi expansion for continuous functions Mercer, A. McD.: A class of biorthogonal expansions arising from a Volterra operator equation Willard, S. - Karnik, S. M.: Hereditary natural covers and subspaces of SR-spaces Tran Van Nhung: Über das asymptotische Verhalten von Lösungen gewöhnlicher asymptotisch periodischer Differentialgleichungen mit zufälligen Parametern Tandori K.: Bemerkung zum Gesetz der großen Zahlen Korolczuk, Halina: On *-simple rings Vértesi P.: On the almost everywhere divergence of Lagrange interpolation (complex and trigonometric cases) Misra, P. R.: On isomorphism theorems for C(X) Tzintzis, G.: An upper radical property and an answer to a problem of L.C.A. van Leeuwen and G.A.P. Heyman Pandey, P. N.: On a Finsler space of zero projective curvature Rayar, Mary: On small and cosmall modules Laczkovich Miklós: Continuity and derivability of additive interval functions Joó I. - Stachó L. L.: A note on Ky Fan's minimax theorem Leindler L.: On relations of coefficient-conditions

Item Type: Journal
Publisher: Akadémiai Kiadó
Additional Information: Acta Mathematica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, Volume 39. (1982)
Subjects: Q Science / természettudomány > QA Mathematics / matematika
Depositing User: Kötegelt Import
Date Deposited: 30 Aug 2016 10:15
Last Modified: 16 Dec 2016 20:27

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