Acta Mathematica, 1981

Acta Mathematica, 37 - 1981. ISSN 0001-5954


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1981 / 1-3. szám Hermann T. - Vértesi P.: On an interpolatory operator and its saturation Tandori K.: Über die Lebesgueschen Funktionen. IV Borwein, D. - Cass, F. P.: Weighted means, generalised Hausdorff matrices and the Borel property Joó I.: Almost everywhere divergent Fourier series with respect to arbitrary bounded orthonormal system of the form (f(nkx)) Móricz F.: The Kronecker lemmas for multiple series and some applications Pethő A.: Beiträge zur Theorie der S-Ordnungen Császár Á. - Matolcsy K.: Syntopogenous extensions for prescribed topologies Kelmans, A. K.: On graphs with randomly deleted edges Angelov, V. G. - Bajnov, D. D.: Susestvovanie i edinstvennost' global'nogo rešeniâ načal'noj zadači dlâ odnogo klassa funkcional'no-differencial'nyh uravnenij nejtral'nogo tipa v banahovom prostranstve Ahobadze, T. I.: Klassy funkcij i shodimost' râdov Fur'e Császár Á.: Extensions of quasi-uniformities Turinici, M.: Multivalued contractions and applications to functional differential equations Kovancov, N. I.: Stroenie poverhnosti otricatel'noj krivizny v okrestnosti rebra vozvrata Kátai I. - Kovács B.: Canonical number systems in imaginary quadratic fields Dringó L. - Kátai I.: Some remarks concerning the sum of digits of integers Richards, L.: Karamata type operators on the space of uniformly convergent power series Stewart, M.: Irregularities of uniform distribution Kiss E. W. - Rónyai L.: On rings having a special type of subring lattice Székelyhidi L.: Functional equations on Abelian groups Leindler L.: On the strong summability and approximation of orthogonal series Móricz F.: On the square and the spherical partial sums of multiple orthogonal series Száz Á.: Inversion in the multiplier extension of admissible vector modules Herman I.: A Hamiltonian defined in L2(SO(3),L) Tandori K.: Über die Summierbarkeit der Orthogonalreihen Balog A.: An elementary Tauberian theorem and the prime number theorem 1981 / 4. szám Annaev, T. A. - Lakatos L.: Analiz sostoânij odnorodnoj sistemy s neordinarnym postupleniem i parnym obsluživaniem trebovanij Annaev, T. A. - Lakatos L.: O veroâtnostâh sostoânij neodnorodnoj sistemy s neordinarnym postupleniem i parnym obsluživaniem trebovanij Chuong, H. M.: Splitting algebra and a notion of -retract Nishiura, T.: The topology of almost everywhere continuous, approximately continuous functions Österreicher, F. - Feldman, D.: Divergenzen von Wahrscheinlichkeitsverteilungen - integralgeometrisch betrachtet Ceder, J. - Pearson, T. L.: On typical bounded Darboux Baire one functions Jürgensen, H.: Eine Kongruenz auf endlichen Halbgruppen Godini, G.: The modulus of continuity of the set-valued metric projection Schwinn, H.: Über die Konvergenz und Summierbarkeit von Teilfolgen allgemeiner Orthogonalreihen Misra, R.: Sets with countable base of neighbourhoods Misra, N.: On the convergence of Hermite-Fejér and Hermite-Fejér type processes Szeto, G.: On projective modules over a central quotient ring Scheffold, E.: Über eine Klasse nichtelliptischer linearer partieller Differentialgleichungen Rieger, G. J.: Über große Werte der Riemannschen Funktion in Winkelräumen Kovács B.: Canonical number systems in algebraic number fields Tandori K.: Über die Größenordnung der Lebesgueschen Funktionen Tran Van Nhung: On the boundedness of the spectrum of some linear systems with stochastic perturbations Parnami, J. C. - Agrawal, M. K. - Rajwade, A. R.: On some trigonometric diophantine equations of the type Nagy B.: Local spectral theory Maksa Gy.: On the bounded solutions of a functional equation Molnár E.: Inversion auf der Idealebene der Bachmannschen metrischen Ebene Bosznay Á. P.: Remarks on the unique farthest point problem in some subspaces of C Móricz F.: Lebesgue functions and multiple function series. I Chung, L. O. - Luh, J.: "Conditions for elements to be central in a ring" Erdős P. - Kátai I.: A correction to our paper "On the maximal value of additive functions..."

Item Type: Journal
Publisher: Akadémiai Kiadó
Additional Information: Acta Mathematica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, Tomus 37. (1981)
Subjects: Q Science / természettudomány > QA Mathematics / matematika
Depositing User: Kötegelt Import
Date Deposited: 30 Aug 2016 10:15
Last Modified: 16 Dec 2016 20:25

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