Acta Mathematica, 1980

Acta Mathematica, 36 - 1980. ISSN 0001-5954


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1980 / 1-2. szám Dinh Van Huynh: Über linear kompakte Ringe Vértesi P.: On the convergence of Fourier series Sharfuddin, A. - Farzadi, G.: Almost paracontact manifold with an affine connexion Yoshimoto, T.: Some inequalities for ergodic power functions Gróf J.: Verallgemeinerung eines Satzes über gleichmäßige Approximation in einem unendlichen Intervall Leeuwen, L. C. A. van - Wiegandt R.: Radicals, semisimple classes and torsion theories Czédli G.: On the 2-distributivity of sublattice lattices Puczyłowski, E. R.: On unequivocal rings Letizia, A.: On a special algebra with two operations Lenzi, D.: The para-cancellation law in commutative semigroups Erdős P. - Vértesi P.: On the almost everywhere divergence of Lagrange interpolatory polynomials for arbitrary system of nodes Petz D.: On box products of syntopogenous spaces Kratz, W. - Trautner, R.: Zur Konvergenz von Funktionenreihen Szabó S.: On decomposing finite abelian groups Blasco, J. L.: Noncomplete bases on discrete spaces Karanikas, C. G.: A class of translation-invariant characters of M(G) Rédei L.: To the mathematical theory of "Fifteenth-puzzle" Wagner, E. - Wilczyński, W.: Convergence of sequences of measurable functions Kroó A.: A note on discrete Čebysev approximation Haghany, A.: A note on reflexive An-modules Coquet, J.: Sur certaines suites pseudo-aléatoires. II Yahya, S. M.: On cocyclic modules Rathore, R. K. S. - Singh, O. P.: Determination of certain asymptotic constants related with the post-Widder inversion of Laplace transform Pastijn, F.: Regular locally testable semigroups as semigroups of quasi-ideals Kuttner, B. - Thorpe, B.: A note on strong Cesaro summability Tandori K.: Über die Lebesgueschen Funktionen. III Kohli, J. K.: A unified approach to monotone extensions of mappings O'Malley, R. J.: Selective derivatives and the M2 or Denjoy-Clarkson properties Leindler L.: Derivative functions and strong approximation of Fourier series 1980 / 3-4. szám Sallam, S.: On the stability of quasidouble step spline function approximations for solutions of initial value problems Taylor, M. A.: A Pexider equation for functions defined on a semigroup Ruzsa I. Z.: On the concentration of additive functions Gupta, V.: Some remarks on the commutativity of rings Mathan, B. de: Numbers contravening a condition in density modulo 1 Chatterjee, A. - Dikshit, H. P.: Complex cubic spline interpolation Mishra, R. S. - Mathur, K. K.: Lacunary interpolation by splines (0; 0, 2, 3) and (0; 0, 2, 4) cases Mohanty, S. P.: Integer solution in arithmetic progression for y2-k=x3 Ahmad, I. A.: A Hájek-Rényi inequality for U-statistics Bojanic, R.: Necessary and sufficient conditions for the convergence of the extended Hermite-Fejér interpolation process Cornish, W. H.: Boolean skew algebras Bell, H. E.: On commutativity of periodic rings and near-rings

Item Type: Journal
Publisher: Akadémiai Kiadó
Additional Information: Acta Mathematica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, Tomus 36. (1980)
Subjects: Q Science / természettudomány > QA Mathematics / matematika
Depositing User: Kötegelt Import
Date Deposited: 30 Aug 2016 10:15
Last Modified: 16 Dec 2016 20:25

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