Acta Mathematica, 1978

Acta Mathematica, 31 - 1978. ISSN 0001-5954


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1978 / 1-2. szám Sankaranarayanan, G. - Balakrishnan, V.: A renewal theorem for a sequence of dependent random variables Hickman, J. L.: An analysis of the class of ordinal solutions of Fermat's equation xn+yn=zn Hauptfleisch, G. J. - Loonstra, F.: On modules over rings of type (n, k) Waldschmidt, M.: Pólya's theorem by Schneider's method Nicolescu, L. - Martin, M.: Sur l'algebre associée a un champ tensoriel du type (1,2) Jürgensen, H.: Inf-Halbverbände als syntaktische Halbgruppen Meir, A. - Moon, J. W.: Climbing certain types of rooted trees. II Wolfson, D. B.: A converse to a central limit theorem of B. Gyires Pham Ngoc Anh: Über die Struktur linear kompakter Ringe Bleyer A. - Preuss, W.: A note to the continuous derivation of fields Varma, A. K.: On an interpolation process of S. N. Bernstein Erdős P. - Hajnal A. - Milner, E. C.: On set systems having paradoxical covering properties Sárközy A.: On difference sets of sequences of integers. I Freud R.: On additive functions which are monotone on a "rare" set Nagy B.: Analytic functions of prespectral operators Molnár J.: Packing of congruent spheres in a strip 1978 / 3-4. szám Varma, A. K.: Lacunary interpolation by splines. I Varma, A. K.: Lacunary interpolation by splines. II Gaenssler, P. - Strobel, J. - Stute, W.: On central limit theorems for martingale triangular arrays Deo, S.: On cohomology of simple sheaves Ng, C. T.: Inverse systems and the translation equation on topological spaces Neggers, J.: Counting finite posets Linden, H. - Pittnauer, F. - Wyrwich, H.: Zur Birkhoff-Interpolation ganzer Funktionen Preuss, W.: Remarks on operator transformations of a field of transformable operators Tandori K.: Über beschränkte orthonormierte Systeme Vértesi P.: Simultaneous approximation by interpolating polynomials Babai L.: Automorphism group and category of cospectral graphs Hermann T.: On Baskakov-type operators Molnár E.: Kegelschnitte auf der metrischen Ebene Kiss E. W.: A module-theoretic characterisation of rings with unity Komáromi Éva: Matrices with restricted elements, row sums and column sums Sárközy A.: On difference sets of sequences of integers. III

Item Type: Journal
Publisher: Akadémiai Kiadó
Additional Information: Acta Mathematica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, Tomus 31. (1978)
Subjects: Q Science / természettudomány > QA Mathematics / matematika
Depositing User: Kötegelt Import
Date Deposited: 30 Aug 2016 10:14
Last Modified: 15 Dec 2016 21:18

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