Acta Mathematica, 27 - 1976.
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1976 / 1-2. szám Martin, N. F. G.: Fibre bundles over subspaces of partition space Roos, C.: Ideals of matrixrings over nonassociative rings Mikloško, J.: On the Gauss type quadrature with parametric weight function Johnson, Johnny A.: A note on Noether lattices in which each element is primary Baartmans, A. H.: Groups whose proper factors are abelian Frank, J. L. - Shaw, J. K.: On analytic functions whit gaps. II Płonka, J.: On direct products of some Burnside groups Spencer, J.: Maximal asymmetry of graphs Trivedi, H. K. N. - Rastogi, S. C. - Awasthi, G. D.: On associative curves. I Trivedi, H. K. N. - Rastogi, S. C.: On associative curves. II Richman, F.: Detachable p-groups and quasi-injectivity Chatterjea, S. K.: A remark on semigroups with identity element Siddiqi, Rafat N.: A note on a theorem of Alexits and Králik Linden, H. - Pittnauer, F.: Behandlung eines Whittakerschen Mehr-Punkte-Problems mit Perronschen Summengleichungen Kel'mans, A. K.: Čislo derev'ev grafa, soderžasih zadannyj les Tomkins, R. J.: On the growth rate of weighted averages of exponential random variables Nguyen Xuan Ky: On weighted polynomial approximation with a weight (1-x)/2(1+x)/2 in L2-space Vértesi P.: Estimations for some interpolatory processes Vértesi P.: On the definition of saturation Lakatos L.: Obsluživaniâ trebovanij dvuh tipov Fejes Tóth G.: Multiple packing and covering of the plane with circles Ho Tho Kau: Neravenstvo dlâ algebraičeskih mnogočlenov i zavisimost' meždu nailučsimi stepennymi približeniâmi E(f)Lp i E(f)Lq funkcij f(x)Lp Kátai I.: The distribution of divisors mod 1 Kátai I.: A result on consecutive primes Vértesi P.: Saturation of certain operator-sequences Szabados J.: On convolution operators with kernels of finite oscillations Frankl P.: On commutator subgroups Somorjai G.: A Müntz-type problem for rational approximation Laczkovich Miklós: Separation of sets by derivatives Szabados J.: On a problem of R. DeVore 1976 / 3-4. szám Martinez, J.: Topological coordinatizations and dualities of Brouwer lattices Bouvier, A.: Sur les anneaux principaux Makkouk, A.: On complete metrizability of some topological spaces Reimer, M.: Orthogonale Polynome, die einer Rekursionsgleichung mit konstanten Polynomkoeffizienten genügen Gliviak, F.: Vertex-critical graphs of given diameter Knoop, H.-B.: Eine Folge positiver Interpolationsoperatoren Persson, L. E.: Relations between summability of functions and their Fourier series Schürger, K.: On the evolution of random graphs over expanding square lattices Lorch, L.: Some monotonicity properties of polynomials with equally spaced zeros Jogesh Babu, G. - Ghosh, M.: A random functional central limit theorem for martingales Grossman, N.: Formulas relating the area of the surface of a domain to the curvature of surfaces filling the domain Mercer, A. McD.: A note on one-dimensional f-expansions Stewart, P. N.: Radicals and functional representations Sunouchi, G.: On the approximation and saturation of periodic continuous functions by certain trigonometric interpolation polynomials Simon P.: Verallgemeinerte Walsh-Fourierreihen. II Szűcs A.: Gruppy kobordizmov l-pogruženij. I Frankl P.: Generalizations of theorems of Katona and Milner
Item Type: | Journal |
Publisher: | Akadémiai Kiadó |
Additional Information: | Acta Mathematica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, Tomus 27. (1976) |
Subjects: | Q Science / természettudomány > QA Mathematics / matematika |
Depositing User: | Kötegelt Import |
Date Deposited: | 30 Aug 2016 10:12 |
Last Modified: | 15 Dec 2016 21:09 |
URI: | |
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