Acta Mathematica, 26 - 1975.
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1975 / 1-2. szám Carlson, J. F.: Calculating some relative homology over group rings Henle, J. M. - Kleinberg, E. M.: A combinatorial proof of a combinatorial theorem Shiokawa, I. - Uchiyama, S.: On some properties of the dyadic Champernowne numbers Windauer, H.: Symmetrische Birkhoff-Interpolation Schein, B. M.: Free inverse semigroups are not finitely presentable Maslov, V. V.: O nekotoryh special'nyh tipah kategorij Upadhyay, M. D. - Awasthi, C. P.: S-connection and Gauss-Codazzi equations McLeish, D. L.: An invariance principle for strongly multiplicative sequences Lawver, D. A.: Cocyclic planar near-rings Finkelstein, H. S.: Some numerical results on groups Moór A.: Über die Veränderung der Krümmung bei einer Torsion der Übertragung Komlós J. - Sulyok M. - Szemerédi E.: Linear problems in combinatorial number theory Balázs Katalin: Approximation by Bernstein type rational functions Győry K. - Pethő A.: Sur la distribution des solutions des équations du type "norme-forme" Botto, M. A. - Vértesi P. O. H.: On the convergence of the Bernstein - Grünwald averaging process for averaging interpolators Vértesi P. O. H.: A problem of P. Turán (On the mean convergence of lacunary interpolation) Joó I.: An interpolation-theoretical characterization of the classical orthogonal polynomials Kis O.: Issledovanie odnogo interpolâcionnogo processa. II Vértesi P. O. H.: Notes on a paper of G. Grünwald Vértesi P. O. H.: Hermite-Fejér interpolation omitting some derivatives Oláh Gy.: Enumeration of spanning trees containing given subtrees Berkes I.: An almost sure invariance principle for lacunary trigonometric series Feigelstock, S.: A correction of "The nilstufe of the direct sum of rank 1 torsion free groups" 1975 / 3-4. szám Crombez, G.: On partially ordered f-groupoids Stern, M.: Strongly planar AC-lattices in which the ideal of the finite elements is standard Wiegandt Richárd: A condition in general radical theory and its meaning for rings, topological spaces and graphs Fried E.: Prime factorization, algebraic extension and construction of weakly associative lattices Dinh Van Huynh: Über Ringe Mit Minimalbedingung Für Hauptrechtsideale Kaiser, H. K. - Lidl, R.: Erweiterungs- und Rédeipolynomvollständigkeit Universaler Algebren Leeuwen, L. C. A. van - Heyman, G. A. P.: A radical determined by a class of almost nilpotent rings Csákány B.: Varieties of modules and affine modules Ito, N.: On Wielandt number of transitive permutation groups of prime degree Nöbauer, W.: Über die Automorphismen von Kompositionsalgebren Szabó L.: Endomorphism monoids and clones Megyesi L.: Polugruppy, u kotoryh vse podmnožestva nezavisimy Neumann, B. H.: Questions and examples on group coverings Weinert, H. J.: Ringe mit nichtkommutativer Addition. II Carlitz, L.: Some polynomials associated with Dedekind sums Tandori K.: Gewisse Fragen über die Lebesgueschen Funktionen Schein, B. M.: Commutative semigroups all of whose subsemigroups are densely embedded Huppert, B.: Zur konstruktion der reellen Spiegelungsgruppe H4 Preston, G. B.: Rédei's characterization of congruences on finitely generated free commutative semigroups Márki L.: Über einige Vollständigkeitsbegriffe in Halbgruppen und Gruppen Szép J.: On a finite algebra with two operations Loonstra, F.: Note on extensions of modules Szekeres G.: Homogeneous ideals in K(x, y, z) Belâev, V. V. - Sesekin, N. F.: O beskonečnyh gruppah tipa Millera-Moreno Steinfeld O.: Some characterizations of semisimple rings with minimum condition on principal left ideals Kis O. - Névai G. P.: On an interpolational process with applications to Fourier series Laczkovich Miklós: Separation properties of some subclasses of Baire 1 functions Bleyer A.: Extension of linear operator transformations Veidinger L.: On the order of convergence of a finite element method in regions with curved boundaries Lovász L.: 2-matchings and 2-covers of hypergraphs
Item Type: | Journal |
Publisher: | Akadémiai Kiadó |
Additional Information: | Acta Mathematica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, Tomus 26. (1975) |
Subjects: | Q Science / természettudomány > QA Mathematics / matematika |
Depositing User: | Kötegelt Import |
Date Deposited: | 30 Aug 2016 10:12 |
Last Modified: | 15 Dec 2016 21:09 |
URI: | |
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