Acta Mathematica, 1973

Acta Mathematica, 24 - 1973.


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1973 / 1-2. szám Prakasa Rao, B. L. S.: Limit theorems for random number of random elements on complete separable metric spaces Csordas, G. L.: A note on the Silov boundary and the cluster sets of a class of functions in H Shafaat, A.: On products of relational structures Gandhi, J. M.: Euler's numbers and the diophantine equation 21-121-121-1 Hechler, S. H.: Independence results concerning the number of nowhere dense sets necessary to cover the real line Bruckner, A. M. - Ceder, J. G.: On a problem of S. Marcus concerning quasi-Darboux functions Liang, J. J.: On discriminants and maximal orders Schultz, Ph.: On a paper of Szele and Szendrei on groups with commutative endomorphism rings Richards, J. W.: c-Partitions of finite groups. I Aull, C. E.: A separation axiom of F. Riesz Chandran, V. R.: A note on a problem of F. Szász Toubassi, E. H.: On the group of extensions Poorten, A. J. Van Der: Generalizing Turán's main theorems on lower bounds for sums of powers Pilz, G.: A construction method for near-rings Lawver, D. A.: On the commutativity and generalized regularity of E(G) Butler, Kim Ki-Hang: Straddles and splits on semigroups Balkema, A. A. - Tijdeman, R.: Some estimates in the theory of exponential sums Wegner, B.: Über Eine Kennzeichnende Eigenschaft der Kugel von W. Süss und Deren Verallgemeinerung Abian, A.: Nonisomorphic atomless Boolean algebras Simmons, G. J.: A generalized converse to a lemma of L. Lovász Hansen, F.: Lösung Eines Problems Bezüglich der Modularen Rechtsideale Bognár M.: Diei-Kategorie der Stetigen Wege Bognár M.: Über Lageeigenschaften Verallgemeinerter Mannigfaltigkeiten Linhart, J.: Über Einige Vermutungen Von L. Fejes Tóth Iványi A. - Kátai I.: On monotonic additive functions Névai G. P.: Ob interpolâcionnom processe Lagranža s Uzlami v Kornâh mnogočlenov ermita Babai L.: Groups of graphs on given surfaces Leindler L. - Nikišin, E. M.: Note on strong approximation by Fourier series Fejes Tóth G. - Fejes Tóth L.: On totally separable domains Vértesi P. O. H.: Notes on the Hermite-Fejér interpolation based on the Jacobi abscissas Gallai T.: Korrektion zu Meiner Arbeit „Über Reguläre Kettengruppen” Szabados J.: On the convergence of Hermite-Fejér interpolation for the Laguerre abscissas 1973 / 3-4. szám Abdel Karim, R. I. I.: Note on the periodic solutions of systems of ordinary differential equations Gardner, B. J.: Radicals of abelian groups and associative rings Feigelstock, S.: The nilstife of the direct sum of rank 1 torsion free groups Smorodinsky, M.: -automorphisms are Bernoulli shifts Mrówka, S.: -like compactifications Shendge, G. R.: On a functional integral inequality Schreiber, M.: A perturbation theorem Hajnal A. - Juhász I.: A consistency result concerning hereditarily -Lindelöf spaces Steinfeld, O.: Über Metaabsorbente in Gruppoid-Verbänden Lovász L. - Recski A.: On the sum of matroids Névai G. P.: Mnogočleny, ortonormal’n’e na vesestvennoj osi s vesom. I Rashid, M. A. - Wiegandt R.: The hereditariness of the upper radical Névai G. P.: O Priznake Dini-Lipšica Kis O.: O Nekotoryh Interpolâcionnyh Processah S. N. Bernštejna Freud G.: On polynomial approximation with the weight Fejes Tóth L.: On the density of a connected lattice of convex bodies Balázs J.: Über ein Kreisüberdeckungsproblem Petruska G. - Laczkovich M.: A theorem on approximately continuous functions Freud G.: On the converse theorems of weighted polynomial approximation Szabados J.: On the convergence and saturation problem of the Jackson polynomials Névai G. P.: Približenie Periodičeskih Funkcij Mnogih Peremennyh. Y Fejes Tóth G.: Sum of moments of convex polygons Vértesi P. O. H.: On certain linear operators. VI : Lower estimation for the Hermite-Fejér interpolation based on the Jacobi abscissas

Item Type: Journal
Publisher: Akadémiai Kiadó
Additional Information: Acta Mathematica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, Tomus 24. (1973)
Subjects: Q Science / természettudomány > QA Mathematics / matematika
Depositing User: Kötegelt Import
Date Deposited: 30 Aug 2016 10:12
Last Modified: 15 Dec 2016 21:13

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