Annales Universitatis Scientiarum Budapestinensis de Rolando Eötvös Nominatae. Sectio Geologica, 1986

Annales Universitatis Scientiarum Budapestinensis de Rolando Eötvös Nominatae. Sectio Geologica, 26 - 1986.


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Nikolič, D. - Gatter I.: Genetic interpretation of the results of microthermometric studies on the liquid/gas inclusions of fluorites from Ravnaja (Yugoslavia) Imreh J. - Mészáros N. - Frentiu, M.: Geochemische Untersuchungen über eine Eozän – Oligozän Kalkstein – Serie aus dem norden des Siebenbürgischen Beckens (Rumänien) Szabó Cs.: Mineralogy, petrology and geochemistry of ultramafic nodules in lamprophyr dikes of Alcsútdoboz – 2 borehole (Bakonyicum, Hungary): Their origin and genetic implications Szabó Cs. - Szabó-Balog A.: Mineralogy and petrography of pyroclastics in Eocene/Oligocene boundary profiles (Hungary) Juhász Á.: Geohistory and mineral resources of Hungary Kázmér M.: Tectonic units of Hungary: their boundaries and stratigraphy (a bibliographic guide) Galácz A.: A new species of Mollistephanus (Stephanoceratidae, Ammonitina) from the Middle Jurassic of Lókút Hill (Bakony Mts., Hungary) Géczy B.: Changes of the view of evolution and the practice of stratigraphy Monostori M.: Environmental changes in Eocene/Oligocene boundary stratotypes in Hungary based on ostracod faunas Velledits F. - Híves T. - Bársony E.: A Jurrasic – Lower Cretaceous profile in Óbánya Valley (Mecsek Mts, Hungary) Galicz G.: Optical analysis of dispers organic matter of Senonian formations in the Hungarian Plain from the point view of hydrocarbon exploration Hidasi J.: Role of carbonate rocks in the genesis of bauxite Orsovai I.: The geochemical investigation of iron - manganese phase change in ground water medium Orsovai I.: The investigation of the theoretical basis of in situ elimination of iron and manganese with the help of model experiments Scharek Péter: Engineering-geological condition of Gödöllő Hills

Item Type: Journal
Publisher: Budapest : ELTE
Additional Information: Continued as Geologica Pannonica
Subjects: Q Science / természettudomány > QE Geology / földtudományok
Q Science / természettudomány > QH Natural history / természetrajz > QH526 Paleontology / őslénytan
Depositing User: Zsoltx xBaráth
Date Deposited: 12 Apr 2023 11:32
Last Modified: 15 Apr 2023 15:02

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