Annales Universitatis Scientiarum Budapestinensis de Rolando Eötvös Nominatae. Sectio Geologica, 2003

Annales Universitatis Scientiarum Budapestinensis de Rolando Eötvös Nominatae. Sectio Geologica, 35 - 2003. ISSN 0365-0634


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VIth ALPSHOP WORKSHOP SOPRON, HUNGARY 14-16 September, 2003 Edited by Csontos, L. Schmid, Stefan M. - Fügenschuh, Bernhard - Schuster, Ralf: Tectonic map of the Alps and overall architecture of the Alpine orogen Ferrari, Olivier M. - Luzieux, Leonard D.A. - Stampfli, Gerard M.: Formation and evolution of the northern Briançonnais passive margin Trullenque, Ghislain - Ceriani, Stefano - Fügenschuh, Bernhard - Schmid, Stefan M.: Polyphase tectonic activity on the Pennific front: a combined tectonic and microstructural study Trullenque, Ghislain - Schmid, Stefan M. - Heilbronner, Renée - Stunitz, Holger - Kunze, Karsten: Progressive shear in naturally deformed calcitic rocks: microfabric evolution and a new type of oblique c-axis-orientation Berger, Alfons - Engi, Martin: Metamorphism in the Lepontine Dome (Central Alps): Apparent simple pattern but complex history Maxelon, Michael - Mancktelow, Neil S.: Synform or monocline – the structure of the Southern Steep Belt in the Central Alps of Switzerland Froitzheim, Nikolaus - Pleuger, Jan - Roller, Sybille - Nagel, Thorsten: Exhumation of Alpine high- and ultra-high-pressure metamorphic rocks by slab extraction Lueschen, Ewald: Orogenic structure of the Eastern Alps revealed by TRANSALP Vibroseis, Dynamite and Cross-Line Surveys Reiter, Franz - Lenhardt, Wolfgang A. - Ortner, Hugo - Brandner, Rainer: TRANSALP deep seismic section as a key for understanding active tectonics along the Inntal fault zone Bleibinhaus, Florian - Gebrande, Helmut: Simultaneous refraction and reflection seismic tomography based on SIMUL with applications to the TRANSALP wide-angle data Kissling, Eduard - Schmid, Stefan M. - Lippitsch, Regina - Ansorge, Jörg - Fügenschuh, Bernd: Lithosphere structure and tectonic evolution of the Alpine arc: new evidence from high-resolution teleseismic tomography Brückl, Ewald - Bodoky Tamás - Hegedüs Endre - Hrubcová, Pavla - Gosar, Andrey - Grad, Marek - Guterch, Aleksander - Hajnal Zoltán - Keller, G. Randy - Špičák, A. - Sumanovac, S.: The ALP 2002 seismic experiment – data acquisition and first results Antal Ádám - Madarasi András - Koppán András - Novák Attila - Ritter Oliver - Szarka László - Tóth Zoltán - Ubránkovics Csaba - Varga Géza - Weckmann, Ute - Wesztergom Viktor: Magnetotelluric measurements along the CELEBRATION–07 line Willingshofer, Ernst - Sokoutis, Dimitrios - Burg, Jean-Pierre: On the influence of lateral strength variations on the evolution of collision zones: inferences from lithospheric-scale physical modelling Székely Balázs - Frisch, Wolfgang - Kuhlemann, Joachim - Dunkl István: Erodability vs. uplift rate: what controls the properties of the geomorphic domains in the Eastern Alps? – considerations based on Surface Processes Modelling Neubauer, Franz - Handler, Robert - Friedl, Gertrude - Genser, Johann: Palaeozoic to Triassic palaeogeographic and tectonic relationships of the Gurktal nappe complex, Eastern Alps: constraints from ⁴⁰Ar/³⁹Ar ages of detrital white mica Frank, Wolfgang - Schlager, Wolfgang: Upper Jurassic strike slip versus subduction in the Eastern Alps and the Meliatic palaeogeographic problem Rantitsch, Gerd - Grogger, Werner - Teichert, Christian - Ebner, Fritz - Hofer, Christian: Low-grade metamorphism within the Greywacke Zone of the Eastern Alps: Adjustment of carbonaceous material to advective heat transport Schuster, Ralf: Metamorphic evolution along the Eastern margin of the Alps Gregorová, Dagmar - Hrouda, František - Plašienka, Dušan: Tectonic structure of the Malé Karpaty Mts. in the light of the magnetic and structural research Mádai Ferenc - Németh Norbert: Synmetamorphic deformation mechanisms in the fine grained Triassic limestones of the Eastern Bükk Mts., Hungary Forián-Szabó Márton: Deformation patterns and strain analysis on anchimetamorphic rocks of the Bükk Mts. (NE Hungary) Koroknai Balázs - Horváth Péter - Németh Tibor: Alpine structural and metamorphic evolution in the Uppony and Szendrő Palaeozoic (NE Hungary): consequences from two new chloritoid schist occurrences Péró Csaba - Kovács Sándor - Less György - Fodor László: Geological setting of Triassic "Hallstatt" (s.l.) facies in NE Hungary Mello, Ján - Less György: The new geological map of the Gemer-Bükk area (1:100 000) Bárány Mónika - Csontos László: Late Jurassic – Early Cretaceous tectonics-induced deposits in N Hungary Kovács Sándor - Brezsnyánszky Károly - Haas János - Szederkényi Tibor - Ebner, Fritz - Pamić, Jacob - Gaetani, Mauritio - Vai, Gian-Battista - Kräutner, Hans G. - Vozár, Jozef - Vozárová, Anna: Tectonostratigraphic terrane and palaeoenvironment maps of the Circum-Pannonian Region Plašienka, Dušan: Early Alpine evolution of the Western Carpathians: Geological constraints on geodynamic models Frank, Wolfgang - Lelkes-Felvári Györgyi - Schuster, Ralf: Metamorphic evolution and geochronology of the Algyő high at the southern Tisza basement and its analogies with Koralm type crystallin from Eastern Alps Koroknai Balázs - Maros Gyula - Palotás Klára - Király Edit: Ductile tectonic evolution of the Mórágy Granite Complex (SW Hungary): a puzzle of the Variscan orogeny in Central Europe Tischler, Matthias - Groeger, Heike R. - Schmid, Stefan M. - Fuegenschuh, Bernhard: Miocene tectonics at the northern border of the Transylvanian Basin Groeger, Heike R. - Fuegenschuh, Bernhard - Tischler, Matthias: Tertiary structural evolution and exhumation history of the Rodna Mountains in Northern Romania: preliminary fission track data 7 Haas János - Péró Csaba: Mesozoic evolution of the Tisza Megaunit: a review Horváth Frank: The Pannonian "Zwischengebirge": a test-case for classical and modern theories of orogeny Hrouda, Frantisek - Krejčí, Oldrich - Potfaj, Michaľ - Stráník, Z.: Magnetic fabric and ductile deformation of sandstones of the thrust sheets of the western sector of the Flysch and Klippen Belts of the West Carpathians Márton Emő - Tokarski, Antoni K. - Túnyi Igor - Márton Péter - Krejčí, Oldřich: Accretion of the West Carpathians to Stable Europe as seen from Tertiary palaeomagnetic results Túnyi Igor - Márton Emő: Palaeomagnetic investigation of the Carpathian – North European platform collision zone Neubauer, Franz - Fritz, Harry - Genser, Johann - Kurz, W. - Nemes, Franz - Paul, E. - Willingshofer, Ernst: Structural evolution of an extrusional wedge: the Oligocene–Neogene central Eastern Alps Scholger, Robert - Stingl, Karl - Mauritsch, Hermann J.: New palaeomagnetic results from the Eastern Alpine Neogene basins indicate rotations of micro-plates during the Miocene Thöny, Wolfgang - Ortner, Hugo - Scholger, Robert: Palaeomagnetic data from the Northern Calcareous Alps, Central Alps and Southern Alps: joined post-Oligocene counterclockwise rotation Sasvári Ágoston - Kiss Adrienn - Csontos László: Microstructural investigation of the Telegdi Roth Line (Bakony Mts, W Hungary) Kiss Adrienn - Fodor László: Brittle structures of the Bakony Hills, western Hungary: constrains from palaeostress analysis and local structural mapping Fodor László - Márton Emő: The role of rotation in the Tertiary structural and stress field evolution of the Pannonian–Carpathian–East Alpine–North Dinaridic domain Márton Emő - Scholger, Robert - Mauritsch, Hermann J. - Tokarski, Antoni K. - Thöny, Wolfgang - Krejčí, Oldřich: Counterclockwise rotated Miocene molasse at the southern margin of Stable Europe indicated by palaeomagnetic data Wagreich, Michael: A mid-Cretaceous piggyback basin filled by a slope apron succession: the Tannheim and Losenstein formations of the Northern Calcareous Alps (Austria) Schuster, Ralf - Faupl, Peter - Frank, Wolfgang: Metamorphic detrius in the Cretaceous Gosau Group (Eastern Alps) Gavazzi, Alberto - Miletta, Stefania - Sciunnach, Dario - Tremolada, Fabrizio: Eocene plagioclase-arenites from the Southern Alps: record of a "meso-Alpine" volcanic arc Mikes Tamás - Dunkl István - Frisch, Wolfgang: Source area heterogeneity of Eocene flysch successions at the Southern Alps – Dinarides junction: new insights from chemistry of heavy minerals Strauss, Philipp - Harzhauser, Mathias - Hinsch, Ralph - Wagreich, Michael: Sequence stratigraphy from 3-D seismic and outcrops in the Southern Vienna Basin Sciunnach, Dario - Tremolada, Fabrizio: The Lombardian Gonfolite Group in central Brianza: calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy and sedimentary record of neo-Alpine tectonics Bini, Alfredo - Quinif, Yves - Sciunnach, Dario: Middle Pleistocene, deep-seated slope deformation at the front of a South Alpine thin-skinned thrust (Coltignone Unit, Lecco, Italy) Mancktelow, Neil S.: The Periadriatic Fault – still a major geotectonic problem! Vrabec, Marko - Pavlovčič Prešeren, Polona - Stopar, Bojan: Active movements along the faults of the Periadriatic Line system in NE Slovenia: First results of GPS measurments Accaino, Flavio - Gosar, Andrej - Millahn, Karl - Nicolich, Rinaldo - Poljak, Marijan - Rossi, Giuliana - Zgur, Fabrizio: Regional and high-resolution seismic reflection investigations in the Krško Basin (SE Slovenia) Fodor László - Balogh Kadosa - Dunkl István - Pécskay Zoltán - Koroknai Balázs - Trajanova, Mirka - Vrabec, Marko - Vrabec, Mirijam - Horváth Péter - Janák Marian - Lupták, Branislav: Structural evolution and exhumation of the Pohorje–Kozjak Mts., Slovenia Márton Emő - Zampieri, Dario - Dunkl István - Frisch, Wolfgang - Kázmér Miklós - Braga, Giampietro - Grandesso, Paolo: Tertiary rotations of the Venetian Alps and their foreland – tectonic implications of new palaeomagnetic data Tomljenović, Bruno - Csontos László - Mártom Emő - Márton Péter: Structural and Palaeomagnetic data from the border zone between Alps, Dinarides and Pannonian Basin (Medvednica and Samoborsko Gorje Mts., Croatia): Implications for geodynamic evolution of the area Thöny, Wolfgang - Ortner, Hugo - Scholger, Robert: An APWP (Apparent Polar Wanderpath) for the Alpine-Adria Microplate Túnyi Igor - Vass, Dionýz - Karoli, Stanislav - Janočko, Juraj - Beláček, Boris: Late Badenian magnetostratigraphy of the East Slovakian Basin Haas János - Kovács Sándor: The displaced Dinaridic–Alpine transition in the Pannonian basement Vasić, Nebojsa - Olujić, Jovan - Vujnović, Lazar - Karamata, Stevan: The chert sequence of Uzlomac (Bosnia) Formation: a continental slope formation in front of the Dinaridic Upper Triassic – Jurassic carbonate platform Balen, Dražen - Operta, Mevlida - Pamić, Jakob: The geothermobarometry of Alpine amphibolites from the metamorphic sole of the Krivaja–Konjuh ultramafic massif (Dinaride Ophiolite Zone, Bosnia) Neubauer, Franz - Pamić, Jakob - Dunkl István - Handler, Robert - Majer, V.: Exotic granites in the Cretaceous Pogari Formation overstepping the Dinaric Ophiolite Zone mélange in Bosnia Cvetković, Vladica - Downes, Hilary - Prelević, Dejan - Jovanović, Milivoje: Late Cretaceous/Tertiary East Serbian mantle dynamics inferred from study of mantle xenoliths Prelević, Dejan - Cvetković, Vladica: Geodynamic significance of the Tertiary ultrapotassic province from Serbia Gerzina, Natasa - Csontos László: Deformation sequence in the Vardar Zone: surroundings of Jadar block; Serbia Karamata, Stevan - Stefanovic, Dragoljub: Evolution of the Vardar Ocean during Mesozoic Csontos László - Gerzina, Natasa - Hrvatović, Hazim - Schmid, Stefan - Tomljenović, Bruno: Structure of the Dinarides: a working model Champod, Eric - Kock, Stépane - Colliard, Bastien - Stampfli, Gérard M.: The Permo–Triassic evolution of the Tethyan margins in the External Hellenides Rossetti, Federico - Vignaroli, Gianluca: Eastward-directed shearing during nappe emplacement in the Calabrian–Peloritan Arc Knezević, Slavica - Krstić, Nadezda - Vasiljević, Taska: Pleistocene horst of Northern Backa

Item Type: Journal
Publisher: Budapest : ELTE
Additional Information: Continued as Geologica Pannonica
Subjects: Q Science / természettudomány > QE Geology / földtudományok
Q Science / természettudomány > QH Natural history / természetrajz > QH526 Paleontology / őslénytan
Depositing User: Zsoltx xBaráth
Date Deposited: 12 Apr 2023 10:05
Last Modified: 12 May 2023 07:37

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