Acta Oeconomica, 1977

Acta Oeconomica, 19 - 1977. ISSN 0001-6373


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1977 / 1. szám Vincze Imre: On the Common Currency and the System of International Payments within the CMEA Fekete János: Monetary and Financial Problems in East and West Botos Katalin - Patai Mihály: An Examination of the Balance of Payments and Reserves in Countries with Convertible Currencies Fomii, Boris Sergeevič: Meždunarodnoe razdelenie truda i sotrudničestvo stran SÉV v ékonomičeskom razvitii Köves András: The Impact of Western Trade Restrictions on East-West Trade after World War II Watrin, Christian: Stabilization and Employment Problems in the Federal Republic of Germany REVIEWS Bácskai Tamás - Nagy Katalin: The Fourth Workshop on east-West European Economic Interaction and Comments from the Press BOOK REVIEWS Enyedi Gy.: Donáth, F.: reform és forradalom (Agrarian Reform and Revolution) Kiss Gy.: Andrics, J.: A technikai haladás társadalmi problémái a gazdasági szervezetekben (Social Problems of technical progress in Economic Organizations) Johansen, L.: Lectures on Macroeconomic Planning, Part I. General Aspects. North Holland Publ. Co. Amsterdam-New York-Oxford, 1977. 355 p. [ismertetés] Inotai András: Bethlen, S. (hrsg.): Osthandel in der Krise. Günter Olzog Verl. (Berichte und Studien der Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung e. V. Csiszér Á.: Cornelsen, D. - Machowski, H. - Schenk, K.-E. (hrsg.): Perspektiven und probleme wirtschaftlicher Zusammenarbeit von Ost- und Westeuropa. BOOKS RECEIVED About the Authors 1977 / 2. szám Szikszay Béla: Some Lessons from the Modifications of the System of Economic Regulation in Hungary Hoch Róbert: On the Theoretical Bases of Socialist Consumption Policy Dániel Zsuzsa: Reflections on the Measurement of Living Standards and Social Welfare Keller Judit: Relationship between the Population's Saving and Income in Hungary Lakatos Mária: Housing and the Ways of Obtaining a Flat in four Countries Olajos Árpád: Changing Expectations of the Working Population Towards Work in Hungary Rácz Albert: Incomes of the Population and Their Proportions in Hungary COMMENTS AND CRITICISMS Madarász A.: Is Keynes Really Dead for the Long Run? (A Comment on Professor Fellner's Article) Fellner, W.: Rejoinder to the Comments of Dr. A. Madarász Bródy András: Marx after Steedman Steedman, I.: A Reply to Professor Bródy Bródy András: Amends BOOK REVIEWS Leontief, W. (ed.): Structure, System and Economic Policy. Szita, J.: Perspectives for European Economic Cooperation. Forgács K.: Sipos, A.:A technikai haladás hatása a fejlett tőkésországok agrárviszonyaira (Impacts of technical Progress on Agricultural Conditions in Advanced Capitalist Countries) Schmidt, Á.: Meznerics, I.: Pénzügyi jog a szocialista gazdálkodásban és a nemzetközi kapcsolatokban (Financial Law in the Socialist Economy and in International Relations) Meznerics I.: Szentiványi, I.: A pénzintézetek jogállása (The Legal Status of Banking Institutions) BOOKS RECEIVED About the Authors 1977 / 3-4. szám Németh Kálmán: Long-Term Foreign Economic Policy and Development of the Production Structure in Hungary Bálint József: Lenin o sootnošenii ékonomiki i politiki Erdős Péter - Molnár Ferenc: A Method for Estimating the Income, Consumption and Savings of Social Groups (Based on USA Statistics) Csikós-Nagy Béla: Inflation Theory and Anti-Inflation Policy Erdős Tibor: On the Changes of the rate and Share of Profits Drechsler László: Problems of the Measurement and Planning of Efficiency in Hungary Nyitrai Vera: A Comparison of the Austrian and the Hungarian Industries Shmellev, Nikolay: Problems of an All-European Economic Cooperation REVIEWS Becsky R.: Economic Development Orientation in Hungary - A Press Debate Tóthfalusi A.: Scientific Session on Problems of the Socialist Economy at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences BIBLIOGRAPHY Publications of Hungarian Economists in Foreign Languages, Part 4. BOOKS RECEIVED About the Authors

Item Type: Journal
Publisher: Akadémiai Kiadó
Additional Information: Acta Oeconomica : periodical of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Vol. 19. (1977)
Subjects: H Social Sciences / társadalomtudományok > HB Economic Theory / közgazdaságtudomány
Depositing User: Kötegelt Import
Date Deposited: 10 Oct 2016 07:33
Last Modified: 14 Dec 2016 16:15

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