Acta Mathematica, 1979

Acta Mathematica, 33 - 1979. ISSN 0001-5954


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1979 / 1-2. szám George Alexits Askey, R.: Some absolutely monotonic functions Bleimann, G. - Stark, E. L. - Wilmes, G.: A construction of processes of best approximation Butzer, P. L. - Stens, R. L. - Wehrens, M.: Saturation classes of the Cesaro and Abel-Poisson means of Fourier-Legendre series Csáki E. - Révész P.: How big must be the increments of a Wiener process? Császár Á. - Laczkovich Miklós: Some remarks on discrete Baire classes Erdős P.: Some unconventional problems in number theory Görlich, E. - Wallerath, P.: An example of a best possible Zamansky type inequality with exponential order Korevaar, J. - Dixon, M.: Nonspanning sets of exponentials on curves Kratz, W. - Trautner, R.: On the summability of function series Leindler L.: Strong approximation of Fourier series and structural properties of functions Lorentz, G. G. - Riemenschneider, S. D.: Probabilistic approach to Schoenberg's problem in Birkhoff interpolation Luh, W.: Über cluster sets analytischer Funktionen Mathur, K. K. - Sharma, A.: Discrete polynomial splines on the circle Meir, A.: Approximation by quadratic splines Móricz F.: Exponential estimates for the maximum of partial sums. I Nessel, R. J. - Wilmes, G.: Nikolskii-type inequalities in connection with regular spectral measures Schipp F.: On a generalization of the Haar system Simon P.: On the convergence of Vilenkin-Fourier series Szabados J.: On some problems connected with polynomials orthogonal on the complex unit circle Tandori K.: Bemerkung zur Konvergenz der Funktionenreihen Teljakovskii, S. A.: On integrability of lacunary trigonometric series with weight Vértesi P.: Convergent interpolatory processes for arbitrary systems of nodes 1979 / 3-4. szám Govaerts, W.: Decomposition of universal function spaces Suryanarayana, D. - Subrahmanyam, P.: The maximal k-free divisor of m which is prime to n. II Keng-Teh Tan: A note on semi-primary group rings Lucht, L. - Wolke, D.: Trigonometrische Reihen über multiplikativen Zahlenmengen. II Fisher, B.: Some results on fixed points Stern, M.: A note on p-compatible AC-lattices Levikson, B.: On the behaviour of a certain class of approximation operators for discontinuous functions Basu, A. K. - Dorea, C. C. Y.: On functional central limit theorem for stationary martingale random fields Hwang, J. S.: A Turán's problem on the 0-2 interpolation based on zeros of Jacobi-polynomials Tominaga, H.: A generalization of a theorem of A. Kertész Goetgheluck, P.: Polynomial inequalities and Markov's inequality in weighted Lp-spaces Vértesi P.: Hermite-Fejér type interpolations. II Erdős P. - Kátai I.: On the growth of some additive functions on small intervals Balogh Z.: On the structure of spaces which are paracompact p-spaces hereditarily Moór A.: Über nicht-holonome otsukische Räume Nagy B.: On an operational calculus for meromorphic functions Tandori K.: Bemerkung zu einem Satz von G. Alexits und A. Sharma O'Malley, R. J.: Approximately continuous functions which are continuous almost everywhere Laczkovich Miklós: A note on approximately continuous and a.e. continuous functions Kollár J.: The category of unary algebras, containing a given subalgebra

Item Type: Journal
Publisher: Akadémiai Kiadó
Additional Information: Acta Mathematica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, Tomus 33. (1979)
Subjects: Q Science / természettudomány > QA Mathematics / matematika
Depositing User: Kötegelt Import
Date Deposited: 30 Aug 2016 10:14
Last Modified: 16 Dec 2016 20:23

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