A Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Tihanyi Biológiai Kutatóintézetének Évkönyve, 1947

A Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Tihanyi Biológiai Kutatóintézetének Évkönyve, 17 - 1947.


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Beznák Aladár B. L.: Foreword Sebestyén Olga: Cladocera studies in Lake Balaton I. Mud-living Cladocera and muddy bottom as environment Entz Béla: Qualitative and quantitative studies in the coatings of Potamogeton perfoliatus and Myriophyllum spicatum in Lake Balaton Iharos Alfonz: The Tardigrada fauna of the Tihany peninsula Hortobágyi Tibor: Sestosoma villosum nov. gen. et sp. (Chlorophycea, Protococcales) Balogh János: Quantitative methods in collecting grasshoppers Keve András - Pátkai Imre - Udvardy Miklós - Vertse Albert: Bericht der Ornithologischen Balaton-Forschung in den Jahren 1942 und 1943 Udvardy Miklós D. F.: Methods of bird sociological survey, on the basis of some Tihany communities investigated Soó Rezső: Zur Systematik und Soziologie der Phanerogamen Vegetation der ungarischen Binnengewässer. Nachträge Felföldy Lajos J. M.: Chromosome numbers of certain Hungarian plants Felföldy Lajos: Soziologisch-cytogeographische Untersuchungen über die pannonische Ruderalvegetation Havas László J. - Felföldy Lajos J. M.: Fasciations and kindred teratisms induced in plants by polyploidogenic agents Havas László J.: Curative effects of darkening stem tips upon phytocarcinomata Havas László J.: L'action de la colchicine, administrée seule ou en combinaison avec des hormones, sur la croissance et sur le developpement des embryons de la grenouille. (Communication préliminaire) Fábián Gyula: Effects of colchicine injected in female Drosophila Fábián Gyula: A new method for narrowing micro-capillaries Matoltsy A. Gedeon - Fábián Gyula: Measurement of the photodynamic effect of cancerogenic substances on biological indicators (Drosophila) Fábián Gyula - Matoltsy A. Gedeon: The effect of 3-4 benzpyrene in respect to the nondisjunction frequency in Drosophila melanogaster Matoltsy A. Gedeon: Investigation of the effect of 3-4 benzpyrene on amphibia Gerendás Mihály - Matoltsy A. Gedeon: Microscopic investigation of muscle fibril turned on its longitudinal axis Horváth János: The question of the equality of somatic and germ nuclei in respect to heredity and survival, on the basis of studies in a soil protozoon Beznák Margit - Hajdu István: The distribution of the different protein fractions in normal and hypertrophized cats' hearts Hajdu István - Beznák Margit: Method of producing heart hypertrophy in albino rats by narrowing the aorta ascendens Beznák Margit - Dobozy Elemér - Hajdu István: Changes in the electrocardiogram produced by the narrowing of the ascending aorta in white rats Hajdu István - Beznák Margit - Rády Zsuzsanna: The autonomic innervation of the heart in regulating the blood sugar Csáky Tihamér - Magyary-Kossa Gyula: Experimenteller Verletzungsschock bei weissen Ratten Csáky Tihamér - Magyary-Kossa Gyula: Über die Rolle des Histamins im Zustandekommen des sekundären traumatischen Schocks weisser Ratten Csáky Tihamér Z. - Kovách Arisztid Gy. B.: Blood pressure response to histamine in cats, before and after pre-treatment with histamine Beznák Aladár B. L. - Gáspár-Rády Zsuzsanna - Kovách Arisztid Gy. B.: The distribution of lethal sensitivity to histamine in normal and histamine pre-treated guinea pigs Kovách Arisztid Gy. B. - Beznák Aladár B. L. - Gáspár-Rády Zsuzsanna: The mechanism of the increase in resistance against lethal doses of histamine developed by previous injections of small histamine doses Beznák Aladár B. L. - Beznák Margit - Gáspár-Rády Zsuzsanna: The effect of prolonged administration of 1-ascorbic and d-gluconic acid on the body-weight, food, water and salt-solution consumption of albino rats Beznák Aladár B. L. - Beznák Margit - Gáspár-Rády Zsuzsanna: The effect of prolonged administration of 1-ascorbic and d-gluconic acid on the weight, fat, protein, glycogen and vitamin-C content of some organs of albino rats Csáky Tihamér Z.: Improving the biological value of bread made with corn (maize) flour, by the addition of extracted sunflower meal Gerendás Mihály - Lóránd László: Haemophylblutgerinnung und Plasmakinin Krámli András: Anodic oxidation of cholesterol derivatives Krámli András: Preparation of 7-dehydrocholesterol, and of 7-oxycholesterol

Item Type: Journal
Publisher: Barátság Könyvkiadó, Lapterjesztő és Könyvnyomdai Szövetkezet
Additional Information: Archiva Biologica Hungarica, Vol. 17. (1947)
Subjects: Q Science / természettudomány > QH Natural history / természetrajz > QH301 Biology / biológia
Depositing User: Kötegelt Import
Date Deposited: 26 Oct 2016 08:36
Last Modified: 04 Jan 2017 18:31

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