Acta Physica, 1977

Acta Physica, 43 - 1977.


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1977 / 1. szám Obituary. L. Jánossy 1912-1978 O. E. Badawy, A. A. El-Naghy - A. Hussein - N. Mettwali - M. M. Sherif: Inelastic Interactions of 69 GeV/c Protons with Emulsion Nucleons Nabil A. Eissa - Alaa El-Din - A. Bahgat - Salah H. Salah: Mössbauer Effect Study of CO-Ferrite Formation O. E. Badawy - M. T. Hussein: Effective Target Mass Distribution in Relativistic Proton-Nucleon Inelastic Interaction L. Jánossy - P. Király - A. Werner: Penetration through and Reflection on two Thin Potential Barriers B. G. Verma - R. C. Srivastava: Artificial Mechanism of Heat Conductiob for the Discussion of Magnetogasdynamic Shocks P. Singh: Non-equilibrium Theory of Unsteady Heat Conduction M. F. Kotkata: The Schlieren Distribution of the Cathodic Diffusion Layer B. G. Verma - R. C. Srivastava: Propagation and Growth of Magnetogasdynamic Shock Waves in Inhomogeneous Fluids Animesh Basu: Mixed Boundary Value Problems in Magneto-Elasto Dynamics K. L. Nagy: Event Horizons Around a Particle Surrounded by a Static Confinement Potential S. Stamenkovic - N. M. Plakida - V. L. Aksienov - T. Siklós: Unified Theory of Ferroelectric Phase Transitions: Quantum Limit Recensiones 1977 / 2. szám I. Ketskeméti - L. Gáti - A. Győri - L. Kozma: The Determination of True Decay Time of Fluorescence of Dye Solutions at a Very Low Concentration M. K. El-Mously - M. F. Kotkata: Kinetics of Disorder-Order Transition in S-Se Alloys D. Kramer: Einstein-Maxwell Fields with Null Killing Vector P. Singh: Lagrangian Thermodynamics as a Particular Case of Governing Principle of Dissipative Processes D. K. Datta - J. R. Rao: Singularities in Static Axially Symmetric Coupled Fields K. M. Damuev: Isszledovanie vozmozsnoszti szozdanijá labinno-proletnogo dioda na geteroperehode germanij-arszenid gallija R. C. Sharma: Stability of Rotating Stratified Fluid in the Presence of a Variable Horizontal Magnetic Field S. N. Dube: Heat TRansfer in Two-Phase Laminar Flow for Timewise Linear Variation of Inlet Temperature in a Circular Pipe L. Jánossy - M. Ziegler-Náray: Wave Mechanics and the Photon III. Formulation of the Simultaneous Equations I. Kovács - M. I. M. El-Agrab: The Intensity Distribution of the 5?-5? Bands in Diatomic Molecules Communicationes Breves J. Domin - U. Domin - M. Rytel: Measurements on the Fourth Positive Band System of 14C16O Molecule in the Near Ultraviolet Region Recensiones 1977 / 3-4. szám D. C. Patil - V. M. Korwar: Iteration and Langer's Methods for Computing Wace Functions K. S. Shirkot - Surjit Singh: Two-Phase Flow Heat Transfer in a Channel when the Inlet Temperature Varies Linearly with Time M. Y. Nasir: Equation of State of the System of Alfvén Waves V. Vidyanidhi - V. C. Chenchu Raju: Travelling Waves on the Surface of a Falling Liquid Film Past a Permeable Bed E. Nagy: On the Inverse of the Pomeranchuk Theorem D. D. Haldavnekar - V. M. Soundalgekar: Effects of Mass Transfer on Free Convective Flow of an Electrically Conducting, Viscous Fluid Past an Infinite Porous Plate with Constant Suction and Transversely Applied Magnetic Field R. C. Sharma - K. C. Sharma: Rayleight-Taylor Instability of Two Superposed Conducting Fluids in the Presence of Suspended Particles O. E. Badawy - A. A. El-Sourogy: Statistical Fluctuations of (d, p) and (d, a) Reactions on 32S Target Nuclei at 135fok O. E. Badawy - K, M, Abdo M. Tawfik: In-elastic Interactions of 6.0 GeV/c Protons with C, N, O, and Ag, Br Nuclei L. Jánossy - M. Ziegler-Náray: Wave Mechanics and the Photon IV. I. Kovács - I. Péczeli: Contribution to the Intensity Distributions of the Multiplet Bands in Diatomic Molecules I. I. Kovács - A. Grandpierre: Contribution to the Intensity Distributions of the Multiplet Bands in Diatomic Molecules II. Communicatio Brevis M. Y. Nasir: Segregation of Magnetohydrodynamic Waves in an Ideal Medium Recensiones

Item Type: Journal
Publisher: Akadémiai Kiadó
Additional Information: Acta Physica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, Tomus 43. (1977)
Subjects: Q Science / természettudomány > QC Physics / fizika
Depositing User: Kötegelt Import
Date Deposited: 26 Oct 2016 06:23
Last Modified: 20 Dec 2016 22:00

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