Publications of Debrecen Heliophysical Observatory, 1983

Publications of Debrecen Heliophysical Observatory, 5 - 1983.


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Part 1 List of Participants and Non-Participant Co-Authors No. 1. Invited Review Papers V. N. Obridko: Some trends in modern Solar Physics V. E. Stepanov - V. V. Kasinskij: A short review of the investigations of Solar Flares in the SMY V. Bumba: Proper motions observed in active regions No. 2. Papers related to the Solar Maximum Year Programs I. M. Chertok - V. V. Fomichev - V. N. Ishkov - A. K. Markeev - G. S. Minasyants - S. O. Obashev: Relationship of the dynamic events in optical and radio ranges during the flares of November 9 and 10, 1979 B. Sylwester - J. Sylwester - J. Jakimiec - R. Mewe - R. D. Bentley: SMM Flat Crystal Spectrometer data analysis of 7 April 1980 Flare A. Antalová: The Photospheric Doppler Shift Observed in Hale ARs 16862 amd 16863 (May 22 and 23, 1980) I. Nagy: Sunspot proper motions in the Western Part of Hale Region 16864 (May 25-29, 1980) N. Seehafer: Possible Magnetic Reconnection in the Solar Activity Complex of May 1980 J. Jakimiec - R. Mewe - J. Schrijver - J. Sylvester - B. Sylvester: Time variation of the differential emission measure of hot flare plasma L. Gesztelyi - L. Kondás: The development of activity in Hale Region 17098 (28 August-8 September 1980) P. Ambrož: Location of sources of Solar noise stroms relative to the structure of extrapolated coronal magnetic fields V. F. Mel'nikov - V. P. Nefed'ev - T. S. Podstrigach - V. S. Prokudina - N. N. Potapov - G. Ya. Smol'kov: The radio bursts of 13 and 16 May 1981 and associated events in the radio brightness distribution above an activity complex K. V. Alikaeva - N. N. Konrashova - P. N. Polupan - T. I. Redyuk: Photospheric layers of flares fro May 14, 15, 1981 H. Aurass - A. Böhme - A. Krüger: The radio emission and active region development during the period of May 15-25, 2981 V. N. Ishkov - A. K. Markeev - V. V. Fomichev - G. P. Chernov - I. M. Chertok - O. B. Likin - N. F. Pisarenko - B. Valnicek - M. Karlicky - A. Tlamicha - F. Fárnik - B. Kálmán: Peculiarities of the Development of Flare on May 16, 1981 as Observed in Optical, X-rays and Radio Waves B. Kálmán - I. Nagy: Proper motions in Hale Region 17644 (May 1981) and the May 16 Flare K. V. Alikaeva - I. F. Nikulin - P. N. Polupan: Variation of H## and H## profiles during 16 May, 1918 Flare No. 3. Papers on mass motion and magnetic fields in Solar Active Regions N. N. Stepanyan: Background magnetic fields and activity on the Sun F. N. Koval' - N. N. Stepanyan: Variations in the magnetic fields of Sunspots related to Flares S. I. Gopasyuk - B. Kálmán - V. A. Romanov: Changes in the large-scale current system in the course of the evolution of an active region R. B. Teplitskaya - I. P. Turova - G. V. Kuklin: The study of the dynamic process of umbral flashes Z. B. Korobova: Studies of kinematic elements in two multicenter Sunspot Groups V.E. Merkulenko - L. E. Palamarchuk - V. I. Polyakov: Phase-coherence of chromospheric oscillations within an activity complex and dynamic processes in a filament during the Flares on 6 October 1979 L. Dezső - Á. Kovács: A note on flare loops B. I. Ryabov - A. R. Spektor: Coronal magnetic structures related to Solar flares S. I. Avdyushin - M. M. Alibegov - A. F. Bogomolov - V. A. Burov - E. I. Zajtsev - S. P. Leonenko - V. A. Poperchenko: Radioemission of weak sources and magnetic field structure I. Sattarov - Z. B. Korobova: Development and flare activity in the large Sunspot Group in July 1982 V. N. Ishkov - Z. B. Korobova - E. I. Mogilevskij: Evolution of structure, proper motions and some peculiarities of large flares in the active region of June-July 1982 G. Bachmann - A. Hofmann - J. Staude: Results of vector magnetographic measurements in the Active Region SD 228/229 on 15 July 1982 V. M. Grigor'ev - B. F. Osak - V. L. Selivanov: Determination of the active region magnetic field structure using vector-magnetographic measurements Part 2 No. 4. Miscellaneous papers on theoretical aspects of Solar activity G. V. Kuklin - V. E. Stapanov: The zonal streams in the Solar Corona E. I. Mogilevskij: The problem of the principal source of energy and mass of Solar flares V. A. Mazur - A. V. Stepanov: Dynamics of energetic protons on Solar magnetics loops Alfven wave dispersion effects N. Seehafer - J. Hildebrandt - A. Krüger - Sh. Ahmedov - G. V. Gel'frejkh: A comparison between highly resolved S-component observations and model calculations using force-free magnetic field extrapolations V. P. Nefed'ev: Variation of circular and linear polarization in burst emission as a consequence of dynamic processes in the Solar atmosphere Yu. D. Zhugzhda - J. Staude - V. Locans: A model of the oscillations in the chromosphere and transition region above Sunspot umbrae V. E. Merkulenko - V. I. Polyakov: A possible model for global oscillations of the Sun according to Hill's Observational data V. N. Dermendjiev: On the effects of magnetic energy increase in the Sunspot chromosphere E. I. Mogilevskij: Synergic explanation of the evolution of Solar magnetic field structures I. K. Csada: New computational results for the Solar dynamo No. 5. Papers on various observational methods and results M. N. Gnevyshev - V. P. Mikhajlutsa: Stability of the photometric out-off-eclipse observations of the Solar Corona and variations of its intensity in the 21th Solar cycle M. Minarovjech - V. Rušin - M. Rybanský: Periodic variations of 530.3 nm Coronal line A. B. Delone - E. A. Makarova - J. Sýkora: Ascent motions in the Monochromatic Corona during total Solar eclipse of July 31, 1981 J. Sýkora: Coronal hole as a probable source of the highest geoactivity in 1981 J. Paciorek - T. Ciurla - B. Rompolt: Observations and interpreparation of a set of limb events of September 2, 1979 I. N. Garczynska - P. Majer - B. Rompolt: The card index of ejections at the Wroclaw Observatory B. Ruzičková-Toplová - L. Bufka: Flare geoefficiency in relation to photospheric magnetic field orientation of active regions S. Knoška - L. Krivský: Flares of type II and IV radio bursts in magnetic types of Sunspot Groups V. P. Maksimov: The position of flare seats of Sunspot umbrae A. Ludmány: Asymmetry of non-splitting spectral lines in Sunspots M. Sobotka: Stray light determination in small Sunspots G. Bachmann - K. Pflug: Minimum instrumental polarization at Coelostat Telescope T. Baranyi - A. Ludmány: Synthesis of Halfa-profiles from filter transmission functions S. I. Avdyushin - M. M. Alibegov - A. F. Bogomolov - V. A. Burov - E. N. Zajtsev - S. P. Leonenko - B. A. Poperchenko: Active region characteristics from two-frequency mappint with a Telescope TNA-1600 O. A. Golubchina - V. N. Ikhsanova: Observations of rapid variations of the polarized and non-polarized radio emission of local sources with the Ratan-600 AT gamma = 2.3 and 4.5 cm by the "Relay-Race" method A. Krüger - F. Fürstenberg - J. Hildebrandt - Sh. B. Ahmedov - V. M. Bogod - A. N. Korzhavin: On the height scale of magnetic fields above Sunspot derived from RATAN-600 Observations and model calculations N. S. Kaverin - M. M. Kobrin - A. I. Korshunov - V. V. Shushunov - H. Aurass - F. Fürstenberg - J. Hildebrandt - A. Krüger - N. Seehafer: On the relation between spectral characteristics of the microwave emission from Solar active regions and physical conditions of the Solar atmosphere S. T. Akinyan - V. V. Fomichev - I. M. Chertok - H. Aurass - A. Krüger: Effects characterizing the relationship of radio bursts and proton flares of 1980 N. S. Kaverin - A. I. Korshunov - V. V. Shushunov - H. Aurass - H. Detlefs - H. Hartmann - A. Krüger - J. Kurths: Spectrographic Observations of Solar microwave bursts in the 5.3-7.4 GHz range Abbreviations used in references List of consultation papers not included in this volume An account of some extra sessions of the consultation Name index (authors and participants)

Item Type: Journal
Publisher: Debrecen Heliophysical Observatory, MTA
Additional Information: Publications of Debrecen Heliophysical Observatory 5. (1983)
Subjects: Q Science / természettudomány > QB Astronomy, Astrophysics / csillagászat, asztrofizika
Depositing User: Kötegelt Import
Date Deposited: 28 Jul 2016 07:10
Last Modified: 19 Dec 2016 19:26

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